He can't. We've seen the best of #10

Meanwhile, there's this


What? A meme based on a randU fallacy?

Big hairy deal.
I still cannot wrap my head around the idea that one would prefer to contract a potentially lethal disease and treat it with dewormer than to prevent it in the first place.

But, let them forge on. It’s better to have them out of the genetic pool and voting booth.

Trolling. Hate speech.
You're trolling again, Sybil.

He's a hoot, ain't he? Do you think he's really allowed to run around loose in his neighborhood without adult supervision?

The ignorant fucker knows he’s on ignore, yet still continues to reply, ad nauseam, to my posts. That’s pegging out the Stupid Meter.
The ignorant fucker knows he’s on ignore, yet still continues to reply, ad nauseam, to my posts. That’s pegging out the Stupid Meter.
He replies regardless of the names. He doesn't keep track of who bans him and who doesn't. He's in his own little world....and that's why I like to rock it for him every once in away when he replies like a fucking moron to me with his idiot posts.
Okay. Show me where in any constitution of any State:

Here is the Texas law: "Sec. 38.001. IMMUNIZATION; REQUIREMENTS; EXCEPTIONS. (a) Each student shall be fully immunized against diphtheria, rubeola, rubella, mumps, tetanus, and poliomyelitis, except as provided by Subsection (c).

This is the entire law except for a list of exemptions and what is required to qualify for an exemption.

Here is the Texas court case upholding the constitutionality of Texas vaccine requirements:


Here is the constitutional justification for such laws:

"The police power inherent in the state has been likened unto the law of self-defense, that is said to be born in each individual. As the individual has the right to protect his life or body from serious bodily injury, and his property which he has lawfully acquired from destruction, so the state has the inherent right, under the police power, to protect the public welfare from those things which would produce death or seriously affect the health of the public or its general moral welfare."

Do you think Abbot's executive orders saying school districts and private businesses cannot require masks or vaccines is constitutional? What is the source of his authority? It is restricting the power of local governments and interfering in private businesses.