If I read the original article correctly - and she seemed to ramble a bit, so I may not have - it sounds like she's saying NO ONE should use it, regardless of their race. That's the title as well.
I'm cool with that.
I understand the power of reclaiming derogatory words; gays have done it. My nom de plume is actually a way to reclaim "chick" as nonderogatory (although I do jump on people who use it to refer to women, just be aware)
But maybe the n-word has too horrible a history to ever be reclaimed.
However, it's not my decision; it's up to black people to decide if they want to repurpose it or retire it or whatever.
I do think it's not a word any white person should use. Period. No debate, no "when I grew up", no "but THEY use it". Don't use it.
Is Paula Deen a racist? I think to some degree, yes; not because she used the word, but because of the plantation party idea and the way some of her workers described how they were treated.
To any racists who might be on this board - it's 2013. Get over it. We know it's wrong. You have no excuse. Paula should have known better; she should have learned and grown. But she didn't.
What do chicks like to be called?