It's time to retire the N-word -- for everyone

If I read the original article correctly - and she seemed to ramble a bit, so I may not have - it sounds like she's saying NO ONE should use it, regardless of their race. That's the title as well.

I'm cool with that.

I understand the power of reclaiming derogatory words; gays have done it. My nom de plume is actually a way to reclaim "chick" as nonderogatory (although I do jump on people who use it to refer to women, just be aware)

But maybe the n-word has too horrible a history to ever be reclaimed.

However, it's not my decision; it's up to black people to decide if they want to repurpose it or retire it or whatever.

I do think it's not a word any white person should use. Period. No debate, no "when I grew up", no "but THEY use it". Don't use it.

Is Paula Deen a racist? I think to some degree, yes; not because she used the word, but because of the plantation party idea and the way some of her workers described how they were treated.

To any racists who might be on this board - it's 2013. Get over it. We know it's wrong. You have no excuse. Paula should have known better; she should have learned and grown. But she didn't.

What do chicks like to be called?
Dude, you've got issues.

You bet your ass I have issues with all y’all fucking politically correct morons.

When the blacks stop being racist bastards, there will be damn little racism left in America. The vast, vast majority of whites have gone far, far past racism, it’s the fucking blacks that perpetuate it. Haven’t you figured that out yet Honky????
You bet your ass I have issues with all y’all fucking politically correct morons.

When the blacks stop being racist bastards, there will be damn little racism left in America. The vast, vast majority of whites have gone far, far past racism, it’s the fucking blacks that perpetuate it. Haven’t you figured that out yet Honky????

Yes...past racism.into the realm.of genocidal.manicas.
The "other schools" are all bankrupted moron !!!!

And the.ONLY reason they are " bankrupted" is because.they rely.on local funding... poor.people don't have it to fund their even Middle.class neighborhoods do.

Rural white kids.often suffer the same fate....but they have something city kids don' to hunt.on, fish in, and a garden to make up the difference. Everything a poor urban people need revolves around money and the ability to buy what the poor rural kid can harvest.
And the.ONLY reason they are " bankrupted" is because.they rely.on local funding... poor.people don't have it to fund their even Middle.class neighborhoods do.

Rural white kids.often suffer the same fate....but they have something city kids don' to hunt.on, fish in, and a garden to make up the difference. Everything a poor urban people need revolves around money and the ability to buy what the poor rural kid can harvest.

Not following here Steel. The discussion was "schools of thought" not actual physical schools kids go to.
You bet your ass I have issues with all y’all fucking politically correct morons.

When the blacks stop being racist bastards, there will be damn little racism left in America. The vast, vast majority of whites have gone far, far past racism, it’s the fucking blacks that perpetuate it. Haven’t you figured that out yet Honky????

Say the n-word, and this is what might happen to you.
Yeah I know, there’s nothing racist and separatist about the NAACP, Congressional Black Caucus, United National Negro College Fund, The Hoods, The Black Panthers and OJ slitting two white folks throats. Funny ain’t it how black men want to marry white women then kill them, huh? Funny how black folk claim all they want is ”integration” and then they form institutions to ”segregate” themselves from the rest of society, huh?

It’s standard procedure to be called a racist when we point out black racism? Identifying black racism isn’t politically correct according to the black and white brain-dead leftist brainwashed wussies, but it’s holier than thou to call honest white folks racist. If racism was music, you’d be a whole fucking orchestra.

Excuse me? The NAACP was formed to counter the KKK. The CBC is the counter to the Republican "White" Congress. The UNCF is a self-help org., designed to help disadvantaged black college candidates as opposed to being refused assistance and admittance to predominantly "white" and "discriminatory" institutions of higher learning.
And excuse me, O.J. was married to Nicole Simpson, who evidently thought his "stuff" was better than your average "white stuff". O.J. Simpson is now being dealt "karma". The same karma that will catch up to you, with your racist and evil mindset.
Funny, how blacks struggle to see themselves in position of power and authority, in any capacity in magazines, television, sports management, law enforcement hierarchy, etc....
There is no "black racism" to speak of. Perhaps you can point it out. Sorry, but I don't abide racism, white privilege, or stupidity. And you seem to possess all three.
Replying to title alone;

It's time we all accept terminology and stop using/receiving it as a bad thing.

Tell me where curse words came from. Most would say Church but that isn't true. It's all Social classes against other social classes. "You shouldn't use that term, we use this one". Most terminology hatred is basic class/culture warfare.

Why is "jackass" not ok for my kid to say? It's in my bible. My bible teaches me not to use profanity, or "unfit words in a sentence" such as "gosh darn" or "golly gee".

I tend to think words always have one definition. I tend to think that over time people find this word unfit because the definition is somehow "dirty" such as "It use to be shit, it use to be poop, it use to be poo, it is now dookie, it is now #2"

Lets move this onto the class I can relate to. "You are retarded". Should someone be able to say this to someone that is retarded??? OBVIOUSLY it depends on the context. But should a retarded person always be offensive about using the term retarded? Or should they accept it and be happy.

I have a family member with an issue. I will not teach that person to treat that issue as a dirty word. I will teach them to OWN that issue, accept being different and to only judge people who use that term that describes her in a derogatory manner.

I am not telling blacks to accept whites and others using the N Bomb. I am simply wondering why it's ok for them to use it and no one else. That is not equality. It's either a derogatory term, or it's an ok term for EVERYONE. Class warfare is what slavery was and what so many Americans fought and died to stop.

If it's acceptable, then so be it. If it's not, so be it. Inequality is what made the slaves to begin with.
Replying to title alone;

It's time we all accept terminology and stop using/receiving it as a bad thing.

Tell me where curse words came from. Most would say Church but that isn't true. It's all Social classes against other social classes. "You shouldn't use that term, we use this one". Most terminology hatred is basic class/culture warfare.

Why is "jackass" not ok for my kid to say? It's in my bible. My bible teaches me not to use profanity, or "unfit words in a sentence" such as "gosh darn" or "golly gee".

I tend to think words always have one definition. I tend to think that over time people find this word unfit because the definition is somehow "dirty" such as "It use to be shit, it use to be poop, it use to be poo, it is now dookie, it is now #2"

Lets move this onto the class I can relate to. "You are retarded". Should someone be able to say this to someone that is retarded??? OBVIOUSLY it depends on the context. But should a retarded person always be offensive about using the term retarded? Or should they accept it and be happy.

I have a family member with an issue. I will not teach that person to treat that issue as a dirty word. I will teach them to OWN that issue, accept being different and to only judge people who use that term that describes her in a derogatory manner.

I am not telling blacks to accept whites and others using the N Bomb. I am simply wondering why it's ok for them to use it and no one else. That is not equality. It's either a derogatory term, or it's an ok term for EVERYONE. Class warfare is what slavery was and what so many Americans fought and died to stop.

If it's acceptable, then so be it. If it's not, so be it. Inequality is what made the slaves to begin with.

Great. It's not nice or anyone's place to tell anyone anything, being sentient human beings, with unalienable rights. The only thing I can tell you is that during the 60's and 70's, the Black Power Movement happened, and one of the consequences of it was that blacks decided to "reclaim" the n-word and change its' meaning from negative to, if not "positive" to "neutral", by using it "ubiquitously" and frequently as a greeting or in everyday discourse. It became germane to rap and hip hop music and some spoken word. We could use the word among ourselves, but when whites use it, the old context remains, which makes it hurtful, and incites negative emotions. It has run afoul with many blacks, usually educated and upper to middle class. Simply put...whites cannot use the word without it being derogatory. So why would you use it, or want to?
Great. It's not nice or anyone's place to tell anyone anything, being sentient human beings, with unalienable rights. The only thing I can tell you is that during the 60's and 70's, the Black Power Movement happened, and one of the consequences of it was that blacks decided to "reclaim" the n-word and change its' meaning from negative to, if not "positive" to "neutral", by using it "ubiquitously" and frequently as a greeting or in everyday discourse. It became germane to rap and hip hop music and some spoken word. We could use the word among ourselves, but when whites use it, the old context remains, which makes it hurtful, and incites negative emotions. It has run afoul with many blacks, usually educated and upper to middle class. Simply put...whites cannot use the word without it being derogatory. So why would you use it, or want to?

Blacks are the most racist race in America today and the fucking race-baiters Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are two of the worst fucking racist bastards on planet earth!!!!!
the only person you can control the lips and lungs of is YOURSELF.

marching around insisting people don't use a word that has so many deep meanings to so many people will lead to nothing but disappointment.

for one you will never have success and for another reason this word MEANS things in private to black people.

when me and my girls get together it is not unheard of for us to call each other bitch in the most endearing terms of all.

In a gaggle of certain aged women if you say to your girl friend "you are one awesome bitch" everyone knows what you mean.

Some Black people use the Nword the same way.

its not something a stranger can do.

Its not something a guy they don't know very well can do.

WHY is it sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo painful for some on the right to just accept there is something black people can do that we are not allowed to do?

We built this country on the backs of people we treated like cattle.

Our fore fathers could have very well built this country without doing that.

other forefathers treated the children of these slaves like non humans for generations.

Now people in some places still hunt their children down for walking with skittles while black and shoot them.

the least you could do is quit whining about not being able to use a word in open public.

I to this day don't know what it was that Butter lady said but she has no constitutional rights to good press for her products.

I do remember some stupid thing about her wanting to do a plantation party where the servers were all black.

How could anyone say THAT out loud and not think they were racist?

Think about that one.

You think the people you will hire will be happy when they realize what you had planned?
