Sullivan has a rep for being an agent provocateur in Utah.
He could be a ‘free agent’ and not aligned with Antifa or anyone else. He’s at least an apparent self-promoter that documents his shenanigans for his social media. Also, there are enough commonalities between DC on 1/6 and the summer riots that an objective investigator would likely be looking for common actors.
Turns out there is at least one.
Agent provocateurs only need to show up on the scene and start provoking others into acting. In the idiots own ‘documentary’ he is shown doing EXACTLY THAT. The only real question is whether he had teammates and to what extent he is responsible for provoking the riot. How much influence did he have in the origin of the riot. IOW, to what extent was Sullivan and/or others responsible for converting the protest into a riot?
Sullivan complicated things, a bit.