The polling on the recalls have been very accurate and those are pretty safe Democratic districts. I doubt they'll change hands.It isn't over yet. There are still two democrats up for recall next week.
But the Dems didn't lose Dixie, they gained two seats but that was not enough to change the power structure in the State Senate and the data just isn't statistically significant where one can really draw any conclusions based on the election results. The public polling data across the entire State is probaby more accurate. You're not really going to be able to draw any real conclusions until after the next State Wide election. Since the referendum on Ohio SB#5 is State wide inovling the entire State electorate you'll probably be able to draw a much more accurate conclusion about actual sentiments about these union busting measures after the November election.
LOL Just like the polling last week was very accurate.The polling on the recalls have been very accurate and those are pretty safe Democratic districts. I doubt they'll change hands.
LMAO... I draw the following conclusion... Democrats, with help from organized labor, put forth a massive effort to recall republicans and retake the Wisconsin state senate, they spent millions... ran around confidently crowing about how this was going to 'end the tea party' and they were going to show them who was boss... blah blah blah.... Well, my conclusion is, they FAILED to do what they had hoped. They didn't "win" anything, really, the state senate is still under Republican control, in spite of this huge effort, pulling out all stops to remove them. This is an embarrassing and humiliating loss to those who supported the labor unions and democrats, and you can "spin" it however you like, if it makes you feel better. Oh, and Nov 2012 is certainly NOT going to be a better day... just sayin'.
So a full 33% of the Righties that rode a supposed wave of anti-Obama sentiment into office last year, got voted OUT OF OFFICE by the very same electorate, and OF COURSE Dixie sees it as a humiliating loss for the Democrats.
Well knock me down with a feather...
Nothing. That tells me that they didn't live in districts where they could vote in any of the recall elections. DUH!
That's pretty much my point PMP. You can't interpret the data to draw any valid conclusions because it's not statistically significant (i.e. representative) for two reasons. #1. The districts voting were not a representative cross section of the entire population of the state and thus are not a statistically significant sample population. #2. The sample population is essentiallly self chosen which, again, is not statistically significant. The only objective conclusion you can make based on the data is that you really can't make any conclusions on the data.