Jordan Peterson on Male Virtue Signalling

OK how the hell is identity politics related to Marxism? As an actual Marxist it just seems baffling to me. It seems the word your looking for is "the Jews" or something like that.

It was pro-Soviet Marxists who pioneered identity politics in America and the West for the purposes of division.
It was pro-Soviet Marxists who pioneered identity politics in America and the West for the purposes of division.
The number of people I know that claimed to be Marxists in their twenties, pretty much all of them grew up eventually.

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The number of people I know that claimed to be Marxists in their twenties, pretty much all of them grew up eventually.

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I think there is a difference between a lot of people who ran around in the 30s/40s/70s/80s and those who did so in the 50s/60s. The former were often hopeful idealists, but there were so many at the height of the Cold War who knowingly wanted to serve Moscow and help it to gain an advantage. Such people existed during the entire run of the USSR, of course.
LOL I hope Corbyn wins the next election so much.
Yes, you would!

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