New oath for Donnie John Trump
I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully operate and consolidate the office of the Trump presidency of the United States and will manage it as I do my businesses in a manner preserving business and other connections while still defending the Constitution wherever possible, supporting my family's interests, and when those interests coincide with the many promises I made this past year, to my fans out there too, (points right left center) we are going to be great just great again, did I say great again. (thumbs up and points again)
Notes on watching my inauguration. Folks I hope it's not windy as I hate my fluffy dyed hair blowing around and Melania is gonna be a knockout first lady. I got a bunch of country singers and they gonna wave the red white and blue, like they always do. My reverend selections are top notch too, Reverend Graham is one of the best looking ministers you ever saw. Dignified looks like me. Pay no attention to the protesters they're just jealous they ain't got lots of money like me and the ministers. We're gonna have a good old time and those women marchers Saturday, just a bunch of whiners, they should imitate Melania and keep quiet and stand to the side or behind their men if they got one. But make sure you watch my special day as you know how I love ratings. Thanks all I'm gonna make America great.