John Bolton stuns a British audience with announcement he WILL run for POTUS in 2024

To his buddy Howard Stern, I believe!

Ah yes, where many disgusting brags of his were revealed. Like how hot his daughter was and he'd "date her" (!) if she wasn't his daughter. Every gross, disgusting vile thing he said went out over the airwaves via Stern. But the MAGATs still voted for the sleazebag anyways. They have no morals, no ethics, no couth, no principles.
The fact you don't know is very interesting, Ptif, but unsurprising. 22&version=KJV
36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

That is Jesus expounding on the Ten Commandments
Actually YOU brought up the Bible when you claimed that Jesus was against SSM and abortion. That was in response to my comment that if Jesus ran for U.S. POTUS today, He would lose. I pointed out that He never said anything about either SSM or abortion. You then changed the subject to Jews and the OT. My link clearly states what Jewish rabbinical teaching is regarding abortion. You refuse to read it because it proves you wrong.

So you broughtn up Jesus not me
I wrote in post 182 that Jesus never said anything about gays.

Your retort to me was "Matthew 19!"

There is nothing in Mathew 19 about gays, nothing about them being inherently evil or sinful.

If Jesus was really spending time thinking about the evils of gayness, you'd think he would have mentioned it somewhere. Mathew 5 through 7 is Jesus' definitive and comprehensive reinterpretation of Jewish law, and there's not one word about gays.

Mathew 19 is about the rules of divorce between a man and a woman. It doesn't mention gays, or say anything derogatory about them.

Gay marriage is a civil law that has only existed for two decades. Civil law would have been a foreign concept to a first century Palestinian Jew. There is no law in the United States that forces Jews, Catholics, or Baptists to perform gay marriage ceremonies.

It clearly says marriage is a man and a woman so gay marriage is not allowed
It clearly says marriage is a man and a woman so gay marriage is not allowed

No shit, gay marriage as a civil contract has only existed for 20 years and no one prior to the 1990s ever contemplated it.

But now you are just trying to alter, modify, change what our original interaction was:

I wrote --> "Jesus never said anything about gays or abortion."

You responded --> "Mathew 19!!"

Show me exactly and specifically anywhere in Mathew 19 Jesus discuses gays and mentions their sinfulness.
No shit, gay marriage as a civil contract has only existed for 20 years and no one prior to the 1990s ever contemplated it.

But now you are just trying to alter, modify, change what our original interaction was:

I wrote --> "Jesus never said anything about gays or abortion."

You responded --> "Mathew 19!!"

Show me exactly and specifically anywhere in Mathew 19 Jesus discuses gays and mentions their sinfulness.

Matthew 19 shows marriage is a man and a woman. There is no gay marriage allowed in the Bible
Matthew 19 shows marriage is a man and a woman. There is no gay marriage allowed in the Bible

My question was whether or not Jesus ever condemned abortion or gays.

He obviously didn't, or you would have been able to post it by now.
My question was whether or not Jesus ever condemned abortion or gays.

He obviously didn't, or you would have been able to post it by now.

It is in Romans 1 and in the Old Testament. You show you do not understand that all the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Jesus showed that marriage is a man and a woman. Christians have no place for Gay marriage in their life
It is in Romans 1 and in the Old Testament. You show you do not understand that all the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Jesus showed that marriage is a man and a woman. Christians have no place for Gay marriage in their life

Then don't marry a gay. I doubt anyone would be interested in you anyway. But suit yourself.