I've become deaf in my right ear

It's better to be disgusting than deaf I guess. :dunno:

I though that spraying warm water in my ears too hard had damaged my ear drum. Whenever I went to the doctors office, though, they pulled out that pump water-drill thingy... sheesh. It was a lot harder than what I was doing.

Hypochondria is fun. :cof1:

I can't pretend I've never indulged in hypochondria. But I've learned to keep drastic diagnoses to myself.
It's better to be disgusting than deaf I guess. :dunno:

I though that spraying warm water in my ears too hard had damaged my ear drum. Whenever I went to the doctors office, though, they pulled out that pump water-drill thingy... sheesh. It was a lot harder than what I was doing.

Hypochondria is fun. :cof1:

from now on don't put anything in your ear except your elbow.

dont know what the doc told you to do or what he gave you but try 'Swim Ear' it gets trapped water out of your hear hole and helps dry it out.
from now on don't put anything in your ear except your elbow.

dont know what the doc told you to do or what he gave you but try 'Swim Ear' it gets trapped water out of your hear hole and helps dry it out.

I didn't stick anything in my ear.

How many times do I have to say that?

The stuff that I used softens ear wax... and it falls out of the ear. It backfired on me, and all went over to my ear drum, where it hardened back up and got stuck there.

To prevent me from getting earwax buildup again, my doctor actually had actually recommened to me that I get the same stuff that caused the whole problem. It's a widely used medication.
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