Joe Biden will not say if he is a member of the Mason's


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Members of Secret Society endorse Joe Biden

2020 Candidate Joe Biden Identifies as Catholic.

Joe Biden is culturally Catholic. He wears a rosary on his wrist, and he went on television with a cross on his forehead on Ash Wednesday. At the same time, he is very pro-abortion and supports the LGBT agenda.
Members of Secret Society endorse Joe Biden

2020 Candidate Joe Biden Identifies as Catholic.

Joe Biden is culturally Catholic. He wears a rosary on his wrist, and he went on television with a cross on his forehead on Ash Wednesday. At the same time, he is very pro-abortion and supports the LGBT agenda.
Surely the Roman Church doesn't accept masons, and in my experience Anglo-Catholic 'Episcopalians' don't either?
Members of Secret Society endorse Joe Biden

2020 Candidate Joe Biden Identifies as Catholic.

Joe Biden is culturally Catholic. He wears a rosary on his wrist, and he went on television with a cross on his forehead on Ash Wednesday. At the same time, he is very pro-abortion and supports the LGBT agenda.

Ummm...what does that have to do with the fact that Trump is a fucking moron...and a shit stain on our Republic?
Members of Secret Society endorse Joe Biden

2020 Candidate Joe Biden Identifies as Catholic.

Joe Biden is culturally Catholic. He wears a rosary on his wrist, and he went on television with a cross on his forehead on Ash Wednesday. At the same time, he is very pro-abortion and supports the LGBT agenda.

"George Washington, a young Virginia planter, becomes a Master Mason, the highest basic rank in the secret fraternity of Freemasonry. The ceremony was held at the Masonic Lodge No. 4 in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Washington was 21 years old and would soon command his first military operation as a major in the Virginia colonial militia."
Surely the Roman Church doesn't accept masons, and in my experience Anglo-Catholic 'Episcopalians' don't either?

that's all bullshit. all the organized luciferic organizations, including masons and all organized religions, have pulled together now, for the final nwo push.
Ummm...what does that have to do with the fact that Trump is a fucking moron...and a shit stain on our Republic?

Biden is also wanting to bring millions of Muslims and Mexicans in by opening the borders. If those are the things you are for, then Biden is your man.
Yes, I know about those things.

"Greatest of American diplomats, hero of the War of Independence, distinguished also as publisher and printer, editor and author, a notable philosopher, a scientist whose valuable discoveries are even today highly esteemed Benjamin Franklin was also a devoted Freemason occupying for many years places of official prominence within the Fraternity."
Biden is also wanting to bring millions of Muslims and Mexicans in by opening the borders. If those are the things you are for, then Biden is your man.

Can you provide a link to his position on this? Let me save you some time. No, you can't. You just made it up.
Members of Secret Society endorse Joe Biden

2020 Candidate Joe Biden Identifies as Catholic.

Joe Biden is culturally Catholic. He wears a rosary on his wrist, and he went on television with a cross on his forehead on Ash Wednesday. At the same time, he is very pro-abortion and supports the LGBT agenda.

The Roman Catholic Church expels members from their congregation if they are Freemasons. They believe that keeping handshakes secret from your Priest is bad.
Yes, I know about those things.

"Many Americans celebrate our founding father and all they did to help create our country. What few of them know is that many of the founding fathers were also freemasons. Some of the more notable founding fathers to also be masons are: George Washington, Ben Franklin lead the Pennsylvania chapter, Paul Revere lead a Massachusetts chapter, John Hancock, and Chief Justice John Marshall who greatly influenced the shaping of the Supreme Court. All together it is believed that about nine of the fifty-six men that signed the Declaration of Independence were masons, and about thirteen of the thirty-nine that signed the US Constitutions were also masons."
The Roman Catholic Church expels members from their congregation if they are Freemasons. They believe that keeping handshakes secret from your Priest is bad.

Masonic bodies do not ban Catholics from joining if they wish to do so. There has never been a Masonic prohibition against Catholics joining the fraternity, and some Freemasons are Catholics, despite the Catholic Church's prohibition of joining the Freemasons.
Surely the Roman Church doesn't accept masons, and in my experience Anglo-Catholic 'Episcopalians' don't either?

I think the US Episcopalians/Anglican are fine w/ it....... Most if not all the founders of this country were Masons & Episcopalians..
Masonic bodies do not ban Catholics from joining if they wish to do so. There has never been a Masonic prohibition against Catholics joining the fraternity, and some Freemasons are Catholics, despite the Catholic Church's prohibition of joining the Freemasons.

I know this...

However if the Catholic Church finds out they will expel them from the Church.