JPP Cup Debate Championship Field Is Set

How about that?

I knew you didn't have what it takes to see this through to the end...

I see you whined and blubbered to someone, to restore your rep points.
And here you told everyone that you didn't care about them!! :good4u:

Adding a late addition; because zippy just negative repped me, for pointing out his stupidity.

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I'm pretty sure all that stuff only goes on in this forum, unless a thread has completely died in another.

PMP, since you're self admittedly slow, I'll spell it out for you
















my mistake....when I came here (at your recommendation, as I recall) I thought this was a politics forum....I didn't realize I was in the wrong place....I will correct my error.....and as it stands, I have had sigs turned off for a long time.....I just objected to having to turn off avatars and all other images as well......fuck that, I'm sure I can find a board where I can argue politics instead.....

no one asked you to turn off avatars you whiny little bitch . . .

I swear, you are usaloyal level stupid.

You messaged me around 10am on tuesday, making a mention of my avatar and how you wouldn't want to see it at work. 15 minutes later, I had a new avatar. I listened to your complaint and changed it rather promptly.

I then informed you about adblock. It seems as if it is something you've never heard of before. I thought you might find some use out of it, as it is simple to use, and quick and easy to install. It was a helpful hint to assist you in dealing with others.

12 hours later, you were still complaining about avatars being too risque for you. You were literally complaining about something that had been fixed 12 hours prior. Still stubbron to use something that most of the browsing population has installed.

You have multiple options on this site:

1) message the person. Generally, we aren't dicks, and if you are nice about it, you might even get THREEDEE to take some more provocative photos out of his sig. We all try to get along here.

2) There is an option allowing you to block sigs and avatars. It takes 30 seconds. You can turn them back on when you come home. Most people sigs don't change daily anyway... and who cares about seeing peoples sigs to begin with?

3) you can use adblock, which is simple, fast, and ready to install on basically every copy of firefox, tons and tons of people use it. It lets you block individual images.

Three options. You didn't even have to get past the first one when it came to me.

But instead you want to be stubborn and cry about something that does not bother virtually anyone else on this site. And for those it does bother, it's a minor annoyance that people seem to get over.

I also don't like seeing boobs everywhere when browsing this site, I tend to use adblock so people don't think I'm a porn freak. It's not a big deal for me.

Basically, you just like to cry and make a big deal out of nothing.
no one asked you to turn off avatars you whiny little bitch . . .

I swear, you are usaloyal level stupid.

You messaged me around 10am on tuesday, making a mention of my avatar and how you wouldn't want to see it at work. 15 minutes later, I had a new avatar. I listened to your complaint and changed it rather promptly.

I then informed you about adblock. It seems as if it is something you've never heard of before. I thought you might find some use out of it, as it is simple to use, and quick and easy to install. It was a helpful hint to assist you in dealing with others.

12 hours later, you were still complaining about avatars being too risque for you. You were literally complaining about something that had been fixed 12 hours prior. Still stubbron to use something that most of the browsing population has installed.

You have multiple options on this site:

1) message the person. Generally, we aren't dicks, and if you are nice about it, you might even get THREEDEE to take some more provocative photos out of his sig. We all try to get along here.

2) There is an option allowing you to block sigs and avatars. It takes 30 seconds. You can turn them back on when you come home. Most people sigs don't change daily anyway... and who cares about seeing peoples sigs to begin with?

3) you can use adblock, which is simple, fast, and ready to install on basically every copy of firefox, tons and tons of people use it. It lets you block individual images.

Three options. You didn't even have to get past the first one when it came to me.

But instead you want to be stubborn and cry about something that does not bother virtually anyone else on this site. And for those it does bother, it's a minor annoyance that people seem to get over.

I also don't like seeing boobs everywhere when browsing this site, I tend to use adblock so people don't think I'm a porn freak. It's not a big deal for me.

Basically, you just like to cry and make a big deal out of nothing.

you lying little fuck.....I PMed you and gave you the reasons for my objections to your avatar before you changed it....from that point on our exchange of PMs was a statement and response exchange that was in no respect me "literally complaining about something that had been fixed 12 hours prior".....I was complaining about your attitude, which basically was...."I'm going to do whatever the fuck I want and if you don't like it, install applications on you computer to hide it".....

you pissant little fucks took away the right to see signatures because you wanted to see boobs.....then you wanted us to give up avatars because you wanted to see boobs....... then you want us to give up all images.....why the fuck don't you look at boobs on a boob site instead of a politics site.....
may I remind everyone that pmp is the same user that complained for days about how he wouldn't be able to tell who I was despite my giant red bold name that says jpp staff underneath it...
may I remind everyone that pmp is the same user that complained for days about how he wouldn't be able to tell who I was despite my giant red bold name that says jpp staff underneath it...
Exactly, how does he know who you are now? You could be Watermark. Or me. Unless of course I'm Grind.
may I remind everyone that pmp is the same user that complained for days about how he wouldn't be able to tell who I was despite my giant red bold name that says jpp staff underneath it...

Grind, kindly go fuck yourself. You're a little pissant, snot nosed, wobbly-kneed dork whose only means for release is playing some bizarro version of message board God, when no one but yourself gives two $hits about how grand you think you are.

You fuck around and abuse your power here and you get some kind of a rise in your levis from it.

Piss off Little Lord Fauntleroy.
how have I abused any power? You are projecting usaloyal.

Put a smile on your face. I hope you are nicer to people in real life than you are online. And although I called you stupid, and that I think you are lacking in the intelligence department, that doesn't mean there isn't other positive qualities about you.
also it's kind of stupid to say I like playing a "messageboard god" when I consistently argue for less restrictions and rules on users rather than more.

Again.. the intelligence thing with you . . .
also it's kind of stupid to say I like playing a "messageboard god" when I consistently argue for less restrictions and rules on users rather than more.

Again.. the intelligence thing with you . . .

Like I said, go fuck yourself. You abuse your power and I give you my full permission to deflect from that in any way you wish, up to and including, any negative thing you throw my way.

You are inconsequential and I only bat you around from time to time because you're such an attention whore and I take pity on you.

Tosses Little Lord Fauntleroy his binky. Suck on it.
Don't anyone bother PMing me if its to ask me to remove pictures.

If you PM me, offering me new, improved pictures, based upon a bit of knowledge of my personal tastes in women (or not, whatver...), then that is welcomed. At the very least, I will enjoy reading the PM.
Remember when I had two dude making out as a sig?

Good times.

This should be one that bender would appreciate.

Like I said, go fuck yourself. You abuse your power

no evidence provided obviously

You are inconsequential and I only bat you around from time to time because you're such an attention whore and I take pity on you.

you sound like a 9 year old trying to pull someones hair or something only to say you dont like the person. I don't go around to threads you are in and pick fights with you. You dont sound very mature. you are over 50 are you not? grow up you child.