its sandwich time

hey grind....what is your favorite russian dressing? recipe or sandwich place....i have tried and have never had true success, well, success as compared to the jewish deli in portland and outside of new york, the most awesome jewish LA, NY is the best of course
Umm don't think I have a favorite sandwitch.

Sometimes it is one thing and sometimes another.

I like the BMT (Bowell Movement Torpedo) from subway pretty well. A good Frenidly ice cream shop Rueben is nice. But no favs.

And sometimes a balogna, mustard onion and cheese is good.

Had a friend who loved pig ear sandwitches, never cared much for them myself though.
is that anything like bangers n mash? If there's any one thing that can make one proud to be an American it's trying British cuisine. :barf:

Oh dear. We'll have to start at the beginning.
Lesson 1. Butty (pronounced as 'book' means sandwich. Examples: Cheese butty, bacon butty.
Lesson 2. Conny-onny (not pronounced as America 'o' 'aah'. So not 'Caahnny-aahnny') means condensed milk. Condensed milk, also known as sweetened condensed milk, is cow's milk from which water has been removed and to which sugar has been added, yielding a very thick, sweet product that can last for years without refrigeration if unopened.
Lesson 3. Take two 'substantial' pieces of bread and spread with an unhealthy amount of butter. Take first piece and pour Conny-onny until it drips onto the plate, hands, table, dog, etc. Place second piece of bread over and try to transfer to the mouth without it dripping onto the shirt.
Oh dear. We'll have to start at the beginning.
Lesson 1. Butty (pronounced as 'book' means sandwich. Examples: Cheese butty, bacon butty.
Lesson 2. Conny-onny (not pronounced as America 'o' 'aah'. So not 'Caahnny-aahnny') means condensed milk. Condensed milk, also known as sweetened condensed milk, is cow's milk from which water has been removed and to which sugar has been added, yielding a very thick, sweet product that can last for years without refrigeration if unopened.
Lesson 3. Take two 'substantial' pieces of bread and spread with an unhealthy amount of butter. Take first piece and pour Conny-onny until it drips onto the plate, hands, table, dog, etc. Place second piece of bread over and try to transfer to the mouth without it dripping onto the shirt.
Hey Po, That sounds better than Balut.

BTW, how the hell do you get "Book O Ahh" from "Butty Conny-onny"? This is certainly not a phrase from "Hooked on phoniks".
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Hey Po, That sounds better than Balut.

BTW, how the hell do you get "Book O Ahh" from "Butty Conny-onny"? This is certainly not a phrase from "Hooked on phoniks".

My fault.
the 'u' in butty sounds as the 'oo' in book, not as the 'u' in umbrella nor as the 'u' in university, nor the 'oo' in moon, nor the 'p' in swimming.
'aah' is the way Americans (bless 'em) pronounce our 'o'. Sometimes spelled 'aww' as in 'Hawwng Karrng'. Sometimes it is not possible to accurately portray the accent using the standard alphabet and I dont have the IPA fonts at the mo.
I will not discuss such culinary delights as Balut!
My fault.
the 'u' in butty sounds as the 'oo' in book, not as the 'u' in umbrella nor as the 'u' in university, nor the 'oo' in moon, nor the 'p' in swimming.
'aah' is the way Americans (bless 'em) pronounce our 'o'. Sometimes spelled 'aww' as in 'Hawwng Karrng'. Sometimes it is not possible to accurately portray the accent using the standard alphabet and I dont have the IPA fonts at the mo.
I will not discuss such culinary delights as Balut!
Oh I get it. Booty Coney Oney!
Or the county of Wer-sester-shire.

You'm 'bowt roight with that'n, maid. Moind, Oi woon know 'ow t' foind any obb'm.
Ole Janner got a job th'other day. 'ee 'ad t'deliver sum wood to up along Lunnon. Well, 'ees got th'oney truck raind 'ere. So 'ee stopped a man in the street. "This Lunnon?" 'ee said.
"Naw" sez the man. This'm Plymouth. Lunnon's up along.
Then ole Janner met'n ole lady. "This Lunnon?" 'ee asks. "Naw," sez she, this'm Exeter. Lunnon's up along."
'Bout six hours later Ole Janner thinks that with all these ere owsis this must be Lunnon. Big river'n bridges'n cars'n stuff.
"Ere," 'ee shouts to a posh ole bugger in one o' they bowler 'ats, "This Lunnon?"
"Yes it is, my dear chap," sez the gent.
"Good," says Janner, "where d'ye want all this f****n wood, then?"
hey grind....what is your favorite russian dressing? recipe or sandwich place....i have tried and have never had true success, well, success as compared to the jewish deli in portland and outside of new york, the most awesome jewish LA, NY is the best of course

um there are some cool hole in the walls in boston where you always get the best sandwiches. As far as chains are concerned, I pretty much live in Panera Bread
midnight snack anniversary thread!!!

coming up pretty soon. the one year anniversary when i made a really good sandwich.
Dude, try the MANWICH. Not the sloppy joe, a MANWHICH is made of the following:

Jalapeno cheesebread/beer bread (where available). If you lack these exotic breads, sourdough or rye is acceptable.
Deli sliced turkey
Deli sliced chicken (buffalo style if possible)
Hand sliced hard deli salami
Large deli pepperoni
Crispy bacon
Pepper jack cheese
Extra sharp cheddar cheese
Swiss cheese
Romain lettuce or Swiss Chard lettuce
Quartered dill pickle spear(s)
Tomato (optional)
Horse Radish (mandatory)
Grapeseed oil

When properly constructed the MANWICH should stand about 5in tall.
My sandwiches generally involve a girl up against the wall.
