Jacob Rees-Mogg counteracts brainwashing

This sort of thing is quite clever.

There's no spending commitment as it's "an ambition" but it will hit all the right spots for the target audience. Basically, it's just a version of the long-standing Conservative "ambition" to reduce immigration "to the tens of thousands" which, likewise, will never actually happen.
Are you a Corbynista?

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It never takes long for you to invoke Godwin's Law, does it? When it come down to it, there isn't a great deal of difference between the far Left and the far Right. You have to be seriously asleep at the wheel to not notice that John McDonnell is not a great fan of democracy. Why else has he changed the rules so that only 5% of Labour MPs, down from the previous 15%, need vote to get a candidate on the leadership ballot?

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I call Nazis Nazis. Where else but in Hitler's regime do you think the Zionist scum learned their approach to the rest of Humanity, as opposed to their own racially-superior Volk? What has Mr McDonnell to do with your racist fantasies?
I call Nazis Nazis. Where else but in Hitler's regime do you think the Zionist scum learned their approach to the rest of Humanity, as opposed to their own racially-superior Volk? What has Mr McDonnell to do with your racist fantasies?

I might have known that you are a McDonnell arselicker. He is an unreconstructed Marxist bastard, that's what I have against him. He bankrupted the old GLC and was so incompetent that even Red Ken had to sack him.

Sent from my iPhone 25S
I call Nazis Nazis. Where else but in Hitler's regime do you think the Zionist scum learned their approach to the rest of Humanity, as opposed to their own racially-superior Volk? What has Mr McDonnell to do with your racist fantasies?
Have you ever been to Auschwitz, probably not I suppose? Well I have and it might just remind you that what you just said is truly monstrous and shows exactly why you can't see the anti-Semitism that rife in Momentum.

If the Israeli government were truly Nazi, as you constantly assert, then the 22% of Arabs in Israel would have either been killed or expelled by now. Yet those 'Nazi bastards' did something infinitely worse, in your eyes anyway, they turned them into citizens!!

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
I might have known that you are a McDonnell arselicker. He is an unreconstructed Marxist bastard, that's what I have against him. He bankrupted the old GLC and was so incompetent that even Red Ken had to sack him.

Sent from my iPhone 25S
I know nothing about the gentleman, but if he is an 'unreconstructed Marxist' he must he steady-minded and intelligent. About his parentage I am wholly ignorant.
Have you ever been to Auschwitz, probably not I suppose? Well I have and it might just remind you that what you just said is truly monstrous and shows exactly why you can't see the anti-Semitism that rife in Momentum.

If the Israeli government were truly Nazi, as you constantly assert, then the 22% of Arabs in Israel would have either been killed or expelled by now. Yet those 'Nazi bastards' did something infinitely worse, in your eyes anyway, they turned them into citizens!!

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
As you know perfectly well, racists only go in for mass murder when they can get away with it. Hitler did during the War. 'Israel' as you know, is an American colony, and its masters won't back them yet. Some of the rightful inhabitants weren't expelled by the colonialists? Big deal - someone has to do the work, kid.
As you know perfectly well, racists only go in for mass murder when they can get away with it. Hitler did during the War. 'Israel' as you know, is an American colony, and its masters won't back them yet. Some of the rightful inhabitants weren't expelled by the colonialists? Big deal - someone has to do the work, kid.
Yeah bullshit, they had an ideal opportunity in 1948 to expel all the Arabs but they didn't.

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Are you a Corbynista?

I can honestly say i have never been even mildly enthused by any politician at any point in my life.

I am content to walk hand in hand, through the political valley of death, with my only friend, namely cynicism*

*and any clever cunt who wants to quote Oscar Wilde at me can fuck off right now
I can honestly say i have never been even mildly enthused by any politician at any point in my life.

I am content to walk hand in hand, through the political valley of death, with my only friend, namely cynicism*

*and any clever cunt who wants to quote Oscar Wilde at me can fuck off right now
Surely you are a little impressed that he can say floccinaucinihilipilification?

Sent from iPhone 25S Turbo
I call Nazis Nazis. Where else but in Hitler's regime do you think the Zionist scum learned their approach to the rest of Humanity, as opposed to their own racially-superior Volk? What has Mr McDonnell to do with your racist fantasies?

Hitler's regime killed-off more than a handful of Zionists, if you want to call that an education.
Hitler's regime killed-off more than a handful of Zionists, if you want to call that an education.
The Labour Party has been infiltrated by many with his mentality. Anti-Semitism is rife and their Dear Leader Corbyn says fuck all about it. What Iolo says amounts to racism, for want of a better word, as he sating that Zionist Jews are little more than Nazis.

Sent from iPhone 25S Turbo
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The Labour Party has been infiltrated by many with his mentality. Anti-Semitism is rife and their Dear Leader Corbyn says fuck all about it. What Iolo says amounts to racism, for want of a better word, as he sating that Zionist Jews are little more than Nazis.

Sent from iPhone 25S Turbo

He's been spouting that drivel on here for ages. It has become a real calling-card of the hard-left (or, Marxists, in his case) to engage in anti-Semitic rhetoric over Israel.
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