As long as they aren't caught on the streets when an illegal alien decides to kill someone.
I don't deny that income inequality exists. I just have a different theory from you fairy tale liberals as to the cause. As far as people being left behind, perhaps you should look at the first post in this thread. The massive high school diploma population being left behind is what this thread is all about.
A lot more than you liberals, apparently. You don't seem to know either Jack nor Squat.
Again, check back to the first post of this thread. (Are you liberals REALLY as dense as this? Right now, you make Strontium 90 look porous by comparison.) THIS THREAD IS ABOUT LOWER EDUCATED WORKERS GETTING LEFT BEHIND.
And since YOU LIBERALS ARE THE ONES WHO ARE CLAIMING THE RICH ARE GETTING RICH OFF THE BACKS OF THE POOR, (which is one of the dumbest ideas ever to come out of your pieholes) I created this discussion to ask why a few people are becoming billionaires while those with high school or less can no longer afford to be single breadwinners, buy houses, cars, etc. I've asked everyone here WHY. So far, you're just vomiting liberals class envy talking points. Perhaps you liberals should start thinking outside of the box for a change.
I believe the war on poverty has created a permanent underclass, first with blacks and now with latinos and poor whites. I never said the WOP created massive amounts of wealth.
You apparently aren't paying attention to Trump. You're just vomiting some Huffingonacrackpipe Post talking points. Before you go any further, you need to educate yourself as to what Trump is actually saying. Here are HIS OWN WORDS.
Yes he is. That's not even a smart lie.
Apparently most of America disagrees with you. Trump has had to accomplish monumental achievements in a field where there is such a thing as accountability. That makes him more qualified to run a national economy than a bunch of political hacks in both parties who just run and either win or lose every two years. They just keep fleecing donors.
He never said he would.
We've had that for the past 7 years.