It's the DEMOCRATS Stupid!

according to what I saw on CNN America is blaming the Republicans 2-1 for our economic problems.

And of course, we all know that CNN polls are the fucking Gospel! Wye, who can dispute a CNN poll? They must poll at least 1000 Pinheads, so the results are always an accurate reflection of what Americans think and feel at any given moment in time! We should just fucking do away with elections all together, and let CNN do a poll!

You know, I don't doubt this result, after all, pinheads have not shut up since the crisis happened, blaming it all on Republicans, even though that is contradictory to the facts. It goes to show, America is dumb, they believe what they hear. You've tapped into that, and so you repeat lies and distortions over and over and over again, and eventually, the stupid people start to accept it as the truth, without doing any homework. I posted the facts, the Republicans saw this coming 2 years ago and tried to reform it, but Democrats effectively killed it in committee... NOW, you want to deny reality and lie about that, choosing to focus on myopic details or slight errors in comments I made, rather than the point.

The FACT is, Barney Frank and the Democrats, pushed through legislation to alter the policies of loan requirements for Freddy/Fanny funds, enabling otherwise unqualified persons to obtain the loans, which they, in turn, defaulted on, causing the collapse of these institutions. Spin it however you like, that IS what happened! You want to share the blame with some Republicans who went along with it, that's fine, I have no problem with that, because it's the truth, some Republicans certainly DID go along with the Liberals and enabled this shit to happen, but you can't put this ALL on Republicans, it's a fucking joke to do so, and you are a lying piece of dog shit if you try. I don't give a damn what some LIBERAL POLL says!
Hey Moron, how's about answering my damn question? Who is this brilliant economist you've been reading, who tells you it was great for the economy to give loans to people who can't afford them? Are you just going to continue to ignore my question, and respond to the thread with your typical asinine rhetoric? Please tell us all, what "economists" have you been reading?

There's only one for us libbies, baby - Karl Marx, "The Communist Manifesto."

Jeez, Dix - with all of the "fucking retards" and "morons" you're throwing around it safe to say that we're getting under your skin?

Just to remind you again on that CNN poll thing; it was you who told us 2 weeks ago that the left would be discrediting the polls by now. Sorry that didn't work out for you....
Sometimes they are right and sometimes they are wrong. We can't help it. We agree when someone is right.

Liberals are NEVER "right" about a damn thing! I think it's why they call them "The Left" because they simply can't be "right". Oh, they have good intentions, they have great causes, they have bleeding hearts, but they aren't "right" about anything, ever!
Liberals are NEVER "right" about a damn thing! I think it's why they call them "The Left" because they simply can't be "right". Oh, they have good intentions, they have great causes, they have bleeding hearts, but they aren't "right" about anything, ever!

Spoken like a true hack.

I've never done a signature on here, but this might be a good one to start w/....
Liberals are NEVER "right" about a damn thing! I think it's why they call them "The Left" because they simply can't be "right". Oh, they have good intentions, they have great causes, they have bleeding hearts, but they aren't "right" about anything, ever!

See that's where we part ways. You are being like the Darla of the right.

Neither Republicans nor Democrats have a monopoly on good ideas.
Liberals are NEVER "right" about a damn thing! I think it's why they call them "The Left" because they simply can't be "right". Oh, they have good intentions, they have great causes, they have bleeding hearts, but they aren't "right" about anything, ever!

Hmm I was correct about Bush, the war, the economic meltdown, etc...

yes I am glad not to be right I will happially settle for correct :D
The war was fucking stupid and always has been from day one. Only partisan Republicans actually thought it would go well. Everyone else just hoped it would and bailed when it didn't.
The war was fucking stupid and always has been from day one. Only partisan Republicans actually thought it would go well. Everyone else just hoped it would and bailed when it didn't.

Not everyone. I was in disbelief and shock when I realized Bush was going to premptively invade another country based on unproven evidence.

There were several unamerican traitors like me around.

Do not use me to assuague your guilt.

I have zero guilt over this war.
The war was fucking stupid and always has been from day one. Only partisan Republicans actually thought it would go well. Everyone else just hoped it would and bailed when it didn't.

For the record (not that this thread is about the Iraq War), I never thought it would "go well" because WAR never "goes well". I had no doubt it would be difficult to establish Democracy in a place that has never known Democracy before. Like the war planners, I didn't anticipate alQaeda pouring all their resources into Iraq and making it the central front in their Jihad. According to Liberals, there is no fundamental reason for them to have done this, because Iraq meant absolutely nothing to them, and although alQaeda is present in almost every corner of the world, they were mysteriously not present or interested in Iraq. I guess they figure they just up and came there one day for the fucking hell of it or something, didn't have anything better to do, might as well go to Iraq and fight the Jihad there!

We are IN Iraq, we are fighting alQaeda in Iraq, they have said themselves (not us), that this is the central front of their war against us. What part of that are you failing to comprehend? Because, as I see it, we have no real choice but to fight them and defeat them. If we fail to do so, by withdrawing and declaring defeat (as Obama would like to do) we lose the War on Terror! It's OVER! THEY WIN! Do you just not get that or what?
Yea, yea, yea Dixie;

The Check is in the mail.

Sure I'll respect you in the morning.

I'm from the Federal Government and I'm here to help you.

I promise I won't cum in your mouth.

We've heard all these lies before too, Dixie.
See that's where we part ways. You are being like the Darla of the right.

Neither Republicans nor Democrats have a monopoly on good ideas.

Now, wait a minute, I have never said Republicans never have any good ideas!

After all, occasionally, one of them commits suicide.
Yea, yea, yea Dixie;

The Check is in the mail.

Sure I'll respect you in the morning.

I'm from the Federal Government and I'm here to help you.

I promise I won't cum in your mouth.

We've heard all these lies before too, Dixie.

Mott, I fail to see the connection between my post and conversations you've had with your grandmother. I am not "promising" you something here, just stating facts.
Yea, yea, yea Dixie;

The Check is in the mail.

Sure I'll respect you in the morning.

I'm from the Federal Government and I'm here to help you.

I promise I won't cum in your mouth.

We've heard all these lies before too, Dixie.
Really? Nobody has ever promised me to not cum in my mouth. How often do you take part in conversations where somebody promises you that? I can't imagine any of the girls I dated making such a promise. Who exactly is it you heard this lie from?

Although some of the most frightening words I have ever heard are, "I'm from the Federal Government and I'm here to help..."
Really? Nobody has ever promised me to not cum in my mouth. How often do you take part in conversations where somebody promises you that? I can't imagine any of the girls I dated making such a promise. Who exactly is it you heard this lie from?

Although some of the most frightening words I have ever heard are, "I'm from the Federal Government and I'm here to help..."

Damn've never told that lie? I've told it a bunch of times though it has backfired on me on occasion as some of the women I dated were spitters, not swallowers.
Really? Nobody has ever promised me to not cum in my mouth. How often do you take part in conversations where somebody promises you that? I can't imagine any of the girls I dated making such a promise. Who exactly is it you heard this lie from?

I'm sure Dixie's heard that lie from Bush often enough. God know's he's had Bush's Dick (isn't that an oxymoron?) in his mouth long enough!!!! :cof1: