It's time to retire the N-word -- for everyone

Did you even read the article Desh? This was written by a black woman (a feminist and Democratic one at that). I already stated hers was one of many opinions on the issue. I never stated hers was the only one.

Did you find any irony that this black woman is saying no one should use the n-word and yet a white woman (you) is saying there is nothing wrong with blacks saying it (even if it is only in private)? And you're really comparing woman saying "bitches" to each other to the n-word?

I'm not sure what gave you the idea that this article has anything to do with me thinking white people should be able to use the word. A truly honest question, what part of the subject (It's time to retire the n-word - for everyone) or my comments before the article gave you the impression that I wanted white people to be able to say the word?

Desh I'm well aware of the history of the word. I said multiple times on a thread right below this, which I know read, that white people should never use it and now you're attempting to lecture me on why white people shouldn't use?

This post isn't about the "right" Desh. It's about Americans. And as for Ms. Greene's comment that calling people racist today is as American as apple pie because here you are doing it again.

I never once said your name asshole

youjust saw your self in it
The "N" word is actually very useful .
Stupid racists will identify themselves by using it thinking it furthers their cause.
Racists are incredibly stupid.
I know there are multiple opinions on this issue but I think this woman makes a lot of good and interesting points. And although this column was written on Fox News I believe the author has pretty strong feminist credentials as well as being a Democratic strategist. I had not heard of her prior but apparently she called Tucker Carlson a bow tie wearing white boy on a Fox News show last year which made some headlines. (I think that's pretty funny but that's just me)

This is a very small part of the article but the last line jumped out at me and is ever prevalent on this board.

"""I do not believe Paula Deen is a racist. Advocates who give blacks permission to use “nigga,” yet are the first responders in labeling white people who use it as evil and diabolical fail to see the unintended consequences of their actions. Like how some people will keep trying desperately to find a word that is its equivalent, so they, too, can shackle so-called reverse racists (a foolish term).

I’ve experienced this first-hand. After calling Tucker Carlson a “white boy,” conservatives were quick to label me a racist. Would it have mattered to them had they known that Tucker referred to himself as a “white boy” at our first meeting in a green room? No. As far as they were concerned, Jehmu is a racist.

It positively wouldn’t have had any impact on them that I grew up speaking “Texan,” and “white boy” is quite common in conversation down there in them parts.

The #TCOT army would have dismissed the fact that the men I have chosen to love have predominantly been “white boys.” All that mattered is that Jehmu said “white boy” so she is a racist. Labeling someone a racist is becoming as American as apple pie."""
Yo...nice post nigga.