I've noticed a new attitude with main stream Republicans

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Well let's put things in perspective, being called a left leaning liberal by a someone who considers Hitler a liberal isn't saying a hell of a lot, is it?

Of course not, but someone has to stand up for the billions of voiceless trousers of the world, damn it.
Of course not, but someone has to stand up for the billions of voiceless trousers of the world, damn it.
Stay on topic here Charver. Were talking about Republicans being in disarray. Put enough starch on the trousers and they'll stand on their own. (Boy I tell ya'll...nothing worse than a Limey with ADD!)
Is that as bad as being called a liberal by Dixie or Meme?

Some people choose to bandy the word "liberal" around as though it is some sort of insult. That is the way of the fool.

I do not use the word "trouserist" lightly, choosing only to adopt it in the face of obvious discrimination against the international pantaloon brotherhood.
Actually, providing you purchase a quality trouser, it should make no difference to the change contained in one's pocket whether you lean leftward or rightward to any particular degree. Indeed i would suggest that actual trouser inversion would have to occur before any change would be threatened with potential escape.

If there's one thing i can't abide it is to see the good name of our trousers being dragged through the mud on message boards. For shame, sir.

See... that's the thing about a really good quip, any rebuttal just sounds retarded.
You are actually just parroting what you've heard some other liberal say, but let me explain why they said it... Smart liberals (unlike yourself) know and understand, this so-called "moderate conservatism" or "passionate conservatism," whatever you want to call it, can't beat liberalism at the ballot box. In fact, for the very first time in American history, liberals are having a field day at the ballot box, because it is viewed as preferable to this hodgepodge, wishy-washy, half-hearted "moderate" conservatism, which really isn't worth squat to anyone.

So the smart liberals know, if they can brow beat conservatives into continuing to take this mild-mannered conciliatory approach, where they abandon their conservative principles for the sake of getting along, they will continue to gain and keep the power they've obtained. So they say things like, "I really hope the cons do hold to their principles" because they think this will make conservatives scared and afraid to push their party back to where they belong. As long as they can intimidate some conservatives into being like Arlen Specter and John McCain, they will keep winning elections and remain in power.

Here is the LAST thing smart liberals want... For Conservatives to be once again energized with the clear and concise core conservative message they articulated during the Reagan years. Because that spells trouble, that means disaster for them, they know it with ever fiber of their liberal being. This is why Sarah Palin is so viciously attacked and relentlessly dogged, they KNOW she poses a real threat to this liberal heyday. YOU don't know this, because you are too stupid to know anything, you just repeat whatever other pinhead liberals are saying, and think it makes you look smart. But that is the reason why you keep hearing it.

to put it more simply, if the choice in an election is democrat, or democrat-lite, people will always choose the real thing.

They want republicans to be forced to fight on THEIR turf, on issues that they already control and are dominant in (healthcare for example). Doing such is ALWAYS a losing proposition.
They are getting there! The point being, the Republican party is in dissarray and it's reaction by the base is to alienate more people from voting Republican by moving further to the right and it's rendering them impotent, ineffective and incompetent.

how many times did you get off typing that sentence?
Voters now trust Republicans more than Democrats on six out of 10 key issues, including the top issue of the economy.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 45% now trust the GOP more to handle economic issues, while 39% trust Democrats more.
This is the first time in over two years of polling that the GOP has held the advantage on this issue."


This is a poll of LIKELY voters, people that ACTUALLY decide elections, and they list it as their MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE.

suck on that demfags.
from the same link above:

"Republicans also now hold a six-point lead on the issue of government ethics and corruption, the second most important issue to all voters and the top issue among unaffiliated voters. That shows a large shift from May, when Democrats held an 11-point lead on the issue."
because democrats lost, and lost, and lost for years and years, they reveal in the fact that they get to pretend that the republicans are floundering, ignoring the fact that in electoral systems, parties rise and fall in cycles. I think it's funny that in an age of an extremely unpopular war, hurricane katrina, the floundering economy, and the main message being "change" the most popular and energizing democratic figure probably in 50 years was only able to beat out grandpa munster mccain by 6%. That's the BEST they can do with the best candidate and political circumstances in their favor.

Six out of ten of the key issues republicans now have the public on their side, and this thread is all about how republicans are dying. Too funny.

Six out of ten of the key issues republicans now have the public on their side, and this thread is all about how republicans are dying. Too funny.
Exactly why its time to stay on the principles of social and financial conservatism., and lead the voters back home.
The only good Republican:

Is in a lynch mob?

I didn't know you were such a strong conservative!
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