JOE Biden was filmed falling three times on the steps of Air Force One LOL

Joe broke his foot a few weeks ago and his foot was in a boot. He is still suffering from it.

I broke my foot too and needed to be taken under to fix it. Yet that did not mean it was the end of the line as a result of a complete recovery. This compared to tRump breaking his soul when it comes to forsaking God and delivering his entire worthless spirit to the devil. God has a way of healing someone from countless mental, physical and other challenges but there is no forgiveness or Grace of God when one engages in blasphemy against the Holy Spirit as in Putin's puppet tRump.
Has any one verified that Biden is in fact still alive? This administration so far has a disturbing "Weekend at Bernie's" vibe to it.
I dont think you dems get it - Bidems trip is worthy of scrutiny directly because of all the hundreds of incidents in the past showing him behaving as a man with physical and mental impairment.
Stop being silly by acting as if this is the very first and only incident where Bidem looks cuckoo. Also - YOU KNEW ALL THIS MONTHS BEFORE YOU VOTED FOR HIM.
So stop twisting the context built into his tripping up the steps.
PS: You surely are not asking he be respected because he is an old man tripping up steps are you???
How th ehell can anyone respect a guy who does not give a flying fuxk that his helpers THE BLM caused the death of many people and the destruction of many towns and states. Biden is an evil slime.
You should demand that your congresscritter IMPEACH HIM NOW!

