"Its devastating, I'll never be the same"

Exactly, dying with covid is not the same as dying from covid, it was one big lie with flu numbers getting thrown in and pneumonia numbers too.

Pneumonia is the number one cause of death from the VIRUS or any flu!

I don't think Trump poured even one vial, nice try though

You fan boys of Trump spent a year demanding Trump be worshipped for delivering effective vaccines to mitigate the pandemic.

Now you are telling us Trump funded and promoted dangerous vaccines.

So Trump is a bigger failure than many of us already knew.
Or join the gym and don't be a fat fuck.

I'm not a 'fat fuck'. In fact, I'm in very good shape. I have mild asthma. I don't think that's something I can 'go to the gym' to get rid of. I'm also 65. I was considered 'at risk' Lots of people with gym memberships died of Covid. The single smartest thing you can do to avoid getting Covid is...... wait for it. GET THE FUCKING VACCINE.

This is not rocket science.
I'm not a 'fat fuck'. In fact, I'm in very good shape. I have mild asthma. I don't think that's something I can 'go to the gym' to get rid of. I'm also 65. I was considered 'at risk' Lots of people with gym memberships died of Covid. The single smartest thing you can do to avoid getting Covid is...... wait for it. GET THE FUCKING VACCINE.

This is not rocket science.

Ok fatty. Yout waist line is probably a 65 too.
I'm not a 'fat fuck'. In fact, I'm in very good shape. I have mild asthma. I don't think that's something I can 'go to the gym' to get rid of. I'm also 65. I was considered 'at risk' Lots of people with gym memberships died of Covid. The single smartest thing you can do to avoid getting Covid is...... wait for it. GET THE FUCKING VACCINE.

This is not rocket science.

After a rough battle with COVID-19, a North Carolina woman who was unvaccinated is now urging people to get the shot, 13News reports.

"I thought I was healthy enough and that I could escape it," said Linda Edwards, who contracted the virus about three weeks ago. "Really, it was the most frightening thing I've ever been through in my life."

"It was devastating. I had no dreams of ever staying that long. It's the longest I've ever been in the hospital," she said of her two-week hospital stay. "I was there hoping and praying my son was okay here because he had tested positive, too."

Her son, Shane, had been airlifted to the same hospital she was staying in and was in the room right next to her, but doctors didn't tell her because they didn't want to worry her. Shane was a dire situation of his own, facing renal failure and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

"They thought it would really bother me, and it would have because he was really serious," she said. "They said it's a miracle he walked out of there."

"It's changed my whole life. I'll never be the same," Edwards said. "I just thought if I live through this, I want to go on a mission to try to help people to see that it is not worth not taking the vaccine because of what it can do to your family. We could've easily have had two funerals."

Only 34% of the people in the county where Edwards lives are partially vaccinated, and 31% are fully vaccinated. According to Graham County Health Director Beth Booth, the vaccine hesitancy in the county "is almost taken to another level."

"We feed them the science and the information, but they still believe a certain way. A lot of the belief system out here is that it is still very political," Booth said.

As for Edwards, she says she'll be getting vaccinated as soon as she can.
I had and still have the antibodies to da coronavirus meaning that I had it of course. Didn’t miss a beat. Maybe it’s because I eat heathy (racism of course ) and I do very serious swim workouts three times a week (more racism).
I had and still have the antibodies to da coronavirus meaning that I had it of course. Didn’t miss a beat. Maybe it’s because I eat heathly (racism of course ) and I do very serious swim workouts three times a week (more racism).
Great combination....do you swim with a Master's program or on your own?
You fan boys of Trump spent a year demanding Trump be worshipped for delivering effective vaccines to mitigate the pandemic.

Now you are telling us Trump funded and promoted dangerous vaccines.

So Trump is a bigger failure than many of us already knew.

LMAO, your conspiracy guys make me laugh the most
Typical hospitalized Covid patients now are under 40 and not vaccinated. Stupidly is killing them. And 30% of kids with Covid have long term effects. But go ahead and keep making excuses for your selfishness and ignorance. Good luck in the ICU. You’ll need it.
Why did you ask me for specific examples where covid vaccines have caused death if you have nothing of substance to say about the specific examples I provided (only a holy link)??

You're now shifting the goalposts away from "show me ONE specific example where a covid vaccine has killed or maimed someone" to "uhhhh, well, ummmmm, covid itself has killed more people than the covid jab has". Don't think I didn't notice...

You asked for ONE example and I was generous enough to give you a few more on top of just one, and why did you even ask me that if you were already aware of the death reports to VAERS?? (which is actually up to around 10,000 deaths atm, and not every case gets reported to VAERS)

The covid jab has killed more people than covid has killed.