Dixie - In Memoriam
New member
according to what I saw on CNN America is blaming the Republicans 2-1 for our economic problems.
And of course, we all know that CNN polls are the fucking Gospel! Wye, who can dispute a CNN poll? They must poll at least 1000 Pinheads, so the results are always an accurate reflection of what Americans think and feel at any given moment in time! We should just fucking do away with elections all together, and let CNN do a poll!
You know, I don't doubt this result, after all, pinheads have not shut up since the crisis happened, blaming it all on Republicans, even though that is contradictory to the facts. It goes to show, America is dumb, they believe what they hear. You've tapped into that, and so you repeat lies and distortions over and over and over again, and eventually, the stupid people start to accept it as the truth, without doing any homework. I posted the facts, the Republicans saw this coming 2 years ago and tried to reform it, but Democrats effectively killed it in committee... NOW, you want to deny reality and lie about that, choosing to focus on myopic details or slight errors in comments I made, rather than the point.
The FACT is, Barney Frank and the Democrats, pushed through legislation to alter the policies of loan requirements for Freddy/Fanny funds, enabling otherwise unqualified persons to obtain the loans, which they, in turn, defaulted on, causing the collapse of these institutions. Spin it however you like, that IS what happened! You want to share the blame with some Republicans who went along with it, that's fine, I have no problem with that, because it's the truth, some Republicans certainly DID go along with the Liberals and enabled this shit to happen, but you can't put this ALL on Republicans, it's a fucking joke to do so, and you are a lying piece of dog shit if you try. I don't give a damn what some LIBERAL POLL says!