"All that matters is worshiping at the altar of Liberalism, in almost a cult-like manner. It's bizarre beyond anything I've ever seen in my lifetime."
Yeah, but you're forgetting to factor one thing in: you're a complete loony-bird.
You're the one who has blamed such debacles as Iraq & Katrina on Democrats. You have argued that Iraq was really Clinton's idea. You've gone to the mat arguing that the Dems have controlled Congress for most of Bush's term in office.
And overwhelming majorities of Americans don't agree w/ you on who is mainly to blame for the current financial crisis. These are the people who you always speak for...remember?
You're a lunatic. You're really stark raving mad.
Where the hell do you come up with your lies? How can I blame ANY political party for a goddamn hurricane? Do you even listen to this shit before you post it? All I have ever said about Katrina is, the failure to act at the state and local level, resulted in the disastrous aftermath. Any objective person who looks at what happened, can admit that is true. In Liberal La-la Land, it was all the fault of George Bush, including the actual meteorological conditions! Bush actually conjured up the hurricane and sent it to New Orleans to kill black people, to hear you nutballs tell it!
With regard to Iraq, again... never said Clinton was to blame, I did say (correctly) that Clinton introduced the Iraqi Liberation Act of 1998, which he DID! It's in the fucking public record! It calls for the ousting of Saddam Hussein and replacement of his regime with Democracy. Again, in your loopy universe, this fact just doesn't exist! Who's stark raving mad? The guy who is pointing out FACTS, or the guy who is gulping koolaid from Socialists, and can't acknowledge the facts?
We can go back to the public record and look at how many times the Democrats have marched in lockstep to refuse to support ANY Republican initiative over the past 7 years, so without a super-majority in Congress for Republicans, the Democrats do effectively control policy. The reforms to Fanny/Freddy, are a classic example of this. Because Democrats voted unanimously and got a couple of Republicans to go along with them, they killed the measure in committee. This isn't me being crazy, this is the truth!
As I said, you people live in your own little universe, where the facts just don't seem to exist or even be acknowledged. And if anyone tries to bring up the facts, you hoot them down and call them names. Rather than have a civil debate, you had rather castigate people and turn them into monsters you have to destroy.