It's the DEMOCRATS Stupid!

...But let's not divert the conversation away from who is to blame for the financial crisis. It's not those who were trying to reform it two years ago. It's not a 'fundamental' of any economy, to give low-interest housing loans to people who can't afford them, it is a 'fundamental' of Liberalism. You, and the Liberal Socialist idiots you've elected, are responsible for the failures in the financial sector, which is the 'fundamental' cause of the bad economy.
...But let's not divert the conversation away from who is to blame for the financial crisis. It's not those who were trying to reform it two years ago. It's not a 'fundamental' of any economy, to give low-interest housing loans to people who can't afford them, it is a 'fundamental' of Liberalism. You, and the Liberal Socialist idiots you've elected, are responsible for the failures in the financial sector, which is the 'fundamental' cause of the bad economy.

It's not a diversion. In order to examine the credibility of your claim that Barney Frank caused the whole economic mess, you really need to pass a test of objectivity, just so we know you're not a hack.

It's a simple yes or no: do you think McCain meant "worker" when he said "fundamental?"
Say it.

Say that you think he meant "workers."

LOLOLOL.... C'mon Dixie, say you think he meant what he didn't say he meant, and we've taken out of context for political purposes again... just say it!

McCain didn't just say "workers" when he explained in great detail what he meant by "fundamentals of the economy" and you know it, but you are too stupid to even understand what "fundamental" means, so that is to be expected.
It's not a diversion. In order to examine the credibility of your claim that Barney Frank caused the whole economic mess, you really need to pass a test of objectivity, just so we know you're not a hack.

It's a simple yes or no: do you think McCain meant "worker" when he said "fundamental?"

It was Barney Frank and the Liberal Socialists who insisted on pushing through legislation which enabled low-income families to qualify for low-interest loans from the Freddy/Fanny funds. It was their idea, their baby, their goal and objective, and they got what they wanted... two years later, it collapsed, because these people didn't have means to repay the loans they acquired. Who the fuck else is to blame for that? Yeah, there were some Republican ass lickers who went along to get along, but the whole idea in a nutshell, belonged to Liberal Socialists who didn't have a clue, and still don't have a clue, about economy.
Thanks, Dix; this is definitely cheering me up.

You should lay off Savage for awhile, and try reading what some actual economists have to say...
Thanks, Dix; this is definitely cheering me up.

You should lay off Savage for awhile, and try reading what some actual economists have to say...

I don't get to listen to Savage much, but the last time I did, he was ripping on McCain pretty good. I do read what economists have to say, I don't put much stock in Milton Freidman, who is the only moron you will listen to. Most of the ones I have heard, say essentially what McCain said, that the fundamentals, the foundation, is strong. Our actual economy is not in a recession, it has to go two quarters at negative growth to qualify, and it hasn't...yet. We are heading toward that, mainly because of Liberal policy, like allowing people to get loans who had no business getting them, thanks to Liberal Democrat Socialists.

Reform is needed, and John McCain will give us reform. Liberals will only give us more Liberalism and Liberal 'solutions' to the problems, which only serve to make things worse in the end. Your answer to everything, is raise taxes, and that will effectively kill the economy. Donald Trump said it best... "If the Democrats win in November, it's over!"
Milton Friedman is dead you fucking moron, and further, he was the father of the free the market at any cost ideology which liberals despise.

You are so fucking ill-informed, ignorant, and outright dumb, that you should be put in prison for twenty years just on general principle.
Milton Friedman is dead you fucking moron, and further, he was the father of the free the market at any cost ideology which liberals despise.

You are so fucking ill-informed, ignorant, and outright dumb, that you should be put in prison for twenty years just on general principle.

LOL... Okay, so he's dead! I just go by what I see posted here, and the other day, some pinhead was lamenting how 'genius' he was, so I assumed he had espoused some liberal bird-brained idiocy that the pinhead in question found palatable to his Socialist taste. So, beg my pardon for the mistake, and please substitute whatever brain-dead moron 'economist' pinheads are currently listening to, who says it's a great idea to give loans out like candy to people who can't pay them back.
LOL, Dixie is just absolutely amazing. A legend in his own mind and too dumb to see himself as others see him.

good for some entertainment value though. the board is not the same without him.
LOL, Dixie is just absolutely amazing. A legend in his own mind and too dumb to see himself as others see him.

good for some entertainment value though. the board is not the same without him.

The only pinheads talking about what a genius he was are people like RS, Obfuscate, and Cawacko - Libertarians and Republicans.

No liberals, trust me.
No, usidiot, I know who the pinheads are, and they aren't me.

It's utterly amazing. Pinheads are continuing to deny reality and blame Republicans for the financial crisis caused by Liberals, as if the facts just don't exist. Post after post, thread after thread, we get an overdose of pinhead outrage at the "Cons" who's fault this all is, along with every known ill to man, apparently. It's as if you live in a completely different universe from the rest of the world, where everything 'good' is because of Liberalism, and everything 'bad' can only be the fault of 'evil cons' and their policies. Facts don't matter, what transpired, doesn't matter. All that matters is worshiping at the altar of Liberalism, in almost a cult-like manner. It's bizarre beyond anything I've ever seen in my lifetime.
LOL, Dixie is just absolutely amazing. A legend in his own mind and too dumb to see himself as others see him.

good for some entertainment value though. the board is not the same without him.

True. He's the Howard Stern of this board. I often log on to see what outrages thing Dixie will say next. If there's a definition of "Blind Partisan" in the dictionary, certainly Dixie's picture is next to it. LOL
"All that matters is worshiping at the altar of Liberalism, in almost a cult-like manner. It's bizarre beyond anything I've ever seen in my lifetime."

Yeah, but you're forgetting to factor one thing in: you're a complete loony-bird.

You're the one who has blamed such debacles as Iraq & Katrina on Democrats. You have argued that Iraq was really Clinton's idea. You've gone to the mat arguing that the Dems have controlled Congress for most of Bush's term in office.

And overwhelming majorities of Americans don't agree w/ you on who is mainly to blame for the current financial crisis. These are the people who you always speak for...remember?

You're a lunatic. You're really stark raving mad.
"All that matters is worshiping at the altar of Liberalism, in almost a cult-like manner. It's bizarre beyond anything I've ever seen in my lifetime."

Yeah, but you're forgetting to factor one thing in: you're a complete loony-bird.

You're the one who has blamed such debacles as Iraq & Katrina on Democrats. You have argued that Iraq was really Clinton's idea. You've gone to the mat arguing that the Dems have controlled Congress for most of Bush's term in office.

And overwhelming majorities of Americans don't agree w/ you on who is mainly to blame for the current financial crisis. These are the people who you always speak for...remember?

You're a lunatic. You're really stark raving mad.

Dixie will be on here defending these people the day that they open fire on American civilians, and that day is coming.

He's not even entertainment anymore. He's dangerous. Too many like him out there and they enabled it to come to this.
Dixie will be on here defending these people the day that they open fire on American civilians, and that day is coming.

He's not even entertainment anymore. He's dangerous. Too many like him out there and they enabled it to come to this.

I agree. The message that they screwed up really badly & elected the wrong people to govern us is right in their face; it is indisputable. Instead of accepting it, owning up to it & trying to rectify their mistakes, they choose to go all loopy & dig their heels in instead.

The red states in general are scary. Alabama, from which Dixie hails, has polls that have McCain in the 60's and Obama in the 20's. That's just incomprehensible to me; I hate the fact that they have any say at all in our elections.
I agree. The message that they screwed up really badly & elected the wrong people to govern us is right in their face; it is indisputable. Instead of accepting it, owning up to it & trying to rectify their mistakes, they choose to go all loopy & dig their heels in instead.

The red states in general are scary. Alabama, from which Dixie hails, has polls that have McCain in the 60's and Obama in the 20's. That's just incomprehensible to me; I hate the fact that they have any say at all in our elections.

There have been many times that I have not been proud of my home state's politics. This is another of those times.
I agree. The message that they screwed up really badly & elected the wrong people to govern us is right in their face; it is indisputable. Instead of accepting it, owning up to it & trying to rectify their mistakes, they choose to go all loopy & dig their heels in instead.

The red states in general are scary. Alabama, from which Dixie hails, has polls that have McCain in the 60's and Obama in the 20's. That's just incomprehensible to me; I hate the fact that they have any say at all in our elections.

yeah and those are the same people, and they call themselves Americans! who are all for rounding up "dissidents".
"All that matters is worshiping at the altar of Liberalism, in almost a cult-like manner. It's bizarre beyond anything I've ever seen in my lifetime."

Yeah, but you're forgetting to factor one thing in: you're a complete loony-bird.

You're the one who has blamed such debacles as Iraq & Katrina on Democrats. You have argued that Iraq was really Clinton's idea. You've gone to the mat arguing that the Dems have controlled Congress for most of Bush's term in office.

And overwhelming majorities of Americans don't agree w/ you on who is mainly to blame for the current financial crisis. These are the people who you always speak for...remember?

You're a lunatic. You're really stark raving mad.

Where the hell do you come up with your lies? How can I blame ANY political party for a goddamn hurricane? Do you even listen to this shit before you post it? All I have ever said about Katrina is, the failure to act at the state and local level, resulted in the disastrous aftermath. Any objective person who looks at what happened, can admit that is true. In Liberal La-la Land, it was all the fault of George Bush, including the actual meteorological conditions! Bush actually conjured up the hurricane and sent it to New Orleans to kill black people, to hear you nutballs tell it!

With regard to Iraq, again... never said Clinton was to blame, I did say (correctly) that Clinton introduced the Iraqi Liberation Act of 1998, which he DID! It's in the fucking public record! It calls for the ousting of Saddam Hussein and replacement of his regime with Democracy. Again, in your loopy universe, this fact just doesn't exist! Who's stark raving mad? The guy who is pointing out FACTS, or the guy who is gulping koolaid from Socialists, and can't acknowledge the facts?

We can go back to the public record and look at how many times the Democrats have marched in lockstep to refuse to support ANY Republican initiative over the past 7 years, so without a super-majority in Congress for Republicans, the Democrats do effectively control policy. The reforms to Fanny/Freddy, are a classic example of this. Because Democrats voted unanimously and got a couple of Republicans to go along with them, they killed the measure in committee. This isn't me being crazy, this is the truth!

As I said, you people live in your own little universe, where the facts just don't seem to exist or even be acknowledged. And if anyone tries to bring up the facts, you hoot them down and call them names. Rather than have a civil debate, you had rather castigate people and turn them into monsters you have to destroy.
"As I said, you people live in your own little universe"

That's very true. We like to call it "everything outside of Alabama"...