It's going to take a war...

Conservative talk show host, Glen Beck, described it as 1860 America. We are a people on the brink, and we don't even seem to realize it.

In even the reddest state Obama got at least 30% of the vote. Same for blue states and McCain.

In 1860, Lincoln wasn't even on the ballot in southern states, the southern candidates were practically irrelevant in the north (winning single digits), and it took decades for the Republicans to get to point where they beat minor parties like the Socialists in southern presidential races.

The situations don't even compare.

You are just a lunatic.
Your team cheated to win Dixie!

They were not the peoples choice.

I have no doubt your type will create a frenzy and talk some sick kid into pulling another Murrah building.

sore loser

i bet you blame the electronic score board when you get your ass handed to you in bowling
sore loser

i bet you blame the electronic score board when you get your ass handed to you in bowling

If the people working the electronic scoreboard got to decide which pins counted and which didn't, she might get a little sore.
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You obviously expected the liberals to accept a conservatism and learn to like it. Why is this any different?

Why is YOUR ideology so holy and righteous? Because you say it is?

More american citizens VOTED to democrats than for republicans. If you claim to be an american, you will stand behind the will of the people and support whoever is in power. That is what you wanted from the dems for the past 8 years. And now you refuse to do the same, and actually talk about (encourage?) a revolution because YOUR ideology is not in power?

Thats bullshit, Dixie, and you know it. You may be a diehard conservative but you are not an idiot. This is NOT the way things are going to work unless EVERYONE steps up and helps.

Yepper. And the repubs will get ragged on more because the perception is that they let this recession and bailout happen while they were at the helm.
Of course if the liberal media would just quit talking about Obama's recession it would not even exist.
Solitary, why don't you fucking learn how to read? I get so tired of correcting you on what you apparently THINK you read from me! I fully realize more people voted for Obama than McCain, and liberal democrats, through hook or crook, have found themselves in control, with complete political power to do whatever the fuck they want to do! I can deal with that, and I don't have a problem whatsoever with it.

What troubles me is, the attitude of you and your pinhead buddies, who think you fucking speak for ALL of America now, and this incessant hatred and vitriol which is CONTINUING even in the wake of your political victory! Your guy won an election where nearly HALF of the country was NOT supporting him! That does NOT give you, or any liberal, the right to hoot down conservatives and act as though we have no political voice, and aren't entitled to show our faces in public anymore! To continue to rant and rave against conservatism, to continue to bash and trash Bush and Republicans, is over the fucking top! You won.... LEAD DAMMIT!

If you continue to push and shove, acting as though you have some empirical power and control in America over the rest of us, you will live to regret it. That's not a threat from me, that is REALITY! Even a mental retard should be able to understand, you simply CAN'T LEAD by continuing the trash and bash methods you have become accustomed to. If liberals have no inclination to lead, IF all of this was just some springboard for you to force your Liberal agenda on America against its will, without due recourse, without spirited debate, you will be taken down in a way you won't like one bit. It won't be some lone nut bombing a federal building, it will be another fucking Civil War! Once it starts, it will be wayyyy too late for you morons to start pandering about, trying to apologize and promise to work together, you will all have to die. Is that what you want it to come to? Because that is exactly where this is headed, unless your Messiah Obama is able to talk you fucktards down and bring you back to your senses.
Am I, really?

YES .. you are monumentally insane.

"I wish I could be optimistic enough to believe liberals can develop reason, and come to grips with reality, but I see no evidence of it."

Then you claim you're not posting this garb age to incite .. insanely stupid.

You claim that being in power should be enough to satisfy liberals .. but it sure the hell wasn't enough to satisfy conservatives who continued to attack liberals the entire time they were in power .. insanely stupid and grossly dishonest.

You are insane.
Once it starts, it will be wayyyy too late for you morons to start pandering about, trying to apologize and promise to work together, you will all have to die. --Dixie
Dixie, I believe you're crossing lines in free expression which, while not technically illegal, will warrant extra attention toward you from the Black Helicopter Crowd.
Could someone give a cove looking to book his holidays next year some kind of timeframe as to when America is going to adopt the guise of this Mad Max style theme park?

I'll not lie to you, it sounds really rather exciting.
Could someone give a cove looking to book his holidays next year some kind of timeframe as to when America is going to adopt the guise of this Mad Max style theme park?

I'll not lie to you, it sounds really rather exciting.

Well lets see here........ Lush Limpballs is already hammering away, Mann Cultwhore is about to have her jaw unwired (she has had it made Bionic so she can mega spew) so I should think about the first full moon after january 20th.
keep in mind people, there are us 3 percenters and we are approaching our line in the sand.

those 3% of you who will chose to abandon the rule of law may very well inflict some marginal level of casualties, but the force behind the rule of law will quickly crush you, just like they crushed the rebellious Whisky Rebellion.
those 3% of you who will chose to abandon the rule of law may very well inflict some marginal level of casualties, but the force behind the rule of law will quickly crush you, just like they crushed the rebellious Whisky Rebellion.

don't be so sure that your side will have the rule of law and don't be so sure that your side, the anti gun side, will win....

mighty presumptious for a preacher
don't be so sure that your side will have the rule of law and don't be so sure that your side, the anti gun side, will win....

mighty presumptious for a preacher

If the law is on the side of the revolution/war, it won't take a war. If you are going to use armed force because of people talking shit you have proven yourselves uncivilized and will have gone against the rule of law.

Let me guess, you will use The Turner Diaries as your guide?

They are certainly crazy is they are calling solitary "The anti-gun side".

For Christ's sake, Dixie, why wait? Break out into the streets and start shooting people and declaring your support for the Theocratic Christian Union of America.

They are certainly crazy is they are calling solitary "The anti-gun side".

For Christ's sake, Dixie, why wait? Break out into the streets and start shooting people and declaring your support for the Theocratic Christian Union of America.

I would certainly be a well-armed anti-gun person. lol