So you didn't read the article.
I read the article. I even provided some of my thoughts on it.

The people DID use it, entire towns used it according to the article, and you haven't disproved anything in it.
"Entire towns" is quite vague. Was it a couple towns? Six towns? Twenty towns? A hundred towns? A few "entire towns" would be a rather small subset of Brazil as a whole. The article also doesn't get into details regarding how the ivermectin was administered. It also fails to mention what I did in my OP about the interesting results in certain parts of India.

You're arguing for the sake of arguing because you're so invested in people getting dewormed. :D
There's that word again, QED that you have outsourced your thinking to the mainstream media (and in extension, your government).
Their use in Covid is totally fake.
No, it is totally REAL. Numerous countries have been using both as a COVID treatment option. A number of doctors have noticed success with those treatment options. Their voices are suppressed by mainstream media, of course, since their voices are in opposition to what The Oligarchy (the FJB regime) wants people to believe.

They do not work.
They seem to be working rather well as a preventative/treatment option.

Trump made outrageous claims about them
I remember him making claims (in 2020) about looking into hydroxychloroquine as a treatment option. I don't recall him mentioning anything about ivermectin. -- Can you provide the forum with these "outrageous claims" of Trump's of which you are supposedly referencing?

and righyts thought, If Trump says it, it must be true.
I personally don't know a single righty who thinks in that sort of manner.

You still need to specify the "outrageous claims" that you are referencing...

I won't hold my breath.
Into The Night = idiot = ignore


The liberals on this forum sure love to brag about (and compare) their ignore list sizes, much like immature men do in the locker room with their dick sizes.

How does it make you feel knowing that PoliTalker has a much bigger ignore list than you do?
Also IBDaMann. All three of them are on Sybil's fake forum. Click the link to his signature. It's like opening his head and looking inside.
IBDaMann has not made a post on here since 01/09/2021. If he's still on the forefront of your mind after nine months of inactivity, then he's definitely living rent free inside your head.

I have no idea who Sybil is. You seem quite obsessed with her though.
Empty is how your opinions should be described.
Empty is how many of your posts should be described.

I seek actual medical opinions.
No, you don't seek anything. You have no mind of your own. You have outsourced your thinking to others, thus you can only parrot whatever those other sources have told you. Anything that is in agreement with the sources doing your thinking for you is considered to be "actual medical opinions", and anything that is in disagreement with the sources doing your thinking for you is considered to be "fake right-wing blog conspiracy theories".

You do not need them.
You're right. I don't. That's because I have not outsourced my thinking to anyone else.

You make them up as you go along.
I do my own thinking. You have outsourced yours to others.
The ignorant fucker knows he’s on ignore, yet still continues to reply, ad nauseam, to my posts. That’s pegging out the Stupid Meter.
He can respond to whatever posts he feels like responding to. You have no control over him. You have no control over me either. I will keep responding to your posts whenever I feel like doing so.

I realize that lefties like you tend to freak out about not having full control over other people, since you live your lives in fear, but that's your problem, not mine.

This is an open forum. Anyone can respond to any post that he/she feels like responding to, even if you make use of the ignore feature. Tough titties, snowflake...

That you are mentally ill and have three socks on JPP.
IBDaMann has not made a post on here since 01/09/2021. If he's still on the forefront of your mind after nine months of inactivity, then he's definitely living rent free inside your head.

I have no idea who Sybil is. You seem quite obsessed with her though.

Amazing how you gave enough of a shit to look that up, Sybil. :laugh:

My guess is that you couldn't keep up the energy of IBDa; the cartoonish exaggerated African-American you picture most African-Americans to be.

You know, like Amos 'n' Andy or the crows in Disney's "Dumbo".

Empty is how your opinions should be described. I seek actual medical opinions. You do not need them. You make them up as you go along.

No, you seek out medical opinions that match your personal opinion. You don't get to speak for all doctors. Omniscience fallacy.
He replies regardless of the names. He doesn't keep track of who bans him and who doesn't. He's in his own little world....and that's why I like to rock it for him every once in away when he replies like a fucking moron to me with his idiot posts.

Not my problem to keep track of anyone's ignore lists. :fap:
Here is the Texas law: "Sec. 38.001. IMMUNIZATION; REQUIREMENTS; EXCEPTIONS. (a) Each student shall be fully immunized against diphtheria, rubeola, rubella, mumps, tetanus, and poliomyelitis, except as provided by Subsection (c).

This is the entire law except for a list of exemptions and what is required to qualify for an exemption.
Then it's not the entire law. Paradox.
Here is the Texas court case upholding the constitutionality of Texas vaccine requirements:

No court has authority to change the constitution.
Here is the constitutional justification for such laws:

"The police power inherent in the state has been likened unto the law of self-defense, that is said to be born in each individual. As the individual has the right to protect his life or body from serious bodily injury, and his property which he has lawfully acquired from destruction, so the state has the inherent right, under the police power, to protect the public welfare from those things which would produce death or seriously affect the health of the public or its general moral welfare."
Not in the Texas Constitution.
Do you think Abbot's executive orders saying school districts and private businesses cannot require masks or vaccines is constitutional?
What is the source of his authority?
Article I, $2, 3, 4, and 6 of the Constitution of the State of Texas.
It is restricting the power of local governments and interfering in private businesses.
Local governments are restricted by the Constitution of the United States, Constitution of the State of Texas, AND the constitution of that jurisdiction.
It is not interfering with private businesses. They are already not allowed to discriminate based on religion. That is what this is.