I've become deaf in my right ear

I always heard that the modern medical concensus was not to stick anything in your ear yourself, but go to a doctor.
I always heard that the modern medical concensus was not to stick anything in your ear yourself, but go to a doctor.

Didn't stick anything in my ear. The entire purpose of the kit was to avoid that. It did, however, involve squirting water in your ear, which was apparently wear the kit had a slight medical misadventure with myself.
Well that healed right up, didn't it?

This lasts forever!

Beware the dangers of water-squirters, far more a menace to our society than those losery haphazard menacing figures we sometimes run into during the normal course of our average, law-abiding lives.
Hey man people get stabbed who don't do shady things.

It's something that could happen to anyone.

But they did heal. Nasty scars though. It'll be hard to explain to my kids one day.
Many a country/emo singer has talked about getting stabbed.

In the heart.

By a woman with eyes as cold as ice.

Except for Johnny Cash, who just talks about stabbing people.
Put a crown on me. I declare myself the king of random.

I need a bodyguard for that, too, Warren. People assaninate kings, don't they? So, I'm sure you'd fit the job description.
Put a crown on me. I declare myself the king of random.

I need a bodyguard for that, too, Warren. People assaninate kings, don't they? So, I'm sure you'd fit the job description.

Shit pay me Blackwater wages and I promise you will live to be 100.
Well that healed right up, didn't it?

This lasts forever!

Beware the dangers of water-squirters, far more a menace to our society than those losery haphazard menacing figures we sometimes run into during the normal course of our average, law-abiding lives.

what's a kit anyway? That's terrible WM. is it just that you can't hear much or are you completely deaf in that ear?
Hey man people get stabbed who don't do shady things.

It's something that could happen to anyone.

But they did heal. Nasty scars though. It'll be hard to explain to my kids one day.

Yeah but it mainly only happens to drug using/lady of the night patron libertarian types.

And smokers.
Yeah but it mainly only happens to drug using/lady of the night patron libertarian types.

And smokers.
Hey, I got stabbed once when carrying home my groceries -- i.e. I was mugged. And, now that you mention it, that was during my brief flirtation with Libertarianism.
