I've noticed a new attitude with main stream Republicans

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Oh come on Dixie, your an extremist. Hell Barry Goldwater's a fucking communist to you.

Care to point out some of my "extremist" views as an example? Please, by all means Mott... tell us how Dixie is an "extremist" in your mind... based on actual positions I have taken?

You know, the wonderful thing about an internet message board is, you can say absolutely anything, it doesn't matter if it's true, false, slanderous, or what! You can literally spend all day and night, typing pure lies and distortions, and call people every name you can think of, and there is no one who will stop you from doing it. I am sure this must be of some therapeutic benefit to pathological liars such as yourself. Perhaps you are able to get it all out of your system here, so you can live a normal life with your family without lies spewing out of your mouth constantly. I'm sure your family is grateful for this, as it must get very annoying and frustrating living with someone incapable of basic honesty. Glad we could help you out, Motthead!
Main stream republicans are starting to follow the Conservative's lead. They are no longer looking to compromise with Democrats, but instead ignore the left-wing pundits, dig their heels in and pull hard in the opposite direction. Even Dick Morris, a pragmatist and moderate who gives advice to Republicans, is telling them to stick to principles, not simply for principle's sake but to ensure ultimate victory.

No matter what happens with programs that the Democrats push through, if the GOP sounds the warning loud enough and votes a resounding NO, the Democrats may pass their huge spending bills, but will ultimately own the resulting failure completely.

I am starting to see joy from conservative pundits who see this happening, and like Winston Churchill during the Battle of London, realized that although the country is undertaking massive punishment, the enemy can never defeat us, will ultimately be beaten, beaten badly, and good will be triumphant.

Such is the future of the Democrat Party. :cof1:

Other Americans are the ENEMY?

What I see happening...the right is revealing their true colors...their kindred to other right wing extremists like the Taliban, Hamas, al Qaeda and the Nazis...

Right wing talking heads hoping our President fails, even though it would destroy our country...

Right wing Congressman comparing GOP strategy to Taliban insurgency...

GOP strategists pushing out moderate Republicans to "purify" the party...

Hey, why don't you join up with your brothers; the Taliban, Hamas, al Qaeda and the Nazis and start your own country...call it the PBBR...

The PEA Brain Banana republic...
Nope, it would hurt the middle class and the poor.

repost - same thought to same BS.

Whenever a right winger starts worrying about the middle class and the poor I raise my feet. The hypocrisy is too deep for words. Consider conservative opinion on items that do help the middle class and poor: fair wages, unions, UHC, SS, welfare and you know a corporate think tank is pulling their strings.

Nazis were liberals too. *shrug*

Good thing Hitler didn't know that Nazis were liberals, he wouldn't have locked up and killed so many of them. He might have won the war...

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

Then they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
I did not speak out;
I was not a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out for me.
Pastor Martin Niemöller
Care to point out some of my "extremist" views as an example? Please, by all means Mott... tell us how Dixie is an "extremist" in your mind... based on actual positions I have taken?

You know, the wonderful thing about an internet message board is, you can say absolutely anything, it doesn't matter if it's true, false, slanderous, or what! You can literally spend all day and night, typing pure lies and distortions, and call people every name you can think of, and there is no one who will stop you from doing it. I am sure this must be of some therapeutic benefit to pathological liars such as yourself. Perhaps you are able to get it all out of your system here, so you can live a normal life with your family without lies spewing out of your mouth constantly. I'm sure your family is grateful for this, as it must get very annoying and frustrating living with someone incapable of basic honesty. Glad we could help you out, Motthead!
Let's see, points that make Dixie an extremist.

Believe Obama is a muslim.
Thinks religion should be taught science class.
Thinks seperation of church and state is a sham
Thinks the Iraq war is legitimate.
Thinks regressive Bush tax cuts are fair to middle class.
Thinks denying American citizens habeus corpus rights during war on terror is acceptable.
Thinks torturing is acceptable.
Thinks Federal response to Katrina was appropriate and that all the shortcomings of the emergency response belonged to Louisiana's Governor, even in Mississippi.
Thinks DOI and US Constitution are christian documents approved by Billy Graham.

OK, anyone else here want to add to the list of things Dixie say's and believes that makes him an extremist? This is just to easy! LOL
repost - same thought to same BS.

Whenever a right winger starts worrying about the middle class and the poor I raise my feet. The hypocrisy is too deep for words. Consider conservative opinion on items that do help the middle class and poor: fair wages, unions, UHC, SS, welfare and you know a corporate think tank is pulling their strings.


You don't really think TuTu is going to ready any of this, do you? Why that's just to much like doing research. A good conservatives doesn't need to stoop to these means to be informed. Hell, didn't you know that's what Rush Limbaugh is for?
Let's see, points that make Dixie an extremist.

Believe Obama is a muslim. False- Dixie thinks he was born a Muslim.
Thinks religion should be taught science class. False- Never said anything remotely close.
Thinks seperation of church and state is a sham False- It's not in the Constitution.
Thinks the Iraq war is legitimate. True- (So does the current president)
Thinks regressive Bush tax cuts are fair to middle class. True- not extreme.
Thinks denying American citizens habeus corpus rights during war on terror is acceptable. False- Never said anything remotely close to this.
Thinks torturing is acceptable. False- Never said anything close to this.
Thinks Federal response to Katrina was appropriate and that all the shortcomings of the emergency response belonged to Louisiana's Governor, even in Mississippi. False- Never made such a claim.
Thinks DOI and US Constitution are christian documents approved by Billy Graham. False- Never said anything close to this.

OK, anyone else here want to add to the list of things Dixie say's and believes that makes him an extremist? This is just to easy! LOL

So you got two right, one was not extreme, the other is something Obama agrees with me on. Care to try again with a little more honesty?
"You know, the wonderful thing about an internet message board is, you can say absolutely anything, it doesn't matter if it's true, false, slanderous, or what! You can literally spend all day and night, typing pure lies and distortions, and call people every name you can think of, and there is no one who will stop you from doing it."

These definitely sound like the words of someone with a vast amount of experience on this topic...
"You know, the wonderful thing about an internet message board is, you can say absolutely anything, it doesn't matter if it's true, false, slanderous, or what! You can literally spend all day and night, typing pure lies and distortions, and call people every name you can think of, and there is no one who will stop you from doing it."

These definitely sound like the words of someone with a vast amount of experience on this topic...

Oh yes, I have lots of experience tolerating your pinhead lies, distortions, and slander. I guess that's why it doesn't bother me, I am desensitized to it now. Like I said, I am glad I can help you pathological liars live a more normal life with your families.
Dixie also said there were WMD's. In tunnels if I recall correctly.
And that he doubted if 500 US troops would be killed in Iraq.
Other Americans are the ENEMY?

What I see happening...the right is revealing their true colors...their kindred to other right wing extremists like the Taliban, Hamas, al Qaeda and the Nazis...

Right wing talking heads hoping our President fails, even though it would destroy our country...

Right wing Congressman comparing GOP strategy to Taliban insurgency...

GOP strategists pushing out moderate Republicans to "purify" the party...

Hey, why don't you join up with your brothers; the Taliban, Hamas, al Qaeda and the Nazis and start your own country...call it the PBBR...

The PEA Brain Banana republic...

Liberals are the enemy of the Constitution and therefore the enemy of all Conservatives.
Liberals are the enemy of the Constitution and therefore the enemy of all Conservatives.

I wonder then, why a true patriot like you has not gone into you arsenal, grabbed weapons and started killing liberals, if you believe we are the enemy. If I believed America's enemies were identifiable and living amongst us, I certainly would not be content to sit passively and post on internet message boards.... unless I were a coward.
I wonder then, why a true patriot like you has not gone into you arsenal, grabbed weapons and started killing liberals, if you believe we are the enemy. If I believed America's enemies were identifiable and living amongst us, I certainly would not be content to sit passively and post on internet message boards.... unless I were a coward.
If the time comes then that tactic will be used. Right now a more effective tactic is to let fools like you run your mouth off and have every single piece of legislation that you've been dreaming about in the last 20 years. *shrug*
If the time comes then that tactic will be used. Right now a more effective tactic is to let fools like you run your mouth off and have every single piece of legislation that you've been dreaming about in the last 20 years. *shrug*

Mr. shrug... that sounds like a cowardly cop-out to me. If liberals are indeed the enemy, and if Obama gets two or three SCOTUS picks, "patriots" like you will have lost your window of opportunity. You had better start ammo-in' up, or admit that you are nothing but a weird internet keyboard warrior with a lot of keystrokes worth of "bark", but NO "bite" of any caliber. :cof1:
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