It's Really Bad Now.

We should pause for a moment to remember that being a Fascist or a Communist is not illegal in America.
The framers were not so vain and consumed by hubris to construct an absolute constitution.

They formed a constitution where the government of the United States can be legally and peacefully free elections and legally executed constitutional amendments.

Now we have what was once the "Party of Lincoln" actually doing what Fascists and Communists never achieved in America. They are in the process of overthrowing the government by way of compromised elections and by totally ignoring the constitution.

The Republican Party of 2020 is, by any reasonable and learned standard, a criminal enterprise.
While there are theoretically no illegal political parties in America, treason is in fact illegal, and from here forward, being a Republican is treasonous in nature.
They are not about free and honest elections, and they're not about following the guidelines of the constitution.

Their leaders are about serving the crooked oligarchs.
Their low information followers are willing to stand against their own economic and social best interests,

this in order to back leaders who will encourage their racism, xenophobia, anti-intellectualism, religious zealotry, homophobia, misogyny, and freedom from social responsibility.

We've crossed the threshold. It was not always the case, I'm sure, but today, there is no such thing as an honorable Republican. They're all treasonous criminals.

shut your hole, goofball.
Yes, it's illegal to discriminate against someone for their gender identity in Canada. It's also illegal to discriminate against someone for their race, nationality, religion, and such. It's not Cultural Marxism or "Postmodernism," it's just slightly expanding a law that already existed. Douches like Peterson are still allowed to misgender people, he's just not allowed to discriminate against someone for being trans.

but you could also get in trouble for not using preferred pronouns, that's compelled speech, a line we shouldn't cross.

just my opinion. we can agree to disagree.