I've Asked, and Seen Nothing but Avoidance

Dano, shut your mouth until you are willing to speak out of one side of it.
You mean like you?

Sorry man, don't know how to do it.

Did it ever occur to you though that the best way to define what government does, IS to define explictly what it should not do? That way you have your checks on those who take liberty in expounding on the bullshit that they call a living Constitution.
On your behalf, Damocles, goals stated in "The Preamble", have no bearing on law.

Some "Libertarians" don't understand when I take issue with certain things. I also "hate" extremists. I'm a bit of an extremist myself.

I hate some extreme ideologies. I hate them when they conflict with claims they make.
Dano, you love to make claims about me. Care to debate ANY of them?

YOU are the one who eschews The Constitution. You think that your Straw Man arguments make me look wrong. Try actually debating. I will eviscerate you.
Dano, you love to make claims about me. Care to debate ANY of them?

YOU are the one who eschews The Constitution. You think that your Straw Man arguments make me look wrong. Try actually debating. I will eviscerate you.
Uh what claim did I make about you? Where the hell do you see a strawman in anything I said?
Oops I eviscerated again baby!
"Did it ever occur to you though that the best way to define what government does, IS to define explictly what it should not do? That way you have your checks on those who take liberty in expounding on the bullshit that they call a living Constitution."

Did I ever say otherwise? You like to pretend that I have.
"Did it ever occur to you though that the best way to define what government does, IS to define explictly what it should not do? That way you have your checks on those who take liberty in expounding on the bullshit that they call a living Constitution."

Did I ever say otherwise? You like to pretend that I have.

So you didn't say this?
"CLUE: What you feel THE Government should NOT do, is NOT an explanation of what you think A government's mission should be, in general."

Sorry you were saying something about walking right into something...
Thank you Dano.

THE PREAMBLE says what The Framers thought government SHOULD DO. They THEN went on to set up a framework of how to keep them from doing things they should NOT have the power to do.

I'd ASK The Libertarians to step up here, but I don't ever get help.
ALL you give is what a government should not do, Dano. Try giving what I asked for. BTW, I said you would do exactly what you did.
Is that really all I gave?
I said I want a government that is small enough to fit in the Constitution, would that be saying what it shouldn't do?
All you can ever do is say what you are against, and you cannot say what you are for.

Pure cowardice.
I have plenty of times, the government's proper role is to provide defence, administer courts, police and enforce patent protection. I see promoting the general welfare as having a surgeon general promote the general view on what is healthy and not providing healthcare via Medicare/Medicaid.

Specific enough?