Jacob Rees-Mogg counteracts brainwashing

He is a staunch Catholic and therefore opposed to gay marriage on the grounds that it is reserved for men and women only. I have never heard him speak against civil partnerships though. I also had my doubts about gay marriage in Great Britain thinking that the gay lobby would try to force religious bodies to accept marriage in church against their will. That doesn't appear to have happened, so far at least. I felt it was truly shameful that many Catholic adoption agencies closed rather than be forced to handle adoptions by gay couples. I might also point out that Obama was anti-gay marriage as well until he changed his mind.

Yeah, i know about the Catholic thing. They are his principles and that's fine as a constituency MP. However, they are going to cause him problems if he ever stood for the leadership (he'd be inhabiting that Liam Fox sector of the party that never seem to get their campaigns off the ground) never mind attempting to sell an anti-equality message to the country. I don't know about his stance on civil partnerships either.

The only reason to elect him leader would be if he could sell a message to a more youthful elctorate (or at least an electorate under the age of 45). He's against sexual equality, he's a climate change denier, he's all for leaving the EU and he supports welfare cuts and zero hours contracts. Something tells me that's going to be somewhat difficult, despite his posh-chap-out-of-water routine. Now i know you, probably, agree with all those positions but that demographic just don't, no matter how misguided you may think they are. That's why he's not going to become PM.
Well 'free money' is always popular isn't it? If even a fraction of their economic policies were implemented the country would be bankrupted pretty damn quick. I am old enough to remember what happened in the 70s first hand, you, I imagine were too young or not even born.

I should also point that Corbyn was profoundly dishonest about Labour's position on Brexit. No wonder he was so quiet last year, many voted for him thinking he wanted to keep in the Single Market and the Customs Union. Now they discover that he is a lifelong critic who voted for leaving the EU in 1975. He wants to leave because he thinks that he will unable to turn all the spending taps on whilst in the EU. France has just been told to get their deficit below 3%, Corbyn would send it into the stratosphere.

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Yes, people do like free money. The Tories used to make this offer quite frequently during elections. Tax cuts for the wealthy, bribing pensioners, free council houses, that sort of thing. You can hardly blame a man who was going to be wiped out in a Conservative landslide for saying "to hell with it" and putting out a fantasy wish-list, can you?

Also, anyone who was unaware of Corbyns anti-EU past and very luke-warm support for remaining can't have been paying attention during the referendum, where he was constantly criticised by his own MPs for failing to make the case. Don't you remember Chris Bryant et al claiming he'd voted 'Leave'?
Yes, people do like free money. The Tories used to make this offer quite frequently during elections. Tax cuts for the wealthy, bribing pensioners, free council houses, that sort of thing. You can hardly blame a man who was going to be wiped out in a Conservative landslide for saying "to hell with it" and putting out a fantasy wish-list, can you?

Also, anyone who was unaware of Corbyns anti-EU past and very luke-warm support for remaining can't have been paying attention during the referendum, where he was constantly criticised by his own MPs for failing to make the case. Don't you remember Chris Bryant et al claiming he'd voted 'Leave'?

How are they bribing pensioners? We still pay one of the lowest state pensions in Western Europe.

Many voted for Corbyn thinking that he'd thwart Brexit, he deliberately remained as low key as possible on the issue.

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How are they bribing pensioners? We still pay one of the lowest state pensions in Western Europe.

Many voted for Corbyn thinking that he'd thwart Brexit, he deliberately remained as low key as possible on the issue.

By bribes i was thinking of the fact that pensioner benefits have continued to rise in comparison with working-age benefits, which have been cut or frozen in real terms.

And, i don't disagree that Corbyn did remain low key on (i still hate that word and refuse to use it) leaving the EU. It's the sensible option for him to take with the splits in the party. I mean the Tories are a party of Leavers led by a Remainer and Labour is a party of Remainers led by a Leaver. It's quite, quite, mad. His sole job now is to bring down the government and obfuscating on the leave process is key to that.
By bribes i was thinking of the fact that pensioner benefits have continued to rise in comparison with working-age benefits, which have been cut or frozen in real terms.

And, i don't disagree that Corbyn did remain low key on (i still hate that word and refuse to use it) leaving the EU. It's the sensible option for him to take with the splits in the party. I mean the Tories are a party of Leavers led by a Remainer and Labour is a party of Remainers led by a Leaver. It's quite, quite, mad. His sole job now is to bring down the government and obfuscating on the leave process is key to that.
Yet thirty odd years ago Labour was the party of leavers. Indeed I voted for Michael Foot because he wanted to leave back in 1983.

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By bribes i was thinking of the fact that pensioner benefits have continued to rise in comparison with working-age benefits, which have been cut or frozen in real terms.

And, i don't disagree that Corbyn did remain low key on (i still hate that word and refuse to use it) leaving the EU. It's the sensible option for him to take with the splits in the party. I mean the Tories are a party of Leavers led by a Remainer and Labour is a party of Remainers led by a Leaver. It's quite, quite, mad. His sole job now is to bring down the government and obfuscating on the leave process is key to that.

Do you say Channel Tunnel?
You are nothing if not predictable, he is without doubt a future PM. It is rare to find somebody in politics these days who is utterly incorruptible and has high moral standards.

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well, doubtless - if Murdoch succeeds in finally putting a stop to any democracy, and any 'hard left' persons who speak for the actual British People against the arse-lickers.
well, doubtless - if Murdoch succeeds in finally putting a stop to any democracy, and any 'hard left' persons who speak for the actual British People against the arse-lickers.
Where would the Hard Left be without their bogeymen? If you are so worried about democracy, then maybe you should ask why hatchet men from Momentum have been visiting moderate Labour MPs and threatening them with deselection if they didn't endorse the new Messiah​?

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Where would the Hard Left be without their bogeymen? If you are so worried about democracy, then maybe you should ask why hatchet men from Momentum have been visiting moderate Labour MPs and threatening them with deselection if they didn't endorse the new Messiah​?

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Where would there be a 'hard left' except in the mind of Murdoch's loonies. They mean normal British persons, I believe.
Where would there be a 'hard left' except in the mind of Murdoch's loonies. They mean normal British persons, I believe.
Yeah to you perhaps, but to truly normal people they are political thugs that intimidate MPs especially Jewish ones. There is a huge undercurrent of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party, but living in your bucolic barrio in the Valleys, you are impervious to it.

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Yeah to you perhaps, but to truly normal people they are political thugs that intimidate MPs especially Jewish ones. There is a huge undercurrent of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party, but living in your bucolic barrio in the Valleys, you are impervious to it.

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Dream on. Uncle Hitler will doubtless come back to hug you soon! :) Bloody tories having the brass neck to talk about anti-Semitism! Jesus wept! What these buggers worship is the third-and-a quarter Reich, and what they object to is exactly what their tory ancestors detested in the '30 when my Old man was on a Hitler Death List - anyone daring to oppose racist power and stinking olonialism.
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Dream on. Uncle Hitler will doubtless come back to hug you soon! :) Bloody tories having the brass neck to talk about anti-Semitism! Jesus wept! What these buggers worship is the third-and-a quarter Reich, and what they object to is exactly what their tory ancestors detested in the '30 when my Old man was on a Hitler Death List - anyone daring to oppose racist power and stinking olonialism.
It never takes long for you to invoke Godwin's Law, does it? When it come down to it, there isn't a great deal of difference between the far Left and the far Right. You have to be seriously asleep at the wheel to not notice that John McDonnell is not a great fan of democracy. Why else has he changed the rules so that only 5% of Labour MPs, down from the previous 15%, need vote to get a candidate on the leadership ballot?

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Does anybody need more proof that the inmates have taken over the asylum?


This sort of thing is quite clever.

There's no spending commitment as it's "an ambition" but it will hit all the right spots for the target audience. Basically, it's just a version of the long-standing Conservative "ambition" to reduce immigration "to the tens of thousands" which, likewise, will never actually happen.