APP - JANUARY 20TH, 2017

Listened to Trump's press conference on NPR on the way to work this a.m. and it make me think what a contrast to Obama.
To me Obama sounds altruistic and ethereal without really saying anything of substance.
Trump sounds more genuine.
MSM fake news apparently has some influence on me because I'm always surprised at how much better Trump sounds when he's actually serious than I expect.
Dunno, we'll see I guess. I wish Trump would give up responding to irrelevant, insignificant celebrity criticism with tweets though. I find it immature.

You do know what 'substance' means? Right?


"If I had told you eight years ago that America would reverse a great recession, reboot our auto industry, and unleash the longest stretch of job creation in our history - if I had told you that we would open up a new chapter with the Cuban people, shut down Iran's nuclear weapons program without firing a shot, take out the mastermind of 9-11 - if I had told you that we would win marriage equality and secure the right to health insurance for another 20 million of our fellow citizens - if I had told you all that, you might have said our sights were set a little too high....But that's what we did. That's what you did. You were the change. The answer to people's hopes and, because of you, by almost every measure, America is a better, stronger place than it was when we started." President Obama

And to compare here is Trump's BS:

"Sue Carswell, the only other voice on the tape, told Fox's Megyn Kelly that Trump had to be the source. Had Carswell wanted to make news, she could have sold a piece with her byline about the I99I interview and Trump's subsequent confession that he was Miller. Kelly asked Carswell what explanation Trump had offered her in his confession that he was John Miller. "He had no explanation," Carswell said. "He just moved the conversations along." She added that Trump then proposed. that he, herself, Maples, and a People editor go out, which they did.

That Trump might put out a tape and then deny his own voice may seem beyond belief to many people, or at least like something a reporter could benefit from making up. But it makes perfect sense to journalists who are accustomed to publicists dishing on clients or defense lawyers revealing troubling information about defendants. That's the strategy: get bad news out, muddle it, and hope people do not get a clear appreciation of the facts.

One more telling detail shows that Trump was not honest when he spoke to Guthrie on - the Today Show. The Washington Post explicitly asked Trump about the John Miller episode just before publishing its report. "The phone went silent, then dead," the newspaper reported. "When the reporters called back and reached Trump's secretary, she said, <I heard you got disconnected. He can't take the call now. 1 don't know what happened.'" from 'The Making of Donald Trump' by David Cay Johnston, p151

You are aware that Trump lied about 911 and cheering too?
You do know what 'substance' means? Right?


"If I had told you eight years ago that America would reverse a great recession, reboot our auto industry, and unleash the longest stretch of job creation in our history - if I had told you that we would open up a new chapter with the Cuban people, shut down Iran's nuclear weapons program without firing a shot, take out the mastermind of 9-11 - if I had told you that we would win marriage equality and secure the right to health insurance for another 20 million of our fellow citizens - if I had told you all that, you might have said our sights were set a little too high....But that's what we did. That's what you did. You were the change. The answer to people's hopes and, because of you, by almost every measure, America is a better, stronger place than it was when we started." President Obama

And to compare here is Trump's BS:

"Sue Carswell, the only other voice on the tape, told Fox's Megyn Kelly that Trump had to be the source. Had Carswell wanted to make news, she could have sold a piece with her byline about the I99I interview and Trump's subsequent confession that he was Miller. Kelly asked Carswell what explanation Trump had offered her in his confession that he was John Miller. "He had no explanation," Carswell said. "He just moved the conversations along." She added that Trump then proposed. that he, herself, Maples, and a People editor go out, which they did.

That Trump might put out a tape and then deny his own voice may seem beyond belief to many people, or at least like something a reporter could benefit from making up. But it makes perfect sense to journalists who are accustomed to publicists dishing on clients or defense lawyers revealing troubling information about defendants. That's the strategy: get bad news out, muddle it, and hope people do not get a clear appreciation of the facts.

One more telling detail shows that Trump was not honest when he spoke to Guthrie on - the Today Show. The Washington Post explicitly asked Trump about the John Miller episode just before publishing its report. "The phone went silent, then dead," the newspaper reported. "When the reporters called back and reached Trump's secretary, she said, <I heard you got disconnected. He can't take the call now. 1 don't know what happened.'" from 'The Making of Donald Trump' by David Cay Johnston, p151

You are aware that Trump lied about 911 and cheering too?

LOL 'Cry harder' is the best you can come with it? Now that your taxes are paying for the wall and a man and his family you may want to get the tissues ready. LOL

And because you are a weak you will once again ban my contradictions of your slavish admiration of the draft dodger Donnie. But so it goes, the weak on the right are followers and require strong men as idols. That has always been the case but history is something you know nothing about. Even Donnie being weak looks up to Putin. Seems pretty common among the right doesn't it.

"Mr. Trump himself is doing nothing to dispel suspicions with his hyperbolic attacks and his denials that he has business interests in Russia — when his dealings there go back decades. He accused the intelligence agencies of releasing this “fake news” to take “one last shot” at him, and outrageously compared their acts to those of Nazi Germany — as if the Nuremberg Trials were held to punish the leaking of raw intelligence.

At the same time that Mr. Trump continues to exhibit paranoia about American intelligence agencies, he displays a trust verging on gullibility in the mendacious and murderous government of Mr. Putin. “Russia just said,” he tweeted, “unverified report paid for by political opponents is ‘a complete and total fabrication, utter nonsense.’ Very unfair!”"
LOL 'Cry harder' is the best you can come with it? Now that your taxes are paying for the wall and a man and his family you may want to get the tissues ready. LOL

And because you are a weak you will once again ban my contradictions of your slavish admiration of the draft dodger Donnie. But so it goes, the weak on the right are followers and require strong men as idols. That has always been the case but history is something you know nothing about. Even Donnie being weak looks up to Putin. Seems pretty common among the right doesn't it.

"Mr. Trump himself is doing nothing to dispel suspicions with his hyperbolic attacks and his denials that he has business interests in Russia — when his dealings there go back decades. He accused the intelligence agencies of releasing this “fake news” to take “one last shot” at him, and outrageously compared their acts to those of Nazi Germany — as if the Nuremberg Trials were held to punish the leaking of raw intelligence.

At the same time that Mr. Trump continues to exhibit paranoia about American intelligence agencies, he displays a trust verging on gullibility in the mendacious and murderous government of Mr. Putin. “Russia just said,” he tweeted, “unverified report paid for by political opponents is ‘a complete and total fabrication, utter nonsense.’ Very unfair!”"

I would be very happy for my taxes to pay for a wall instead of welfare queens.
LOL 'Cry harder' is the best you can come with it? Now that your taxes are paying for the wall and a man and his family you may want to get the tissues ready. LOL

And because you are a weak you will once again ban my contradictions of your slavish admiration of the draft dodger Donnie. But so it goes, the weak on the right are followers and require strong men as idols. That has always been the case but history is something you know nothing about. Even Donnie being weak looks up to Putin. Seems pretty common among the right doesn't it.

"Mr. Trump himself is doing nothing to dispel suspicions with his hyperbolic attacks and his denials that he has business interests in Russia — when his dealings there go back decades. He accused the intelligence agencies of releasing this “fake news” to take “one last shot” at him, and outrageously compared their acts to those of Nazi Germany — as if the Nuremberg Trials were held to punish the leaking of raw intelligence.

At the same time that Mr. Trump continues to exhibit paranoia about American intelligence agencies, he displays a trust verging on gullibility in the mendacious and murderous government of Mr. Putin. “Russia just said,” he tweeted, “unverified report paid for by political opponents is ‘a complete and total fabrication, utter nonsense.’ Very unfair!”"

So you were able to cry harder. :good4u:


The sun will come out tomorrow
Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow
There'll be sun

Just thinkin' about tomorrow
Clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow
'til there's none

When I'm stuck with a day that's grey and lonely
I just stick up my chin and grin and say, oh

The sun will come out tomorrow
So you gotta hang on
'til tomorrow, come what may!
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow
You're always a day away!

When I'm stuck with a day that's grey and lonely
I just stick up my chin and grin and say oh

The sun will come out tomorrow
So you got to hang on 'til tomorrow, come what may!
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow
You're always a day away

Tomorrow, tomorrow I love ya tomorrow
You're always a day away ...
Private thoughts from Donnie John Trump on cabinet and first 100 days or even longer.

'Listen folks even though Betsy DeVos' family gave 200 million to the republicans it had nothing to do with her selection as education salesperson and fund provider for charter schools and Christian schools. And you never know when a grizzle will come into a school, so I'm with Betsy on arming all children who are strong enough to handle a 45. And why should state governments help disabled students, let them help themselves like that disabled guy I told you about (shakes arms and hands) you know the one. How are they going to overcome their handicap if we help them all the time huh?

In my first hundred days I'll gonna be so popular so popular, first I'll rename Obamacare Trumpcare and insure everyone like my friend Bernie suggested, my favorability numbers will skyrocket, next that wall, second thoughts there. cheap labor is very republican so we'll need to compromise on that pledge. Next we're gonna get rid of help for poor women and girls, you've heard of tough love right. Next no more cheap Chinese stuff in Walmart, it's time the poor spent money just like rich people do. Immigrants will be allowed too so long as they sign an agreement to cheer me and vote for me, after all I am a narcissistic person, gotta be honest here. I talked of rebuilding roads and of course I talked of roads. Media make sure you note I talked of roads. And since roads were just talk all the money saved will go to the rich and boy will it trickle down. Maids, housekeepers, lawn workers, nannies, your time has come. Why pay taxes when you can deduct everything like me, we are gonna be smart smart Americans again. Stop and frisk, you ain't seen nothing yet, all people who aren't orange like me may be stopped and frisked and stopped and frisked. Our country will be so safe so safe. That will cut down on prisons and save save save. And we're gonna mine everywhere except in rich people neighborhoods of course. And drain that swamp will come too, but like I noted on other tough topics, swamp people understand the swamp so we'll keep em for a while. And getting rid of Medicare and outsourcing social security will be great too, the poor old people will die, saving money and jobs too. Not sure I'll leave that last line in my final speech, some may be my voters. Anyway still working on how to really become a billionaire, ideas welcome.'
Private thoughts from Donnie John Trump on cabinet and first 100 days or even longer.

'Listen folks even though Betsy DeVos' family gave 200 million to the republicans it had nothing to do with her selection as education salesperson and fund provider for charter schools and Christian schools. And you never know when a grizzle will come into a school, so I'm with Betsy on arming all children who are strong enough to handle a 45. And why should state governments help disabled students, let them help themselves like that disabled guy I told you about (shakes arms and hands) you know the one. How are they going to overcome their handicap if we help them all the time huh?

In my first hundred days I'll gonna be so popular so popular, first I'll rename Obamacare Trumpcare and insure everyone like my friend Bernie suggested, my favorability numbers will skyrocket, next that wall, second thoughts there. cheap labor is very republican so we'll need to compromise on that pledge. Next we're gonna get rid of help for poor women and girls, you've heard of tough love right. Next no more cheap Chinese stuff in Walmart, it's time the poor spent money just like rich people do. Immigrants will be allowed too so long as they sign an agreement to cheer me and vote for me, after all I am a narcissistic person, gotta be honest here. I talked of rebuilding roads and of course I talked of roads. Media make sure you note I talked of roads. And since roads were just talk all the money saved will go to the rich and boy will it trickle down. Maids, housekeepers, lawn workers, nannies, your time has come. Why pay taxes when you can deduct everything like me, we are gonna be smart smart Americans again. Stop and frisk, you ain't seen nothing yet, all people who aren't orange like me may be stopped and frisked and stopped and frisked. Our country will be so safe so safe. That will cut down on prisons and save save save. And we're gonna mine everywhere except in rich people neighborhoods of course. And drain that swamp will come too, but like I noted on other tough topics, swamp people understand the swamp so we'll keep em for a while. And getting rid of Medicare and outsourcing social security will be great too, the poor old people will die, saving money and jobs too. Not sure I'll leave that last line in my final speech, some may be my voters. Anyway still working on how to really become a billionaire, ideas welcome.'

USFreedom911, please stop telling our newly elected president to 'cry harder'. It is not even clear what you mean. Donald may be a draft dodger and tax evader but he really is a tough guy. Stop.

One day till Donnie give a speech of such magnitude the gods will cry from the heavens, hallelujah.

Interesting read on Trump supporters. 'The Gilded Rage: A Wild Ride Through Donald Trump's America' by Alexander Zaitchik