Jesus angry?

You don't use a phone to call him, dummy.

I want to go to where he is and talk to him face to face. Maybe get a television interview for him, his agent is doing a terrible job. Id give him a deal if he would let me sign him up as a client. He needs a good agent.
In order to do that you'll first need to give up your liberalism, then repent.

So, even though he is alive, I cant see him? If I do what you say, I will be able to sign up as his agent, I wanna make some money here.
So, even though he is alive, I cant see him? If I do what you say, I will be able to sign up as his agent, I wanna make some money here.
You have to do as I recommend to see him because you want to follow him, not profit monetarily from him.
I want to go to where he is and talk to him face to face. Maybe get a television interview for him, his agent is doing a terrible job. Id give him a deal if he would let me sign him up as a client. He needs a good agent.
he's the hottest ticket over the last 2000 years or so. you have nothing to offer Him but love while He has an open offer to you and everyone else for eternal life. Just call anytime at all, He'll hear you.
I want to go to where he is and talk to him face to face. Maybe get a television interview for him, his agent is doing a terrible job. Id give him a deal if he would let me sign him up as a client. He needs a good agent.
What would you do for Jesus that He couldn't do for himself?
he's the hottest ticket over the last 2000 years or so. you have nothing to offer Him but love while He has an open offer to you and everyone else for eternal life. Just call anytime at all, He'll hear you.

Only in the West, the East doesn't take much stock in Jesus.
The Temple rage was not just the capitalism that had corrupted the "Church"
Nice plug for socialism, comrade. What Jesus really said was "make not my father's house an house of merchandise". Which would be a misuse of Capitalism that did the corrupting, not Capitalism itself that did the corrupting.
Nice plug for socialism, comrade. What Jesus really said was "make not my father's house an house of merchandise". Which would be a misuse of Capitalism that did the corrupting, not Capitalism itself that did the corrupting.

As everywhere, he detested the thieves who would, in due time, create capitalism. As you know, living for money is totally corrupt, and utterly anti-Christian, as all you weirdoes are.
I like how so-called Christians call others "dummies" I wonder if such Christ-like behavior is something Jesus would truly agree with?
I like how so-called Christians call others "dummies" I wonder if such Christ-like behavior is something Jesus would truly agree with?

What I find amazing it how those who casually dismiss the idea of God, are so quick to hold those who say that they do believe to a standard that they themselves violate.
I don't believe God ever said to be a milk toast.

But since you asked; I guess those that embrace Christianity will find out what Jesus thinks about, while those who use their free will to ignore Christianity will never know.
What I find amazing it how those who casually dismiss the idea of God, are so quick to hold those who say that they do believe to a standard that they themselves violate.
I don't believe God ever said to be a milk toast.

But since you asked; I guess those that embrace Christianity will find out what Jesus thinks about, while those who use their free will to ignore Christianity will never know.

Be a man and make that sly address towards me because as I read the pages here I don't think your comment applies to anyone here except me. Now, on matters of religion I think we'll all find out which religion is correct. With so many religion inhabiting the world and so many followers while committing evil atrocities in the name of Christ under the guise of Christianity it is no fault of the observer to dislike a faith if they're continually bombarded with negative examples of so-called Christian behavior. It is no fault of the observer to be confused as to what is true and untrue Christianity.

After all the Klu Klux Klan under the guise of "good white Christians" hung other human beings for having a different skin pigmentation. Under the guise of Christianity and under the idea that "God wills it" many Jews (men, women and children) and Muslims (men, women, and children) were slaughtered. Under the guise of "God wills it" philosophy many innocent women were burned at the stake because they were considered "witches." Under the guise of Christianity the Irish continue to war within themselves based on religious denominations and internal schisms.

It is no fault of the observer to be confused as to which god to believe in because all three popular faiths claim to have the 1 true god. Other faiths and/or philosophies claim that there is no god. It is no fault of the observer to not worry about belief when there are over a billion galaxies in the universe and the possibility that other ancient civilizations who are far older than Earth itself, may believe in something entirely different.
Be a man and make that sly address towards me because as I read the pages here I don't think your comment applies to anyone here except me. Now, on matters of religion I think we'll all find out which religion is correct. With so many religion inhabiting the world and so many followers while committing evil atrocities in the name of Christ under the guise of Christianity it is no fault of the observer to dislike a faith if they're continually bombarded with negative examples of so-called Christian behavior. It is no fault of the observer to be confused as to what is true and untrue Christianity.

After all the Klu Klux Klan under the guise of "good white Christians" hung other human beings for having a different skin pigmentation. Under the guise of Christianity and under the idea that "God wills it" many Jews (men, women and children) and Muslims (men, women, and children) were slaughtered. Under the guise of "God wills it" philosophy many innocent women were burned at the stake because they were considered "witches." Under the guise of Christianity the Irish continue to war within themselves based on religious denominations and internal schisms.

It is no fault of the observer to be confused as to which god to believe in because all three popular faiths claim to have the 1 true god. Other faiths and/or philosophies claim that there is no god. It is no fault of the observer to not worry about belief when there are over a billion galaxies in the universe and the possibility that other ancient civilizations who are far older than Earth itself, may believe in something entirely different.

UH - it was you that apparently sought to make this just about Christianity, seeing as how you are the one who posed the question. :)
And now, you're the one who wants to somehow bring the KKK into this; maybe because you're reminiscing about some of your childhood and upbringing. :dunno:

You seem to have a problem in dealing with life, as it is now, and instead want to rely on the past to focus on.
Such a shame. :palm:
UH - it was you that apparently sought to make this just about Christianity, seeing as how you are the one who posed the question. :)
And now, you're the one who wants to somehow bring the KKK into this; maybe because you're reminiscing about some of your childhood and upbringing. :dunno:

You seem to have a problem in dealing with life, as it is now, and instead want to rely on the past to focus on.
Such a shame. :palm:

Actually the past is what determines the present.........

As far as how I deal with life, well, I'm a big boy and my problems with my own life are mine to deal with so I don't know why you want to mention how I have such a problem with dealing with life. I also used the Klan as an example of the historical influences of people who claim to be Christian, just as many Christians like to use the Islamic past to justify their disdain for Islam ergo using the life of Muhammad the prophet to discredit Islam as an Abrahamic faith. I also used the examples of the Templars actions in the crusades to demonstrate how zealous followers use religion to justify their evil.

As far as me making it about Christianity well, I only think its appropriate since this thread is about Jesus so I see nothing wrong in that respect.