It's recall Day in Cheeseland!

Getting rid of liberals and Marxists (same thing really) is good. Unions are evil. The voters say no to job killing government regulations, Unions and liberals. That's how America does it.

Don't like America? Move to Cuba or N Korea.

Uhh....they gained two seats in Republican districts. Spare me the hyperbole. They fell 1 seat short of taking control of the State senate.

WRONG moron.... they gained one Rep seat in a DEM District.

The other seat they narrowly won was against a Rep who was found to be an adulterer living out of district with his 20 year old mistress.
They are saying in the news that a Republican is going to switch parties! The polls are so confusing on this. They should all be silent and wait for the results. It drives me batty all these prgnosticators!
Who knows......this only represents a small slice of the State....there's just not enough informatin here to be gleaned from. Only 340,000 votes were cast in a state of over 5.5 million people roughly half of whom live in the Milwaukee metro area. This represents about 10% of the voting public in Wisconsin and most of that in rural conservative districts. As a data set using this as a sample is not representative enough to draw any significant conclusons other then that Dems fell short of gaining the State Senate (i.e. the obvious).

This is just too partisan hack political funny here! Before this charade took place, Liberals were running around confidently proclaiming this would end the TEA Party movement... This was going to be a bellwether... the beginning of the Great Liberal Comeback... Now that Liberals lost their asses, this is not that big of a deal... we can't "glean too much" from this... it's only a handful of voters... doesn't really mean that much in the scope of things...

Typical of the two-faced hypocrisy we see displayed daily.
Who knows......this only represents a small slice of the State....there's just not enough informatin here to be gleaned from. Only 340,000 votes were cast in a state of over 5.5 million people roughly half of whom live in the Milwaukee metro area. This represents about 10% of the voting public in Wisconsin and most of that in rural conservative districts. As a data set using this as a sample is not representative enough to draw any significant conclusons other then that Dems fell short of gaining the State Senate (i.e. the obvious).

what does the data set of the 5.2 million people that didn't vote tell you about the attitude of the majority regarding recall votes?.....
what does the data set of the 5.2 million people that didn't vote tell you about the attitude of the majority regarding recall votes?.....
Nothing. That tells me that they didn't live in districts where they could vote in any of the recall elections. DUH!

That's pretty much my point PMP. You can't interpret the data to draw any valid conclusions because it's not statistically significant (i.e. representative) for two reasons. #1. The districts voting were not a representative cross section of the entire population of the state and thus are not a statistically significant sample population. #2. The sample population is essentiallly self chosen which, again, is not statistically significant. The only objective conclusion you can make based on the data is that you really can't make any conclusions on the data.
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This is just too partisan hack political funny here! Before this charade took place, Liberals were running around confidently proclaiming this would end the TEA Party movement... This was going to be a bellwether... the beginning of the Great Liberal Comeback... Now that Liberals lost their asses, this is not that big of a deal... we can't "glean too much" from this... it's only a handful of voters... doesn't really mean that much in the scope of things...

Typical of the two-faced hypocrisy we see displayed daily.
But the Dems didn't lose Dixie, they gained two seats but that was not enough to change the power structure in the State Senate and the data just isn't statistically significant where one can really draw any conclusions based on the election results. The public polling data across the entire State is probaby more accurate. You're not really going to be able to draw any real conclusions until after the next State Wide election. Since the referendum on Ohio SB#5 is State wide inovling the entire State electorate you'll probably be able to draw a much more accurate conclusion about actual sentiments about these union busting measures after the November election.
they lost in respect to doing anything big like recall, fuck we are all dissapointed in either party once they are in. Not even a road bump for republicans, huge failure for the unionistas
Can you imagine how difficult it must be for the true believers in "hope and change". It must be like a bad dream that you never wake up from.
I think it gives pause for concern to both parties. Republicans had a near miss. They lost two seats and came with in 1200 votes of losing a third which would have tipped the balance for Dems. So Dems certainly made gains, and that should give Repus cause to think and Dems fell short of their goal of winning the State Senate, and that should give them much to think about.