It's Not Wright, It's Obama

Why is SF even blaming Cypress for what I said in this thread? This whole thing is such bullshit. The more I think abouot it the more steamed I get.

I feel like smashing someone's face in!

Another "threat!"

Fucking drama queens, man.

You big bully!

They have no idea. When I first ventured onto the old site, I made the mistake of filling out all of my personal info accurately, including email address. I got an email from a Bushie the next week taking some umbrage to one of my posts and telling me he knew where I lived, and would find me & kill me.

I also got a similar call when I had a letter to the editor in the Times; someone called me on the phone, and said they knew where I lived & they'd kill me. They added, "sleep tight."

Righties aren't too creative, for the most part.
You big bully!

They have no idea. When I first ventured onto the old site, I made the mistake of filling out all of my personal info accurately, including email address. I got an email from a Bushie the next week taking some umbrage to one of my posts and telling me he knew where I lived, and would find me & kill me.

I also got a similar call when I had a letter to the editor in the Times; someone called me on the phone, and said they knew where I lived & they'd kill me. They added, "sleep tight."

Righties aren't too creative, for the most part.

Really Onceler? I have had very similar experiences, truly. I can't believe that. I can, but it's just always slightly strange to have your ideas about things verified because it happened to someone else too.

You were in the times? That's very cool.

Anyway, SF harrasses Cypress on this board, day in and day out. Cypress finally tells him what he should have been told months ago, and all of a sudden Cypress is "violent". I should have went straight to bed after I was finished writing tonight. Now my blood pressure is up and it'll be hard to fall asleep.

Mostly because I want to smash someone's face in. ;) goodnight!
Anytime you are plan on being in Cali, PM me, so I can get you prepared for reconstructive surgery, obsessive dumbfuck.

That's right: I don't have a problem with people like Darla, or anyone, going ballistic on war supporters, like you, who cheerled hundreds of thousands to uneccessary deaths, and who then spend five years on message boards making ever shifting excuses and justifications for the slaughter.--. Rather than admitting the war was a bloody and tragic mistake. Its getting sickening. A don't fucking call me a leg humper you celibate, never married, and dateless pansy.

LMAO.... now little stalker boy is showing his violent tendencies.... imagine that from a stalker. You cannot help being a leg humping little tool... it is the nature of a stalker... but I am happy to see you are finally tired of trying to hump my leg to get my attention.

Side note... your pathetic attempts at threatening physical violence is quite humorous.

Why don't you continue cheerleading those who scramble the brains of unborn children? The murderous rage of the left is quite evident in your behavior. Millions of human children murdered every year... and YOU let it happen.
I didn't threaten anyone, Camille. I was honest about my feelings and it felt great!

Oh the drama of it all.

what a bunch of dopes.
You didn't. Somebody else did. Of course, descriptive comments describing the awesome level of pain you would "like" to inflict isn't a threat. We fully understand that.

Personalize much?

Seriously, I like you. I understand the whole venting angle... and where it comes from. You are very passionate and expressive. I don't suspect that you would actually step over that ledge like that nutjob who drove to Texas to go after some gamer poster on some boring site that isn't mine...

When I said that all of the threats came from one side, you were the one who personalized that remark. I was speaking of the "I got bigger cyber-muscles than you" post from Cypress threatening to "prepare" SF for "cosmetic surgery" when he was next in CA.
But all them damn right-wingers are coming over and ruining the board..
so most liberals here are now being told to put those annoying little pukes on ignore..we might have different views and thoughts, we are all still just regular folks..

And they tell us conservatives.......we are the intolerant ones..

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But all them damn right-wingers are coming over and ruining the board..
so most liberals here are now being told to put those annoying little pukes on ignore..

And they tell us conservatives.......we are the intolerant ones..

Many on the site just don't ignore anybody... while a few do, it usually lasts only a bit of time, unless they do it repeatedly then they'll just leave it there.
Really Onceler? I have had very similar experiences, truly. I can't believe that. I can, but it's just always slightly strange to have your ideas about things verified because it happened to someone else too.

You were in the times? That's very cool.
I should have went straight to bed after I was finished writing tonight. Now my blood pressure is up and it'll be hard to fall asleep.

Mostly because I want to smash someone's face in. ;) goodnight!

goodness.....speaking of


You didn't. Somebody else did. Of course, descriptive comments describing the awesome level of pain you would "like" to inflict isn't a threat. We fully understand that.

Personalize much?

Seriously, I like you. I understand the whole venting angle... and where it comes from. You are very passionate and expressive. I don't suspect that you would actually step over that ledge like that nutjob who drove to Texas to go after some gamer poster on some boring site that isn't mine...

When I said that all of the threats came from one side, you were the one who personalized that remark. I was speaking of the "I got bigger cyber-muscles than you" post from Cypress threatening to "prepare" SF for "cosmetic surgery" when he was next in CA.

No, I wouldn't. These are just faceless punching bags to me.

I would in real life though. Unfortuntely, sneering war pigs like Kathi and SF follow peace activists around attempting to incite them to violence. I don't have to be pushed far. I am aware of the irony of a violent peace activist. But I don't deny how I feel or who I am. That's more than can be said for the liberal-hating, racist keyboard warriors. They fool no one, except you Damo. :)
Your problem Cypress, is that you are one of the very few liberals who doesn't have this moron on IA.

This is the best advice I've received all month. Oncelear was right, engaging SF, aka the village idiot, on any level is pointless. He's an unrepentent war supporter, climate change denier, extremist righty with no redeeming qualities. He's like the pathetic kid who doesn't get picked to play basketball, and then hovers around flinging increasingly belligerent comments to try to get someone, like me, to pay attention to him. I was letting his weak ass, belligerent comments slide for months, because I'm well aware that socially inept Cons use belligerence as the last resort to try to get someone to pay attention to them. Hello? Bush board? Screw that, we just used to laugh off the dorks who didn't get picked to play b-ball.

I'm going to try to limit myself to beating up on jovial, socially competent war supporters like cawacko. HeHe.

But if you feel like smashing some faces, I'm giving you a high five sister!
This is the best advice I've received all month. Oncelear was right, engaging SF, aka the village idiot, on any level is pointless. He's an unrepentent war supporter, climate change denier, extremist righty with no redeeming qualities. He's like the pathetic kid who doesn't get picked to play basketball, and then hovers around flinging increasingly belligerent comments to try to get someone, like me, to pay attention to him. I was letting his weak ass, belligerent comments slide for months, because I'm well aware that socially inept Cons use belligerence as the last resort to try to get someone to pay attention to them. Hello? Bush board? Screw that, we just used to laugh off the dorks who didn't get picked to play b-ball.

I'm going to try to limit myself to beating up on jovial, socially competent war supporters like cawacko. HeHe.

But if you feel like smashing some faces, I'm giving you a high five sister!

Nah I put them on IA too. I have said for months now, that I try to avoid debating the morality of the war on these sites, because I really do hate those people, and no good can come from it.

You know, Cawacko is the only real republican I have ever been able to get a long with, and I think it's because he doesnt get mad when I abuse him once in a while, and because one thing he is smart enough not to do is talk up his support for this war. I think that like me, he knows no good can come from that.

SF is the one who wanted to take the war and push it in my face and make it personal. Fuck him. and fuck any woman who can support murdering the living, breathing, smiling, children of other women. IA is the best bet. They're worthless.
This is the best advice I've received all month. Oncelear was right, engaging SF, aka the village idiot, on any level is pointless. He's an unrepentent war supporter, climate change denier, extremist righty with no redeeming qualities. He's like the pathetic kid who doesn't get picked to play basketball, and then hovers around flinging increasingly belligerent comments to try to get someone, like me, to pay attention to him. I was letting his weak ass, belligerent comments slide for months, because I'm well aware that socially inept Cons use belligerence as the last resort to try to get someone to pay attention to them. Hello? Bush board? Screw that, we just used to laugh off the dorks who didn't get picked to play b-ball.

I'm going to try to limit myself to beating up on jovial, socially competent war supporters like cawacko. HeHe.

But if you feel like smashing some faces, I'm giving you a high five sister!

How friggin comical is this? I put you on IA an you whine and cry like a petulent little child. You come on once again in this very post and completely misrepresent my positions because that is what you do. Please gumby...put me on ignore and do try to refrain from putting my name or references to me in your posts. Tell Darla she should do the same.

As for beligerence and intolerance... just who on this thread has displayed those characteristics Gumby?

Now... please, go back to humping Darlas leg, she quite apparently enjoys your attention.