Joe Biden will not say if he is a member of the Mason's

Members of Secret Society endorse Joe Biden

2020 Candidate Joe Biden Identifies as Catholic.

Joe Biden is culturally Catholic. He wears a rosary on his wrist, and he went on television with a cross on his forehead on Ash Wednesday. At the same time, he is very pro-abortion and supports the LGBT agenda.

The trained plasterers and cement masons union did endorse Biden, but they are not a secret society.

The Masonic Lodge does not endorse candidates and if they did it would be a secret.

I think CherubRam is trying to fool us. I guess it worked since we all discussed Masons without checking the underlying premise of the post.
My Gt-gt-grandfather worked on an estate where Samuel Wesley would normally stay when preaching in South Glamorgan, so my fathers' family tended to be Wesleyans. I had always understood that his brother was more Calvinistically-inclined, and that's the lot my mother's family are supposed to have intermarried with, though she was a Congregationalist atheist. My father left the Wesleyans for political reasons and became an Anglican, a mine-owner having been refused communion for being out of love and charity with his neighbour when he said he would starve the miners back to work.

It was a long time ago, & I don't want to try to find it, but from what I recall they were not legalistic about it.. They would have meeting etc & some of the ppl that preached were calvinst..

& Calvinist comes in various flavors, correct?? Isn't there what they call a 3 point calvinst as opposed to a five point calvinst??

The issue of predestination I think was the issue, w/ John favoring free will much more-thus, what the Calivist accused him of-doing works..

From I recall he didn't see it as works, but rather falling more on the good deeds end, in other words not working for his salvation as accused..
Members of Secret Society endorse Joe Biden

2020 Candidate Joe Biden Identifies as Catholic.

Joe Biden is culturally Catholic. He wears a rosary on his wrist, and he went on television with a cross on his forehead on Ash Wednesday. At the same time, he is very pro-abortion and supports the LGBT agenda.

The Masons aren't a secret society. How could be? They have a website.

Lots of Catholics are pro-choice and support LGBT rights.
Considering that his brain is well along in the process of dying I am failing to understand why I should care.