I've become deaf in my right ear

Hey, I got stabbed once when carrying home my groceries -- i.e. I was mugged. And, now that you mention it, that was during my brief flirtation with Libertarianism.

See how that works. My scientifically proven theory is accurate.
what's a kit anyway? That's terrible WM. is it just that you can't hear much or are you completely deaf in that ear?

I can't hear. I'm going to see the doctor about it in 30 minutes.

I may have pushed the water in their too fast, in which case it's permanent, or, at least, the hearing in that ear will be damaged to the point that it may as well be dea. I'm kind of hoping that it's just a blob of earwax, or that my middle ear is filled with fluid, from complications, though. I just don't like to get my hopes too high.
I can't hear. I'm going to see the doctor about it in 30 minutes.

I may have pushed the water in their too fast, in which case it's permanent, or, at least, the hearing in that ear will be damaged to the point that it may as well be dea. I'm kind of hoping that it's just a blob of earwax, or that my middle ear is filled with fluid, from complications, though. I just don't like to get my hopes too high.

Oh you were serious...I hope it goes well at the doctor.
I didn't know you were a former Liber.
Da Tovarishch. Though I prefer "recovered libertarian" myself.

It was a while ago . . . and I was never an Objectivist. :)

There were several recovering libertarians in the Socialist Workers Party when I was a member, and a couple of former socialists in the Los Angeles L.P. when I was a member of that. The two aren't nearly so dissimilar as one might think.
Da Tovarishch. Though I prefer "recovered libertarian" myself.

It was a while ago . . . and I was never an Objectivist. :)

There were several recovering libertarians in the Socialist Workers Party when I was a member, and a couple of former socialists in the Los Angeles L.P. when I was a member of that. The two aren't nearly so dissimilar as one might think.
You'd be surprised at how close the anarchist and communist philosophy would mesh as well.
It was a blob of earwax. The doctor took less than a minute to diagnose. He sent a nurse in to stick something that looked vaguely like a pneumatic drill into my ear, and luckily, all it did was squirt out water, and a blob of wax fell out. Disgusting, I know. I had been hoping for something a bit more fancy, myself.


At times like these, I wonder, what makes me special? Because being deaf in my right ear, it really defined me for that half a day. Should I search for something new to define me? Or puncture my ear drum?
It was a blob of earwax. The doctor took less than a minute to diagnose. He sent a nurse in to stick something that looked vaguely like a pneumatic drill into my ear, and luckily, all it did was squirt out water, and a blob of wax fell out. Disgusting, I know. I had been hoping for something a bit more fancy, myself.


At times like these, I wonder, what makes me special? Because being deaf in my right ear, it really defined me for that half a day. Should I search for something new to define me? Or puncture my ear drum?

Thank God! That's a relief.
Thank God! That's a relief.

It's better to be disgusting than deaf I guess. :dunno:

I though that spraying warm water in my ears too hard had damaged my ear drum. Whenever I went to the doctors office, though, they pulled out that pump water-drill thingy... sheesh. It was a lot harder than what I was doing.

Hypochondria is fun. :cof1: