Althea told me...
He's merely repeating what the under educated say. Ironic, given his username.Are you saying that you don't want the virus controlled?
He's merely repeating what the under educated say. Ironic, given his username.Are you saying that you don't want the virus controlled?
Are you saying that you don't want the virus controlled?
You admit that trump failed miserably in his feeble attempt to bring a vaccine to market. How many billions did he waste?
are you saying you don't care if people are permanently damaged trying to control the virus?
mRNA technology has been around for centuries.
He's merely repeating what the under educated say. Ironic, given his username.
Nope. Not saying that.
It is estimated to affect about one person in 100,000 each year, and most people eventually recover from the disorder, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
The cases reported after receiving the J&J shot largely occurred about two weeks after vaccination and mostly in males, many aged 50 years and older, according to the CDC. Available data do not show a similar pattern with Pfizer’s or Moderna’s vaccine, the agency said.
U.S. regulators are expected to emphasize that the J&J vaccine is safe and that its benefits clearly outweigh the potential risks, the Post reported, citing people familiar with the situation.
After a rough battle with COVID-19, a North Carolina woman who was unvaccinated is now urging people to get the shot, 13News reports.
"I thought I was healthy enough and that I could escape it," said Linda Edwards, who contracted the virus about three weeks ago. "Really, it was the most frightening thing I've ever been through in my life."
"It was devastating. I had no dreams of ever staying that long. It's the longest I've ever been in the hospital," she said of her two-week hospital stay. "I was there hoping and praying my son was okay here because he had tested positive, too."
Her son, Shane, had been airlifted to the same hospital she was staying in and was in the room right next to her, but doctors didn't tell her because they didn't want to worry her. Shane was a dire situation of his own, facing renal failure and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
"They thought it would really bother me, and it would have because he was really serious," she said. "They said it's a miracle he walked out of there."
"It's changed my whole life. I'll never be the same," Edwards said. "I just thought if I live through this, I want to go on a mission to try to help people to see that it is not worth not taking the vaccine because of what it can do to your family. We could've easily have had two funerals."
Only 34% of the people in the county where Edwards lives are partially vaccinated, and 31% are fully vaccinated. According to Graham County Health Director Beth Booth, the vaccine hesitancy in the county "is almost taken to another level."
"We feed them the science and the information, but they still believe a certain way. A lot of the belief system out here is that it is still very political," Booth said.
As for Edwards, she says she'll be getting vaccinated as soon as she can.
This virus has already taken some of my High School Graduating class of 1969.
My first wife is on the Class Reunion Committee and has advised me we have lost 10 people we graduated with to this virus.
so basically you don't want to acknowledge those 100 because of guilt? or you don't want to acknowledge that there was a rush to judgement? or you simply do not care about people dying as long as you feel safe?
After a rough battle with COVID-19, a North Carolina woman who was unvaccinated is now urging people to get the shot, 13News reports.
or to the flu, heart disease, or cancer. They probably died of something else, they just happen to have covid at the time, the stats on this one have been one big lie
You are being misled by your assumption!
People have pre-conditions that makes them more at risk for death when viruses attack them.
People that freeze to death actually die from a heart failure- BUT THE DEATH WAS CAUSED FROM GETTING THEMSELVES LOCKED UP IN A FREEZER!
People die of lung cancer everyday- BUT IT WAS THEIR SMOKING FOR 50 years that actually caused the cancer!
People that die of pneumonia- actually die from a heart attack!
If a person dies from complications of a virus that invaded their body- THE VIRUS IS THE ULTIMATE CAUSE or ROOT CAUSE OF THEIR DEATH!
SO you may want to start looking at things in the proper light and stop playing silly political charade games- FOR YOUR OWN HEALTH OF COURSE!
... yet you ignore all of the stories of people who have been killed or maimed because of this jab... Take a look at Senator Ron Johnson's presser that he held where a number of covid jab victims spoke out and begged to be heard and helped.
Explains why the Trumptards are scared of a little poke:
"mostly in males, many aged 50 years and older..."
Lie...we get fed lies BS and gut calls as all who say anything outside of the script handed down by power get censored....Just look at Bret and Heather.
... yet you ignore all of the stories of people who have been killed or maimed because of this jab... Take a look at Senator Ron Johnson's presser that he held where a number of covid jab victims spoke out and begged to be heard and helped.
From what I can tell, male Trump supporters older than 50 years old tend to be grossly overweight, unhealthy, and seemingly have a diet high in cheap beer and pork rinds.
I would not leap to the conclusion that J and J shots are responsible for any rare medical condition beyond the underlying lack of physical health these obese Deplorables already have.