Could you find some that do not lie? That leaves out the NYT, WP, CNN, all the networks, the AP and Reuters. It also includes the FBI, DOJ, and CIA.

Mr Badboy knows perfectly well that the genetic fallacy is a fallacy of irrelevance in which someone accepts a claim as true or false solely on the basis of its origin, yet he employed it.
I am not smart enough to realize that if caring about the police brutality makes you a Lefty, then that means a Righty doesn't care if the police beat innocent people up.
This is not a thread about a rioter being a lefty. It is an implication that he was involved in the planning and an organizer. If not, then a guy claiming to be a lefty is irrelevant to the thousands of crazed righties wanting to kill politicians and level the capitol. Rightys are so illogical.

Sullivan has a rep for being an agent provocateur in Utah.

He could be a ‘free agent’ and not aligned with Antifa or anyone else. He’s at least an apparent self-promoter that documents his shenanigans for his social media. Also, there are enough commonalities between DC on 1/6 and the summer riots that an objective investigator would likely be looking for common actors.

Turns out there is at least one.

Agent provocateurs only need to show up on the scene and start provoking others into acting. In the idiots own ‘documentary’ he is shown doing EXACTLY THAT. The only real question is whether he had teammates and to what extent he is responsible for provoking the riot. How much influence did he have in the origin of the riot. IOW, to what extent was Sullivan and/or others responsible for converting the protest into a riot?

Sullivan complicated things, a bit.
Sullivan has a rep for being an agent provocateur in Utah.

He could be a ‘free agent’ and not aligned with Antifa or anyone else. He’s at least an apparent self-promoter that documents his shenanigans for his social media. Also, there are enough commonalities between DC on 1/6 and the summer riots that an objective investigator would likely be looking for common actors.

Turns out there is at least one.

Agent provocateurs only need to show up on the scene and start provoking others into acting. In the idiots own ‘documentary’ he is shown doing EXACTLY THAT. The only real question is whether he had teammates and to what extent he is responsible for provoking the riot. How much influence did he have in the origin of the riot. IOW, to what extent was Sullivan and/or others responsible for converting the protest into a riot?

Sullivan complicated things, a bit.

Yep. A bit. A drop in a bucket.
Never heard of this guy. I did not know he was a leader and spokesman of the left. It has been a well-kept secret.

Does it matter?

Believe it is the third thread started in the guy, regardless of who he is, the right has him as proof Antifa was behind the invasion of the Capital, he did it
Every misguided individual isn't a trumpanzee.

There are, unfortunately, a few human ones too.

Fine him fifty bucks and go after the real scum with the serious charges.
Does it matter?

Believe it is the third thread started in the guy, regardless of who he is, the right has him as proof Antifa was behind the invasion of the Capital, he did it

Nope, not saying that.

This will be The Next Thing the gate keepers in the media and Big Tech are going to try and keep under wraps. You had realize it was simplistic to think or suggest ‘Trump alone’ was responsible for what happened, right?

It’s turning out to be more complicated. These things *almost always* do. George Floyd’s death wasn’t a simple matter of purposeful suffocation; Micheal Brown ‘wasn’t simply’ shot in the back and etc.

This is just the latest in a long line of narratives getting ahead of the facts. This is going to complicate Trump’s senate trial if it happens. Didn’t have to be that way, but yeah.
This is going to complicate Trump’s senate trial if it happens.

I doubt it.

How many times will he get impeached?

Before you answer, recall that the vengeful Royalists dug up Oliver Cromwell's corpse, hung it in chains, and beheaded it.
Never heard of this guy. I did not know he was a leader and spokesman of the left. It has been a well-kept secret.

He was on the leftest CNN with Fag Boy Cooper

He and this was leftest slut were all giddy and saying they did it see below
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The FBI is very interested. Obviously something provoked them.

Where were they January 5th?

How is it even possible that the Capitol Cops were the lone security present? These people check ID’s and do garden variety security yet they were left to manage a situation our illustrious alphabet agencies *had to know* had the potential to be violent. Wtf?

Too busy spying on Trump to check for online chatter? Crap like this went on all summer and when it happens in DC it’s like ‘oh shit, where did these people come from?’

Sullivan and similar characters weren’t on a watch list? Why not?

That’s the subtext to this. This whole thing was colossal Cluster F* on the part of the FBI [leadership] and whoever was in charge of security. None of it ever should have happened.