Jade's project share.

I am currently taking three video courses, History of the Byzantium Empire; history of human language; and legacy of the great economists.

It turns out that Adam Smith was not the heartless laissez faire economist I imagined, and Karl Marx never supported or advocated for totalitarian government.

During my quarantine from the Trump virus, here is what I learned from my classes.

Karl Marx likely would have been appalled at having his name coopted by the Soviets to justify totalitarianism and oppression.

Adam Smith supported government intervention in public education, public infrastructure, and the public welfare.

There are 6,000 languages in the world but 96% of people speak one or more of the top 20 languages. One language goes extinct every two weeks.

English, while purportedly a Germanic language due to it's Anglo-Saxon roots, is actually comprised overwhelmingly of derivatives of French, Latin, Greek, and Old Norse words.