So I don't get to respond to douchebag's post? :pke:
Not while mentioning anything that relates even in an offhand way to the personal information war that has been waging for too long on this board.

Including who he has insulted in the past and why, especially not describing what was said in any of those as these are used, and act as, direct attempts to draw the same battle back to the fore. If I could I would go back to every thread and remove anything relating to this war, but it would take too long.

I'm seriously done with this. It isn't here, not any more, not again.

I'm sure you'll note I also deleted MM's post mentioning it...
how gratuitously insulting!

AND inaccurate!:cof1:

yeah....and you never gratuitously insult me, no one falls for your phony moral high ground

and is wholly accurate our forum resident "gentle as a lamb", closet homo...seriously, it is ok to be in the closet is killing you and causing you to have creepy internet obsessions over men on the internet
yeah....and you never gratuitously insult me, no one falls for your phony moral high ground

and is wholly accurate our forum resident "gentle as a lamb", closet homo...seriously, it is ok to be in the closet is killing you and causing you to have creepy internet obsessions over men on the internet

more baseless sophomoric schoolyard insults.... it that really your best argument?
And I will continue to delete until you give up posting on that subject in any way. You bring good arguments when you speak on political issues. I like it when you do.

This is my solution so that one side or the other doesn't think I am solely picking on them. I will delete it regardless of who is posting it and if it even hints at that subject every time I see it.
And I will continue to delete until you give up posting on that subject in any way. You bring good arguments when you speak on political issues. I like it when you do.

This is my solution so that one side or the other doesn't think I am solely picking on them. I will delete it regardless of who is posting it and if it even hints at that subject every time I see it.
I post on boards to further my political arguments. Many liberals, in fact most, can't deal with the logic so instead respond with personal attacks or worse. That is what has happened with maineman except he has gone way over the top, as you have witnessed. I have been taught to protect the innocent and will continue to do so.