Jobs sent overseas? How did this happen?

Dude, I'm a lifelong Republican so use the 'you liberals' on someone else.

So you are of the myth that all Republicans are conservatives? After Romney and McCain? Seriously?

As has been stated multiple times on this thread workers are getting left behind because of technology and globalization. This isn't the 1950's and 1960's anymore where a guy with a high school diploma can go work in a factory and live a middle class lifestyle. Would you like that to be repeated several more times?

I never denied that. I merely asked why. And to people who graduate high school and don't want to burden themselves with over 100K in student loans, frankly the technology and globalization excuse is just not good enough. Not for America.

Amazing wealth is being created in our country right now. It's also going to those at the top of the food chain. That's why income inequality is growing. I'm not complaining about it or saying it's a bad thing but it's reality.

Wealth has always gone to the top of the food chain. That has never changed. What has changed for now is the rising gap of income inequality. (Well, that part was created by the welfare state. That's just a fact.) But the problem of non-college people not having jobs they can support a family with, that's something that is owed an explanation.

Trump LOVES voters like you who believe all he says. Do a simple Google search and you can find where he has said he is going to place tariffs on China and Mexico.

Should I believe Google's OPINION or should I believe what Trump has said on his website and in his books? Did you even bother to READ what he said or are you sticking to the OPINIONS of the left wingers? Are you REALLY that lazy and stupid?
Trump is not bringing back manufacturing jobs and Carl Ichan will do nothing to China.

No one said Ichan is going to DO anything to China. Certainly Trump's website isn't claiming he's going to put on 45 percent tariffs. Why should we believe some left wingers who would vote for Hillary anyway?

China is in fact having its own issues losing manufacturing jobs to cheaper locals such as Vietnam. Trumps whole M.O. is threatening a trade war. Who loses in that the scenario? The U.S.

We're already losing. We've bent over and played nice with the world and we have 100 million out of work. Right now a trade war might not be such a bad idea. Certainly we wouldn't be any worse off. But AGAIN, Trump is not threatening a trade war. And you can't find ANY of his campaign materials suggesting that. So why do you keep repeating the LIES of the left?
Trump is a genius when it comes to branding.

Hello. McFly. What do you think elections are all about?

That is his strength and that's how he became a billionaire (along with owning a couple of the most expensive properties in New York City). As far as accountability he actually never had to report to anyone but himself. He's never run a public company.

He has ALWAYS been accountable. He's ALWAYS had payrolls to meet. He's ALWAYS had to work with lenders, banks, etc. Hell, he is the current landlord of the LARGEST BANK IN THE WORLD. You don't get that by being a political hack.


That's all I'm doing with ALL the candidates. I don't read the spin. I read what they are saying and I try to compare it to reality. You need to start by reading Trump's website.

And just remember this MISTER LIFELONG REPUBLICAN. Trump's campaign today is primarily a WAR AGAINST THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. He is so far ahead in the polls because the public is PISSED at the Republican Party for reneging on every one of its campaign promises.
So you are of the myth that all Republicans are conservatives? After Romney and McCain? Seriously?

I never denied that. I merely asked why. And to people who graduate high school and don't want to burden themselves with over 100K in student loans, frankly the technology and globalization excuse is just not good enough. Not for America.

Wealth has always gone to the top of the food chain. That has never changed. What has changed for now is the rising gap of income inequality. (Well, that part was created by the welfare state. That's just a fact.) But the problem of non-college people not having jobs they can support a family with, that's something that is owed an explanation.

Should I believe Google's OPINION or should I believe what Trump has said on his website and in his books? Did you even bother to READ what he said or are you sticking to the OPINIONS of the left wingers? Are you REALLY that lazy and stupid?

No one said Ichan is going to DO anything to China. Certainly Trump's website isn't claiming he's going to put on 45 percent tariffs. Why should we believe some left wingers who would vote for Hillary anyway?

We're already losing. We've bent over and played nice with the world and we have 100 million out of work. Right now a trade war might not be such a bad idea. Certainly we wouldn't be any worse off. But AGAIN, Trump is not threatening a trade war. And you can't find ANY of his campaign materials suggesting that. So why do you keep repeating the LIES of the left?

Hello. McFly. What do you think elections are all about?

He has ALWAYS been accountable. He's ALWAYS had payrolls to meet. He's ALWAYS had to work with lenders, banks, etc. Hell, he is the current landlord of the LARGEST BANK IN THE WORLD. You don't get that by being a political hack.


That's all I'm doing with ALL the candidates. I don't read the spin. I read what they are saying and I try to compare it to reality. You need to start by reading Trump's website.

And just remember this MISTER LIFELONG REPUBLICAN. Trump's campaign today is primarily a WAR AGAINST THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. He is so far ahead in the polls because the public is PISSED at the Republican Party for reneging on every one of its campaign promises.

Sir, why so much with this political labeling? I've never said all Republicans are conservatives nor has that even been discussed in this thread. I said I was a Republican because you keep calling me a liberal. And clearly all Republicans aren't conservative because a populist like Trump is currently leading.

You want to know why with technological advancements and globalization it's must harder for a guy with a high school education to earn $80K in a factory in America? It's understanding markets, economics and how capital flows.

Not sure why you keep blaming liberals and calling me stupid for Trump's words on the campaign trail. And you reference his books. Look how many positions he's changed on over time. If what he's said in the past is his word today he's nothing but a left-wing liberal.

If you think a trade war is a good thing then I suggest reading up on some economics. It would be no bueno for the U.S.

If Trump wins the Presidency I will be very interested to see how many Trump supporters will be pissed at him for not keeping his promises because he can't do half of what he says.
Sir, why so much with this political labeling?

You ask that question at a forum called Just Plain Politics? Seriously?

I've never said all Republicans are conservatives nor has that even been discussed in this thread. I said I was a Republican because you keep calling me a liberal. And clearly all Republicans aren't conservative because a populist like Trump is currently leading.

For some reason, you seem to think being a lifelong Republican entitles you to a moral blank check. Nothing could be further from the truth.

You want to know why with technological advancements and globalization it's must harder for a guy with a high school education to earn $80K in a factory in America? It's understanding markets, economics and how capital flows.

My degree is in business, economics and marketing. I've got a pretty good understanding of how things work. And because one of my global marketing classes was involved in helping move a company overseas, I got a good hard look at all the red tape and the cost of such a venture. Before you libs just close the book on the jobs leaving our shores, perhaps you should be asking what would drive a company to spend so much money and go through so much red tape for such a risky venture. (And that would also include building a plant in a communist country that could just as easily seize the building.) You need to ask what happened in THIS country that made it such a toxic environment for business.

Not sure why you keep blaming liberals and calling me stupid for Trump's words on the campaign trail. And you reference his books. Look how many positions he's changed on over time. If what he's said in the past is his word today he's nothing but a left-wing liberal.

Ronald Reagan used to be an FDR liberal. He was one of California's most liberal governors. He was able to come down to reality. And he was just an actor. He never created any businesses, never had to make payroll, never had to track buying trends, etc. And Reagan was the greatest president in history.

Bottom line, you need to go to the source. Listening to Trump's critics is just plain ignorant.
If you think a trade war is a good thing then I suggest reading up on some economics. It would be no bueno for the U.S.

I've read more economics than any other poster at this forum. And again, THE DONALD is not threatening a trade war. By the same token, a trade BEND OVER hasn't exactly been in our best interests either.
If Trump wins the Presidency I will be very interested to see how many Trump supporters will be pissed at him for not keeping his promises because he can't do half of what he says.

Trump is arguably the most powerful figure ever to run for president. In terms of a national economy, he is more qualified than the last five Democrat presidents. He will keep his promises. Expanding wealth and creating jobs is what he does every day just by waking up. No candidate in the history of America has ever been as qualified.

He will get EVERYTHING he wants from Congress. That's a foregone conclusion. Forget polls; forget all the whining to the press. Congress is all at the behest of their donors, and all Trump has to do is pick up the phone and contact those donors.
You ask that question at a forum called Just Plain Politics? Seriously?

For some reason, you seem to think being a lifelong Republican entitles you to a moral blank check. Nothing could be further from the truth.

My degree is in business, economics and marketing. I've got a pretty good understanding of how things work. And because one of my global marketing classes was involved in helping move a company overseas, I got a good hard look at all the red tape and the cost of such a venture. Before you libs just close the book on the jobs leaving our shores, perhaps you should be asking what would drive a company to spend so much money and go through so much red tape for such a risky venture. (And that would also include building a plant in a communist country that could just as easily seize the building.) You need to ask what happened in THIS country that made it such a toxic environment for business.

Ronald Reagan used to be an FDR liberal. He was one of California's most liberal governors. He was able to come down to reality. And he was just an actor. He never created any businesses, never had to make payroll, never had to track buying trends, etc. And Reagan was the greatest president in history.

Bottom line, you need to go to the source. Listening to Trump's critics is just plain ignorant.

I've read more economics than any other poster at this forum. And again, THE DONALD is not threatening a trade war. By the same token, a trade BEND OVER hasn't exactly been in our best interests either.

Trump is arguably the most powerful figure ever to run for president. In terms of a national economy, he is more qualified than the last five Democrat presidents. He will keep his promises. Expanding wealth and creating jobs is what he does every day just by waking up. No candidate in the history of America has ever been as qualified.

He will get EVERYTHING he wants from Congress. That's a foregone conclusion. Forget polls; forget all the whining to the press. Congress is all at the behest of their donors, and all Trump has to do is pick up the phone and contact those donors.

You want me to ask why a company would rather pay a worker overseas a couple of dollars an hour compared to $30/hr in America? How many overseas plants of American corporations have been seized by Communist governments? I'm friends with an ex-CEO of Intel. When he traveled the world leaders rolled out the red carpet for him because of the number of jobs he could bring if he sent up a plant in their countries. They weren't threatening him they were welcoming him.

I listen to what Trump says. You seem to be upset by what he says which is why you are lashing out by claiming 'it's liberal critics'. No, I'm listening to the man himself. His own words.

I'm sure Trump appreciates the god like status you have bestowed upon him.
The sign of a great car is the fact that it is old and still in the driveway. So far I've got over 200,000 miles on my Chrysler Town And Country, and it still runs like a top. And it's never even been tuned up before.

(Yeah, I know that sounds cheap. Blame my college Accounting professor. She once said she drives a car until the wheels fall off.)

Well sir your last sentence redeemed you in my book a lot
May. Suggest you take more accounting classes if you wish to rise above an angry middle class wage earner
Last edited:
You want me to ask why a company would rather pay a worker overseas a couple of dollars an hour compared to $30/hr in America?

Actually, that's not the right question. It costs a fortune to move a plant. A company's accountant would have to figure in that cost and how many years before that drop in labor costs paid for itself. And it's a lot, believe me. Maybe you should ask what our government has done to make that domestic labor so expensive and that foreign labor so cheap? Yes, I know labor costs are always the highest costs, but have there been OTHER factors that have driven the companies overseas. I just know from experience that they DON'T want to go overseas if they don't have to. They DON'T want to be at the mercy of a totalitarian government where not even one fourth of the population speaks English. And by the way, I almost got laughed out of class for suggesting Nigeria. Apparently Africa is the worst place on the Earth to locate a company.

How many overseas plants of American corporations have been seized by Communist governments? I'm friends with an ex-CEO of Intel. When he traveled the world leaders rolled out the red carpet for him because of the number of jobs he could bring if he sent up a plant in their countries. They weren't threatening him they were welcoming him.

I didn't say they were. I said the threat is there. And if you're in a country with a communist government there is no protection of the US. Constitution.

I listen to what Trump says. You seem to be upset by what he says which is why you are lashing out by claiming 'it's liberal critics'. No, I'm listening to the man himself. His own words.

You have yet to quote any of his words. All you've done is quote LIES from his critics.
I'm sure Trump appreciates the god like status you have bestowed upon him.

There is nothing Godlike about being the best qualified man for the office of President. You liberals may have tried to make Obama out to be the Messiah, but I assure you the pissed off SILENT MAJORITY who are voting for Trump are going to be expecting results.
Well sir your last sentence redeemed you in my book a lot
May. Suggest you take more accounting classes if you wish to rise about an angry middle class wage earner

Accounting was the biggest headache in the entire business program. Yes, I got straight A's in all three courses because basically I'm brilliant. (Put another way, I know how to take tests and how to come in on deadlines under budget.) But I'm happy in my line of work.

I'm pissed off that Democrat policies (enabled by RINOs in Congress) have fucked up the economy of this country. Yes, my work has suffered over the past couple of years. I'm like most of America, ready for a change. I'm ready for someone COMPETENT to run the place, as opposed to political hacks.
Actually, that's not the right question. It costs a fortune to move a plant. A company's accountant would have to figure in that cost and how many years before that drop in labor costs paid for itself. And it's a lot, believe me. Maybe you should ask what our government has done to make that domestic labor so expensive and that foreign labor so cheap? Yes, I know labor costs are always the highest costs, but have there been OTHER factors that have driven the companies overseas. I just know from experience that they DON'T want to go overseas if they don't have to. They DON'T want to be at the mercy of a totalitarian government where not even one fourth of the population speaks English. And by the way, I almost got laughed out of class for suggesting Nigeria. Apparently Africa is the worst place on the Earth to locate a company.

I didn't say they were. I said the threat is there. And if you're in a country with a communist government there is no protection of the US. Constitution.

You have yet to quote any of his words. All you've done is quote LIES from his critics.

There is nothing Godlike about being the best qualified man for the office of President. You liberals may have tried to make Obama out to be the Messiah, but I assure you the pissed off SILENT MAJORITY who are voting for Trump are going to be expecting results.

Companies don't offshore on a whim. Obviously they are doing their due diligence and looking at the totality of their costs. It's no different than when companies moved to the South from the North for cheaper costs a century ago.

Do you have any examples of countries seizing U.S. companies property? Because basically they would be shooting themselves in the foot if they ever did such a thing. It's not really a risk.

Here's a link to Trump lying about his tariff plan on China.

And I'm still El Oh El'ing at your "you liberals" comment. Please feel free to find one post on this board where I've complimented Obama.

And please don't say anything about RINO's. There is nothing conservative about Trump. The man is a populist and opportunist.
Accounting was the biggest headache in the entire business program. Yes, I got straight A's in all three courses because basically I'm brilliant. (Put another way, I know how to take tests and how to come in on deadlines under budget.) But I'm happy in my line of work.

I'm pissed off that Democrat policies (enabled by RINOs in Congress) have fucked up the economy of this country. Yes, my work has suffered over the past couple of years. I'm like most of America, ready for a change. I'm ready for someone COMPETENT to run the place, as opposed to political hacks.

Are you 30
Maybe try comedy since business didn't work so well for ya
You are very funny though
Companies don't offshore on a whim. Obviously they are doing their due diligence and looking at the totality of their costs. It's no different than when companies moved to the South from the North for cheaper costs a century ago.

I AGREE. Remember, I was part of that process in a small way in college. Trump refers to it as corporate inversion. The thing is, when plants moved from the rust belt to the south, at least Americans were getting the jobs.
Do you have any examples of countries seizing U.S. companies property? Because basically they would be shooting themselves in the foot if they ever did such a thing. It's not really a risk.

Actually, Cuba and Venezuela come to mind.

Here's a link to Trump lying about his tariff plan on China.

Like I'd EVER trust the New York Times.

Here's the TRUTH:

The Trump Plan Will Achieve The Following Goals:

Bring China to the bargaining table by immediately declaring it a currency manipulator.
Protect American ingenuity and investment by forcing China to uphold intellectual property laws and stop their unfair and unlawful practice of forcing U.S. companies to share proprietary technology with Chinese competitors as a condition of entry to China’s market.
Reclaim millions of American jobs and reviving American manufacturing by putting an end to China’s illegal export subsidies and lax labor and environmental standards. No more sweatshops or pollution havens stealing jobs from American workers.
Strengthen our negotiating position by lowering our corporate tax rate to keep American companies and jobs here at home, attacking our debt and deficit so China cannot use financial blackmail against us, and bolstering the U.S. military presence in the East and South China Seas to discourage Chinese adventurism.

Details of Donald J. Trump’s US China Trade Plan:

Declare China A Currency Manipulator

We need a president who will not succumb to the financial blackmail of a Communist dictatorship. President Obama’s Treasury Department has repeatedly refused to brand China a currency manipulator – a move that would force China to stop these unfair practices or face tough countervailing duties that level the playing field.

Economists estimate the Chinese yuan is undervalued by anywhere from 15% to 40%. This grossly undervalued yuan gives Chinese exporters a huge advantage while imposing the equivalent of a heavy tariff on U.S. exports to China. Such currency manipulation, in concert with China’s other unfair practices, has resulted in chronic U.S. trade deficits, a severe weakening of the U.S. manufacturing base and the loss of tens of millions of American jobs.

In a system of truly free trade and floating exchange rates like a Trump administration would support, America's massive trade deficit with China would not persist. On day one of the Trump administration the U.S. Treasury Department will designate China as a currency manipulator. This will begin a process that imposes appropriate countervailing duties on artificially cheap Chinese products, defends U.S. manufacturers and workers, and revitalizes job growth in America. We must stand up to China’s blackmail and reject corporate America’s manipulation of our politicians. The U.S. Treasury’s designation of China as a currency manipulator will force China to the negotiating table and open the door to a fair – and far better – trading relationship.

End China’s Intellectual Property Violations

China’s ongoing theft of intellectual property may be the greatest transfer of wealth in history. This theft costs the U.S. over $300 billion and millions of jobs each year. China’s government ignores this rampant cybercrime and, in other cases, actively encourages or even sponsors it –without any real consequences. China’s cyber lawlessness threatens our prosperity, privacy and national security. We will enforce stronger protections against Chinese hackers and counterfeit goods and our responses to Chinese theft will be swift, robust, and unequivocal.

The Chinese government also forces American companies like Boeing, GE, and Intel to transfer proprietary technologies to Chinese competitors as a condition of entry into the Chinese market. Such de facto intellectual property theft represents a brazen violation of WTO and international rules. China’s forced technology transfer policy is absolutely ridiculous. Going forward, we will adopt a zero tolerance policy on intellectual property theft and forced technology transfer. If China wants to trade with America, they must agree to stop stealing and to play by the rules.

Eliminate China’s Illegal Export Subsidies And Other Unfair Advantages

Chinese manufacturers and other exporters receive numerous illegal export subsidies from the Chinese government. These include - in direct contradiction to WTO rules - free or nearly free rent, utilities, raw materials, and many other services. China’s state-run banks routinely extend loans these enterprises at below market rates or without the expectation they will be repaid. China even offers them illegal tax breaks or rebates as well as cash bonuses to stimulate exports.

China’s illegal export subsidies intentionally distorts international trade and damages other countries’ exports by giving Chinese companies an unfair advantage. From textile and steel mills in the Carolinas to the Gulf Coast’s shrimp and fish industries to the Midwest manufacturing belt and California’s agribusiness, China’s disregard for WTO rules hurt every corner of America.

The U.S. Trade Representative recently filed yet another complaint with the WTO accusing China of cheating on our trade agreements by subsidizing its exports. The Trump administration will not wait for an international body to tell us what we already know. To gain negotiating leverage, we will pursue the WTO case and aggressively highlight and expose these subsidies.

China’s woeful lack of reasonable environmental and labor standards represent yet another form of unacceptable export subsidy. How can American manufacturers, who must meet very high standards, possibly compete with Chinese companies that care nothing about their workers or the environment? We will challenge China to join the 21 st Century when it comes to such standards.

The Trump Plan Will Strengthen Our Negotiating Position

As the world’s most important economy and consumer of goods, America must always negotiate trade agreements from strength. Branding China as a currency manipulator and exposing their unfair trade practices is not enough. In order to further strengthen our negotiating leverage, the Trump plan will:

Lower the corporate tax rate to 15% to unleash American ingenuity here at home and make us more globally competitive. This tax cut puts our rate 10 percentage points below China and 20 points below our current burdensome rate that pushes companies and jobs offshore.
Attack our debt and deficit by vigorously eliminating waste, fraud and abuse in the Federal government, ending redundant government programs, and growing the economy to increase tax revenues. Closing the deficit and reducing our debt will mean China cannot blackmail us with our own Treasury bonds.
Strengthen the U.S. military and deploying it appropriately in the East and South China Seas. These actions will discourage Chinese adventurism that imperils American interests in Asia and shows our strength as we begin renegotiating our trading relationship with China. A strong military presence will be a clear signal to China and other nations in Asia and around the world that America is back in the global leadership business.

And I'm still El Oh El'ing at your "you liberals" comment. Please feel free to find one post on this board where I've complimented Obama.

If you support anyone other than Trump, then you're for a third Obama term. That's what Hillary is going to be. And right now, only Trump can beat her.
And please don't say anything about RINO's. There is nothing conservative about Trump. The man is a populist and opportunist.

Interestingly enough, even Rush Limbaugh says that Trump is not running as a conservative. And frankly I think that's a breath of fresh air. I believe in this campaign season, the WORST thing a Republican could do would be either (a) run the whole "conservative movement" line down, or (b) put up another alleged Mitt Romney "moderate" in the hopes of not pissing off the independents. So far Trump has done everything right. He's not trying to run a conservative radio talk show. He's trying to fix a clusterfuck that frankly BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE have had a hand in.

Trump has hit all the most important issues in this race. And he has been the most credible, in terms of his answers. It's no surprise that he's winning.
I AGREE. Remember, I was part of that process in a small way in college. Trump refers to it as corporate inversion. The thing is, when plants moved from the rust belt to the south, at least Americans were getting the jobs.

Actually, Cuba and Venezuela come to mind.

Here's a link to Trump lying about his tariff plan on China.

Like I'd EVER trust the New York Times.

Here's the TRUTH:

The Trump Plan Will Achieve The Following Goals:

Bring China to the bargaining table by immediately declaring it a currency manipulator.
Protect American ingenuity and investment by forcing China to uphold intellectual property laws and stop their unfair and unlawful practice of forcing U.S. companies to share proprietary technology with Chinese competitors as a condition of entry to China’s market.
Reclaim millions of American jobs and reviving American manufacturing by putting an end to China’s illegal export subsidies and lax labor and environmental standards. No more sweatshops or pollution havens stealing jobs from American workers.
Strengthen our negotiating position by lowering our corporate tax rate to keep American companies and jobs here at home, attacking our debt and deficit so China cannot use financial blackmail against us, and bolstering the U.S. military presence in the East and South China Seas to discourage Chinese adventurism.

Details of Donald J. Trump’s US China Trade Plan:

Declare China A Currency Manipulator

We need a president who will not succumb to the financial blackmail of a Communist dictatorship. President Obama’s Treasury Department has repeatedly refused to brand China a currency manipulator – a move that would force China to stop these unfair practices or face tough countervailing duties that level the playing field.

Economists estimate the Chinese yuan is undervalued by anywhere from 15% to 40%. This grossly undervalued yuan gives Chinese exporters a huge advantage while imposing the equivalent of a heavy tariff on U.S. exports to China. Such currency manipulation, in concert with China’s other unfair practices, has resulted in chronic U.S. trade deficits, a severe weakening of the U.S. manufacturing base and the loss of tens of millions of American jobs.

In a system of truly free trade and floating exchange rates like a Trump administration would support, America's massive trade deficit with China would not persist. On day one of the Trump administration the U.S. Treasury Department will designate China as a currency manipulator. This will begin a process that imposes appropriate countervailing duties on artificially cheap Chinese products, defends U.S. manufacturers and workers, and revitalizes job growth in America. We must stand up to China’s blackmail and reject corporate America’s manipulation of our politicians. The U.S. Treasury’s designation of China as a currency manipulator will force China to the negotiating table and open the door to a fair – and far better – trading relationship.

End China’s Intellectual Property Violations

China’s ongoing theft of intellectual property may be the greatest transfer of wealth in history. This theft costs the U.S. over $300 billion and millions of jobs each year. China’s government ignores this rampant cybercrime and, in other cases, actively encourages or even sponsors it –without any real consequences. China’s cyber lawlessness threatens our prosperity, privacy and national security. We will enforce stronger protections against Chinese hackers and counterfeit goods and our responses to Chinese theft will be swift, robust, and unequivocal.

The Chinese government also forces American companies like Boeing, GE, and Intel to transfer proprietary technologies to Chinese competitors as a condition of entry into the Chinese market. Such de facto intellectual property theft represents a brazen violation of WTO and international rules. China’s forced technology transfer policy is absolutely ridiculous. Going forward, we will adopt a zero tolerance policy on intellectual property theft and forced technology transfer. If China wants to trade with America, they must agree to stop stealing and to play by the rules.

Eliminate China’s Illegal Export Subsidies And Other Unfair Advantages

Chinese manufacturers and other exporters receive numerous illegal export subsidies from the Chinese government. These include - in direct contradiction to WTO rules - free or nearly free rent, utilities, raw materials, and many other services. China’s state-run banks routinely extend loans these enterprises at below market rates or without the expectation they will be repaid. China even offers them illegal tax breaks or rebates as well as cash bonuses to stimulate exports.

China’s illegal export subsidies intentionally distorts international trade and damages other countries’ exports by giving Chinese companies an unfair advantage. From textile and steel mills in the Carolinas to the Gulf Coast’s shrimp and fish industries to the Midwest manufacturing belt and California’s agribusiness, China’s disregard for WTO rules hurt every corner of America.

The U.S. Trade Representative recently filed yet another complaint with the WTO accusing China of cheating on our trade agreements by subsidizing its exports. The Trump administration will not wait for an international body to tell us what we already know. To gain negotiating leverage, we will pursue the WTO case and aggressively highlight and expose these subsidies.

China’s woeful lack of reasonable environmental and labor standards represent yet another form of unacceptable export subsidy. How can American manufacturers, who must meet very high standards, possibly compete with Chinese companies that care nothing about their workers or the environment? We will challenge China to join the 21 st Century when it comes to such standards.

The Trump Plan Will Strengthen Our Negotiating Position

As the world’s most important economy and consumer of goods, America must always negotiate trade agreements from strength. Branding China as a currency manipulator and exposing their unfair trade practices is not enough. In order to further strengthen our negotiating leverage, the Trump plan will:

Lower the corporate tax rate to 15% to unleash American ingenuity here at home and make us more globally competitive. This tax cut puts our rate 10 percentage points below China and 20 points below our current burdensome rate that pushes companies and jobs offshore.
Attack our debt and deficit by vigorously eliminating waste, fraud and abuse in the Federal government, ending redundant government programs, and growing the economy to increase tax revenues. Closing the deficit and reducing our debt will mean China cannot blackmail us with our own Treasury bonds.
Strengthen the U.S. military and deploying it appropriately in the East and South China Seas. These actions will discourage Chinese adventurism that imperils American interests in Asia and shows our strength as we begin renegotiating our trading relationship with China. A strong military presence will be a clear signal to China and other nations in Asia and around the world that America is back in the global leadership business.

If you support anyone other than Trump, then you're for a third Obama term. That's what Hillary is going to be. And right now, only Trump can beat her.

Interestingly enough, even Rush Limbaugh says that Trump is not running as a conservative. And frankly I think that's a breath of fresh air. I believe in this campaign season, the WORST thing a Republican could do would be either (a) run the whole "conservative movement" line down, or (b) put up another alleged Mitt Romney "moderate" in the hopes of not pissing off the independents. So far Trump has done everything right. He's not trying to run a conservative radio talk show. He's trying to fix a clusterfuck that frankly BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE have had a hand in.

Trump has hit all the most important issues in this race. And he has been the most credible, in terms of his answers. It's no surprise that he's winning.

Corporate inversions are very different than companies offshoring jobs.

No U.S. corporations are offshoring to Cuba or Venezuela. How did you even come up with that? The jobs are going to China and SE Asia.

I do appreciate your Desh like aversion to reality with the denial of what Trump said.

Only Trump can beat Hillary? No other Republican? Clearly 1) you don't follow the polls which show the opposite and 2) have created this alternative reality for yourself
Corporate inversions are very different than companies offshoring jobs.

Kind of the same principle. They can't get their money back into this country because of government policies and taxes. And they can't bring the jobs back because of that, either.
No U.S. corporations are offshoring to Cuba or Venezuela. How did you even come up with that? The jobs are going to China and SE Asia.

I didn't say that. You said you never heard of a communist government seizing an American company. I just gave you two examples. I never said they were offshoring companies.

I do appreciate your Desh like aversion to reality with the denial of what Trump said.

I have linked to and quoted what Trump said. And I don't believe the Jayson Blair Times. Neither does most of America. That rag's circulation has been tanking for years.

Only Trump can beat Hillary? No other Republican?

Correct. Hillary enters the race with 200 automatic Electoral votes just because she has a vagina and a D by her name. The ONLY candidate who has a shot at redrawing the Electoral College map is Trump. That's just the reality of the situation.
Clearly 1) you don't follow the polls which show the opposite and 2) have created this alternative reality for yourself

The same kind of polls that said McCain would be the best choice to defeat Obama? The same polls having Mitt Romney beating Obama? The same polls ON ELECTION DAY that had Jimmy Carter ahead of Ronald Reagan?


At some point, you've got to start looking at the real world.

I said this six months ago and I stand by it. The next president will either be Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. If Trump is not nominated, Hillary will be elected. NONE of the other candidates have a shot. None of them are as powerful nor are they willing to fight the fight and go after her. And only TRUMP is totally IMMUNE to the left wing biased media.
Kind of the same principle. They can't get their money back into this country because of government policies and taxes. And they can't bring the jobs back because of that, either.

I didn't say that. You said you never heard of a communist government seizing an American company. I just gave you two examples. I never said they were offshoring companies.

I have linked to and quoted what Trump said. And I don't believe the Jayson Blair Times. Neither does most of America. That rag's circulation has been tanking for years.

Correct. Hillary enters the race with 200 automatic Electoral votes just because she has a vagina and a D by her name. The ONLY candidate who has a shot at redrawing the Electoral College map is Trump. That's just the reality of the situation.

The same kind of polls that said McCain would be the best choice to defeat Obama? The same polls having Mitt Romney beating Obama? The same polls ON ELECTION DAY that had Jimmy Carter ahead of Ronald Reagan?


At some point, you've got to start looking at the real world.

I said this six months ago and I stand by it. The next president will either be Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. If Trump is not nominated, Hillary will be elected. NONE of the other candidates have a shot. None of them are as powerful nor are they willing to fight the fight and go after her. And only TRUMP is totally IMMUNE to the left wing biased media.

Businesses can bring jobs back to the U.S. if they so desire and some have because the cost overseas wasn't worth it.

Our whole discussion was on companies offshoring jobs so bringing up companies in Cuba and Venezuela is a pointless diversion.

It's like the story of the lady walking in on her husband cheating on her and the husband denies it saying 'are you going to believe your own eyes or your husband'?

No question polls change over time. No one has higher unfavorables than Trump. Rubio for one would smoke Hillary.
Businesses can bring jobs back to the U.S. if they so desire and some have because the cost overseas wasn't worth it.

Not as long as the Democrats continue to legislate policies that punish productivity. Don't worry. Trump will fix that.
No question polls change over time. No one has higher unfavorables than Trump.

In some ways, I find that comforting. All the right assholes hate Trump.

Rubio for one would smoke Hillary.

Rubio would go the route of Romney. He would be easy for her to beat.
Remember, she has the advantage of a vagina and the Electoral College. He has NOTHING to overcome that.

Oh, and I know this sounds a little nit picky, but before he can smoke her he has to beat Trump. And right now, it looks as if Trump is going to steamroll through the primaries in a landslide. If Rubio can't beat Trump, there's no way he can beat Hillary.
Not as long as the Democrats continue to legislate policies that punish productivity. Don't worry. Trump will fix that.

In some ways, I find that comforting. All the right assholes hate Trump.

Rubio would go the route of Romney. He would be easy for her to beat.
Remember, she has the advantage of a vagina and the Electoral College. He has NOTHING to overcome that.

Oh, and I know this sounds a little nit picky, but before he can smoke her he has to beat Trump. And right now, it looks as if Trump is going to steamroll through the primaries in a landslide. If Rubio can't beat Trump, there's no way he can beat Hillary.

Trump ought to put you on the payroll for this god-like stature you've given him
Not as long as the Democrats continue to legislate policies that punish productivity. Don't worry. Trump will fix that.

In some ways, I find that comforting. All the right assholes hate Trump.

Rubio would go the route of Romney. He would be easy for her to beat.
Remember, she has the advantage of a vagina and the Electoral College. He has NOTHING to overcome that.

Oh, and I know this sounds a little nit picky, but before he can smoke her he has to beat Trump. And right now, it looks as if Trump is going to steamroll through the primaries in a landslide. If Rubio can't beat Trump, there's no way he can beat Hillary.

Romney and Rubio are very different. Two very different stories. And Bernie is beating Hillary with young women so her women parts aren't guaranteeing her anything.

And if management in the private sector is so big for you Romney's resume far outweighs Trump's.
Romney and Rubio are very different. Two very different stories.

Someone else tried to tell me that. I'll tell you what I told him. They may be completely different men entirely. How the Establishment is treating them is making them almost mirror images. They both are left leaning moderates. The establishment is trying to shove Rubio down our throats as the most electable. And the Silent Majority isn't buying it this time.

It's like the Republican establishment is made up of a bunch of Rain Men. They continue to make the same mistake over and over again, and Democrats benefit.

And Bernie is beating Hillary with young women so her women parts aren't guaranteeing her anything.

Have you ever wondered how Bernie could be out drawing Hillary at his rallies, how he could be way ahead of her in the polls and yet HE HASN'T WON A SINGLE STATE AND SHE HAS A BUTT LOAD OF DELEGATES?

Put another way: Wall Street is propping the Democrat party up. What makes you think they're going to allow and angry old white man (WHO WANTS TO TEAR WALL STREET DOWN) to get anywhere near the nomination?
And if management in the private sector is so big for you Romney's resume far outweighs Trump's.

Excuse me?

One of the companies Trump owns is worth more than the entire Romney family. And I don't think Romney can claim to be the landlord of the largest bank in the world.