not to mention the communication, command and control systems. The 3% gang of conservatives would get anihilated in short order.
keep dreaming. Let's play this out by the numbers though, k?
currently, 3 million active duty military. Let's give them benefit of the doubt and say that 80% would happily and dutifully attack American citizens. That's 2.4 million. Another 600,000 federal and local police and we'll include 80% of those as well, which makes a total of government forces equaling 2,880,000 members.
300 million citizens makes that 3% equal to 3 million armed and angry freedom fighting americans.
So, we have 3,000,000 against 2,880,000.
Of course there is no way that the 3%ers are going to all congregate in to one standing military force but you'll see squad size groups all over.
Now, as cowardly as most of you liberals would like to imagine us real Americans, let me assure you that this is not the case with the 3%ers, especially considering that, again, most of us will be former military members.
How long do you think it would be before our squad size units formed together for platoon size units(that's approximately 52), after acquiring automatic weapons and ammunition, from the dead soldiers and police we've killed, and implemented our own version of martial law in our towns? In those very towns, people would be given a choice.....fight with us or be totally and completely disarmed. Think about this.......we would be our own police/military for that town/county and only those who would meet violence with violence (that now excludes you pacifistic liberals since you'd wet your pants facing gunfire) stand a chance of either escaping or dying.
Now, I'm sure this will be met with laughter, ridicule, and scorn, however you must consider this one thing. WHEN, and it will happen i'm sure, WHEN those government agents come sweeping in to attempt to take back the town/county, do you really think we'd be standing alone? Not a chance in hell. Other 3%ers from surrounding areas would flank those government agents attempting to use force against their fellow citizens and the shootouts would begin.
Also consider that the very first time that any governmental entity would use military forces and hardware against Americans, they are risking a huge political backlash as well as inciting more Americans, who would otherwise have not joined the 3%ers, to fight against the government forces. That 3% would soon become 5%, then 8% and soon even 10%. 10% of 300 million is? 30 million. It's a game of numbers folks, and we'd win. Whats more is that those who supported a tyrannical government would lose, either by exile or death.
You may consider us as mental cases, but I assure you that we would still win and you would lose.