John Bolton stuns a British audience with announcement he WILL run for POTUS in 2024

Here is the pope entering te 21st century. are just people acting as god made them. Rightys are acting as if they are gods and will determine what is right.

It's one thing to follow their beliefs. It's another to go against those same beliefs.

From the link: "Pope Francis criticized laws that criminalize homosexuality as “unjust,” saying God loves all his children just as they are and called on Catholic bishops who support the laws to welcome LGBTQ people into the church.

“Being homosexual isn’t a crime,” Francis said during an exclusive interview Tuesday with The Associated Press.

Francis acknowledged that Catholic bishops in some parts of the world support laws that criminalize homosexuality or discriminate against LGBTQ people, and he himself referred to the issue in terms of “sin.” But he attributed such attitudes to cultural backgrounds, and said bishops in particular need to undergo a process of change to recognize the dignity of everyone.
Instead of trolling, read the link I provided for your answers. You won't because you're not interested in learning anything. You just want to repeat your tired old false talking points.

You are the one making the Bible an issue where it should not be mentioned. You have to go off topic to avoid the OP subject
#45 was an adulterous, lying and blasphemous President. Do you condemn him like you condemn the Jews for violating the Ten Commandments? What about Christ's Two Commandments?

Are you a Christian, Ptif?

I am a Christian and I doubt you know anything about Christianity
The passage of Matthew you point to, but haven't actually read, is about the rules for divorce. Jesus says nothing about gays being inherently sinful.

There's no law in the United States that forces the Catholic or Baptist church to perform gay marriages.

I have read it and Jesus says marriage is a man and a woman as it was from the beginning. No gay marriage
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Really? On what post or thread and in what no uncertain terms? Put up or....we'll, you know.

You will deny Biden has caused any part of inflation or high gas prices because you believe the Biden lies

Yeah, just as I thought. Like all other MAGA blowhards, you tell lies and then BS when asked to back up/prove what you say with FACTS.

Sad thing is you clods NEVER admit you're wrong....just like the Orange Oaf you worship so. And like him, the rest of the world sees you for what you are....pathetic. You're go circle jerk the usual guff you MAGA minions do so well.
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There was no lie
You bore false witness...and it wasn't the first time.

Do you know Christ's Two Commandments? If you do, why don't you display them instead of attacking people...much less bearing false witness against them.
No gfalse witness. Show those commandments

The fact you don't know is very interesting, Ptif, but unsurprising. 22&version=KJV
36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
You are the one making the Bible an issue where it should not be mentioned. You have to go off topic to avoid the OP subject

Actually YOU brought up the Bible when you claimed that Jesus was against SSM and abortion. That was in response to my comment that if Jesus ran for U.S. POTUS today, He would lose. I pointed out that He never said anything about either SSM or abortion. You then changed the subject to Jews and the OT. My link clearly states what Jewish rabbinical teaching is regarding abortion. You refuse to read it because it proves you wrong.
Actually YOU brought up the Bible when you claimed that Jesus was against SSM and abortion. That was in response to my comment that if Jesus ran for U.S. POTUS today, He would lose. I pointed out that He never said anything about either SSM or abortion. You then changed the subject to Jews and the OT. My link clearly states what Jewish rabbinical teaching is regarding abortion. You refuse to read it because it proves you wrong.

Ptif, like many RW anti-Americans, only wears Christianity as a mask to hide the hideous and vile Satanic soul underneath.
A mask of a religion that he claims but doesn't understand; he just parrots stuff he heard that isn't true. Sad.

Parroting, yes, but I'm curious if he knows he's lying or if he's really insane enough to believe he's a "good Christian".

You know I love to observe the various mental health problems associated with such people. :)
I have read it and Jesus says marriage is a man and a woman as it was from the beginning. No gay marriage

I wrote in post 182 that Jesus never said anything about gays.

Your retort to me was "Matthew 19!"

There is nothing in Mathew 19 about gays, nothing about them being inherently evil or sinful.

If Jesus was really spending time thinking about the evils of gayness, you'd think he would have mentioned it somewhere. Mathew 5 through 7 is Jesus' definitive and comprehensive reinterpretation of Jewish law, and there's not one word about gays.

Mathew 19 is about the rules of divorce between a man and a woman. It doesn't mention gays, or say anything derogatory about them.

Gay marriage is a civil law that has only existed for two decades. Civil law would have been a foreign concept to a first century Palestinian Jew. There is no law in the United States that forces Jews, Catholics, or Baptists to perform gay marriage ceremonies.
Ptif, like many RW anti-Americans, only wears Christianity as a mask to hide the hideous and vile Satanic soul underneath.
The Jesus of the Gospels definitively made it known that anger, cursing, hate, lust, resentment, envy, pride, greed are all sins against God.

^Sins which MAGAs commit on a routine basis, while picking out a quote from the Hebrew Bible to bash gays over the head with.
The Jesus of the Gospels definitively made it known that anger, cursing, hate, lust, resentment, envy, pride, greed are all sins against God.

^Sins which MAGAs commit on a routine basis, while picking out a quote from the Hebrew Bible to bash gays over the head with.

Agreed. Which goes back to my curiosity about JPP's MAGA fans; are they lying or are they really so mentally incapacitated that they don't understand the hypocrisy of their words and actions?
Agreed. Which goes back to my curiosity about JPP's MAGA fans; are they lying or are they really so mentally incapacitated that they don't understand the hypocrisy of their words and actions?

I think some MAGAs like to strut around claiming to be practicing Christians, but they generally don't seem to have actually read and understood the bible, don't have the foggiest clue about the history of Christianity and Judaism, and probably don't even attend church service regularly.
I think some MAGAs like to strut around claiming to be practicing Christians, but they generally don't seem to have actually read and understood the bible, don't have the foggiest clue about the history of Christianity and Judaism, and probably don't even attend church service regularly.

Agreed as seen in their posts, but the question remains: Are they lying or mentally incapacitated.

IMO, most are mentally incapacitated and truly believe they are "good Christians" even as they routinely violate all the precepts of Christianity. A few, mostly the younger ones (i.e. those in the 40-60 year age range) are liars pushing a political agenda while using Christianity as a shield against disagreements.
Agreed as seen in their posts, but the question remains: Are they lying or mentally incapacitated.

IMO, most are mentally incapacitated and truly believe they are "good Christians" even as they routinely violate all the precepts of Christianity. A few, mostly the younger ones (i.e. those in the 40-60 year age range) are liars pushing a political agenda while using Christianity as a shield against disagreements.

That sounds right.

Trump the atheist pretty much lied his flabby ass off about supposedly being Christian, for pure political reasons