I've done nothing with my life


There are already retired porn stars my age! And I'm sitting here at college! No noble prizes, and I've already lived a quarter of all I have!

I've done nothing wit my life. :(
I hope there is such a thing as reincarnation. If so I would use one of my lives to do as little as humanly possible.

It would be a great challenge, I would way outdo you watermark.
There are already retired porn stars my age! And I'm sitting here at college! No noble prizes, and I've already lived a quarter of all I have!

I've done nothing wit my life. :(

It is very promising that you have realized this now. Many do not realize this ever.

Now that you realize this you can move to make a difference in your life and the lives of those around you.
Ambition is for assholes. Don't sweat it, young'in. In doing nothing, you do no harm.

That's some zen motherfucking shit right there. QFT.
HUH? The best way to assure domination by fascists and globalists is to do nothing.

Actually no. Those who become lawyers and mba's contribute their energy to various programs of statist elitist internationalist fascism, perhaps unknowingly. It's better to do nothing than to internalize and act upon these fascist brainwash schemes.

Populism Now!
Protectionism Forever!
There are already retired porn stars my age! And I'm sitting here at college! No noble prizes, and I've already lived a quarter of all I have!

I've done nothing wit my life. :(
I suggest that you shoot yourself, in the deep woods where coyotes will find your body, and stop using up more precious earth resources.
There are already retired porn stars my age! And I'm sitting here at college! No noble prizes, and I've already lived a quarter of all I have!

I've done nothing wit my life. :(
Ask Krugman, you have to get old, fat and sweaty, as well as liberal, before you can get a Nobel Peace Prize.

You've got one of them almost down (liberalism needs a bit more work), the other three will come with time.
Ask Krugman, you have to get old, fat and sweaty, as well as liberal, before you can get a Nobel Peace Prize.

You've got one of them almost down (liberalism needs a bit more work), the other three will come with time.

He actually won the nobel prize in economics, Damo. And I was thinking more along the lines of the nobel prize in literature.

Interestingly, I once read about this 80-year old physicist who only orgasmed when he had a dream about receiving a letter from the Swedish academy informing him that he had won a nobel prize.
Sucks for you man. I'm barely older than you and I've done some truly awesome shit. If I died tomorrow, it would probably be okay with it. I've left my legacy already in this city, and I feel like I've lived more in my twenty years than most people do in eighty.