I wrote in post 182 that Jesus never said anything about gays.
Your retort to me was "Matthew 19!"
There is nothing in Mathew 19 about gays, nothing about them being inherently evil or sinful.
If Jesus was really spending time thinking about the evils of gayness, you'd think he would have mentioned it somewhere. Mathew 5 through 7 is Jesus' definitive and comprehensive reinterpretation of Jewish law, and there's not one word about gays.
Mathew 19 is about the rules of divorce between a man and a woman. It doesn't mention gays, or say anything derogatory about them.
Gay marriage is a civil law that has only existed for two decades. Civil law would have been a foreign concept to a first century Palestinian Jew. There is no law in the United States that forces Jews, Catholics, or Baptists to perform gay marriage ceremonies.