It's Not Wright, It's Obama

I don't know what it is about female cons, but I feel like killing them. I mean, I could easily smash their fucking faces in, while smiling.

It's a real problem for me. I guess I am going to have to IA all of them? The female con is a rare thing, and we haven't been infested until recently so I haven't suffered this problem for years now. It makes my blood boil.

I have long tried to figure out what it is, and I think it goes back to the phyllis schlafly effect. A woman who made millions as a writer telling other woman they shouldn't work and needed to stay home and suck their husband's dick on command. I think that really encompasses what con women are. Added to that, I guess a blood-thirsty woman, who will kill other women's children by supporting war, that just stuns me. I know that all of these con women would have had a higher standard of evidence before they said "Yeah ok!" to someone dropping bombs on their children's heads. And when I thinnk of how these bloodthirsty bitches cheer on the dropping of bombs on the heads of other mothers, I think, there is something vicious, unwomanly, and unnatural about that. And I feel hate but most of all, the upmost contempt for them.

I already IA" d that insipid idiot meme, it looks like I will have to do the same to this one, because truly all I can think about when i see her sneering, racist, con posts is smashing her fucking face right in for her.

That's not healthy for me. Well, it would be if I could smash her fucking face in. But alas, cyberspace has its limits, as I always say during cybersex.

I'd like to see where "the threat" is here. This is exactly how I feel, and I stand by every word.

It's funny that when your right wing gang came in here Damo, and said "a lot worse will happen to you than being called a cunt" (instigated by Kathi the warmongering racist), you claimed I wasn't threatened. Which pissed me off, but I let it go

But this is a threat?

No, this is what warmongering "women" make me feel. I specifically put the fucking bitch on IA so I didn't have to deal with this shit.

You are some drama queen mister. I'd love to see what would happen if I said "You're gonna have a lot bigger problems than being called a cunt".

Yeah, different day, different player, very different tune.
This is retarded though, as any normal person would tell you.

The one time I've actually flipped out was understandable.

Uh huh. And when you threaten to track down Ck, that's what? Different right?

Mind your own fucking business and be glad that others do the same when you are on one of your hissy fits
I'm in a shitty mood because of exams, otherwise I probably wouldn't have pressed this so hard.

Ignore me for about the next week. If I'm on here I'm just trying to pick a fight.
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I'd like to see where "the threat" is here. This is exactly how I feel, and I stand by every word.

It's funny that when your right wing gang came in here Damo, and said "a lot worse will happen to you than being called a cunt" (instigated by Kathi the warmongering racist), you claimed I wasn't threatened. Which pissed me off, but I let it go

But this is a threat?

No, this is what warmongering "women" make me feel. I specifically put the fucking bitch on IA so I didn't have to deal with this shit.

You are some drama queen mister. I'd love to see what would happen if I said "You're gonna have a lot bigger problems than being called a cunt".

Yeah, different day, different player, very different tune.

open oven-insert head
won't have to worry any longer about hating all those people who think different than you..;)
I'm in a shitty mood because of exams, otherwise I probably wouldn't have pressed this so hard.

Ignore me for about the next week. If I'm on here I'm just trying to pick a fight.

Ok. Im in a good mood. I hate war supporters, nothing to do with mood.

Good luck on the exams.
I'd like to see where "the threat" is here. This is exactly how I feel, and I stand by every word.

It's funny that when your right wing gang came in here Damo, and said "a lot worse will happen to you than being called a cunt" (instigated by Kathi the warmongering racist), you claimed I wasn't threatened. Which pissed me off, but I let it go

But this is a threat?

No, this is what warmongering "women" make me feel. I specifically put the fucking bitch on IA so I didn't have to deal with this shit.

You are some drama queen mister. I'd love to see what would happen if I said "You're gonna have a lot bigger problems than being called a cunt".

Yeah, different day, different player, very different tune.

Wow, what else could you do to avoid posting off me? Yes, you threatened me or those that held a similar point of view regarding the war in Iraq. Face it Darla, you have a radical agenda you are following. I get it.

You try to make a case that if I back the WOT somehow I'm a racist. Unfortunately that is a strawman. You don't know me. If you would bother to, you'd know I was married to a Jew. You'd also know I've dated African-Americans before and after marriage. You might also gleen I've no problem with Asians and others.

Our differences to make it clear to you, since you seem clueless, are in our opinions in the ability of others to make their own destiny. I think they can, you think they can't. Because you think they can't, you want special rules.

Good luck with the war supporters. I've given up on them.

It's like changing someone's religion.

I did give up on them. I ignore them, until I can't. And then I explode. If John McCain becomes President I am going to give up message boards, and activism.
Anytime you are plan on being in Cali, PM me, so I can get you prepared for reconstructive surgery, obsessive dumbfuck.

That's right: I don't have a problem with people like Darla, or anyone, going ballistic on war supporters, like you, who cheerled hundreds of thousands to uneccessary deaths, and who then spend five years on message boards making ever shifting excuses and justifications for the slaughter.--. Rather than admitting the war was a bloody and tragic mistake. Its getting sickening. A don't fucking call me a leg humper you celibate, never married, and dateless pansy.

Your problem Cypress, is that you are one of the very few liberals who doesn't have this moron on IA.
I did give up on them. I ignore them, until I can't. And then I explode. If John McCain becomes President I am going to give up message boards, and activism.

yeah I am pretty much in the same boat. If hillary gets the nod I will not vote in the presidential race I think.
But I am older and can probably hide hide from the ugly realities for the rest of my life.

Just do my farming and such and hide from MSM and such.
Ignorance can be bliss, just look at the Republicans.
Why is SF even blaming Cypress for what I said in this thread? This whole thing is such bullshit. The more I think abouot it the more steamed I get.

I feel like smashing someone's face in!

Another "threat!"

Fucking drama queens, man.