JPP Debate Championship Update thread

she didn't even properly judge the debate with three and i...she had already stopped judging and merely said, who ever is leading i'll throw in for them

grind was clear i still could have won if she hadn't merely given up and threw her lot in with grind and apple
Yes, she "left off" before your debate. That should be re-judged, not the debate thrown out.
no she was still present when the debate was taking place, she just didn't try very hard and I am like 70% sure she didn't even read the arguments, but I have no direct proof for that.
The votes are in. It seems I've won again.

Thank you all for your stalwart support for truth and freedom.

Asshat, you misunderstood. We weren't voting, we were taking up a collection to buy you a map of the forums. You know, so you can find your way around.
I have him on a leash.


Even when you pretend to ignore me (since you send me rep pts and snide remarks, its obvious you aren't ignoring me) you are still being owned by me. The fact that you have continually responded to people quoting me is proof of ownership.

I ought to be able to claim you on my taxes as a dependent.