Into the Night
Verified User
Not at all. I enjoyed college and got what I needed out of it. Why are you so unhappy, Perry? Did you fail in attaining your dreams?
You certainly did. That's why you boast about your so-called 'credentials'.
Not at all. I enjoyed college and got what I needed out of it. Why are you so unhappy, Perry? Did you fail in attaining your dreams?
You are describing yourself again.Are you sure you aren't @Cypress?
You sound a lot like him. He doesn't know chemistry either.
I already did when you did it. RQAA.I'd ask how I am ignoring the Ideal gas law but I know you won't answer. Hilarious.
it was Schrodinger who really gave us the modern view of wave clouds of electrons, because the idea of circular orbitals as originally articulated by Bohr was incomplete
It wouldn't solve the argument.
Cypress and Perry should post images of their credentials with their names blacked out to solve this argument.
In fact if only one did it and not the other that would solve it too.
Otherwise this is nothing more than a pissing contest.
Would be interesting.
It is with a 99.99% probability.
E.g. what are the chances someone has a diploma, urgent dental license and a current DEA license they can produce readily with their handle to cover the their name? (And license # of course. Too easy to do a license search.)
You certainly did. That's why you boast about your so-called 'credentials'.
...and banging your mom.![]()
Cool. So what frat were you in? I didn't know someone could be in All the frats.
Chemistry instructors and educators discuss why chemistry teachers are lagging in their ability to teach quantum concepts -->The introductory Chemistry textbook I looked at yesterday, had maybe about 30 pages out of more than 1,300 pages directly dealing with quantum mechanics (mainly just the Bohr model of the atom). The Bohr model is technically incorrect, but convenient for describing chemical concepts.
Wave particle duality was mentioned only in passing and in the most cursory way.
And many fundamental quantum concepts were completely absent.
You claimed that QM was the very heart and core of the science of chemistry.
You didn't say that chemistry merely used some QM concepts. Cell phones use QM concepts too.
Modernizing General Chemistry for the Year 2050: Why Are General Chemistry Instructors Hesitant to Teach Quantum Concepts?
Peter Garik
Boston University
Judith Kelley
University of Massachusetts
Alan Crosby
Boston University
This is a study of the attitudes towards instruction of quantum theory by instructors of general chemistry. Quantum concepts are difficult for instructors to teach and for students to learn.
Based on exchanges at national meetings it is our perception that many chemistry instructors do not believe that quantum theory should be taught in general chemistry.
In presentations of our development work at meetings of the American Chemical Society, members of our team have found themselves the focus of strident attacks by chemistry instructors who vehemently denounced the teaching of quantum concepts in chemistry.
Further, in private conversations with both college and high school chemistry instructors, we have found that many admit that their own command of quantum mechanics was not what they wished it was.
Like this? My BS in Astrophysics:
Love me some astrophysics!
I registered on this board in 2006, and in all those years I have probably mentioned what degrees I earned one or two times. And taking the board as whole, you would be hard pressed to ever find me blabbing about my careers.
The only thing that matters is the way someone writes, the depths of their insights, and the scope of their interests. (Unless one is just frantically googling for tidbits of information, and sprinting back here to pass it off as their own original thoughts)
In this thesis, we explore examples of each of the three primary strategies for the detection of particle dark matter: indirect detection, direct detection, and collider production.
We first examine the indirect detection of weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) dark matter via the gamma-ray photons produced by astrophysical WIMP annihilation. Such photons may be observed by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. We propose the gamma-ray-flux probability distribution function (PDF) as a probe of the Galactic halo substructure predicted to exist by N-body simulations. The PDF is calculated for a phenomenological model of halo substructure; it is shown that the PDF may allow a statistical detection of substructure.
Next, we consider the direct detection of WIMPs. We explore the ability of directional nuclear-recoil detectors to constrain the local velocity distribution of WIMP dark matter by performing Bayesian parameter estimation on simulated recoil-event data sets. We discuss in detail how directional information, when combined with measurements of the recoil-energy spectrum, helps break degeneracies in the velocity-distribution parameters. Considering the possibility that velocity structures such as cold tidal streams or a dark disk may also be present in addition to the Galactic halo, we discuss the potential of upcoming experiments to probe such structures.
We then study the collider production of light gravitino dark matter. Light gravitino production results in spectacular signals, including di-photons, delayed photons, kinked charged tracks, and heavy metastable charged particles. We find that observable numbers of light-gravitino events may be found in future collider data sets. Remarkably, this data is also well suited to distinguish between scenarios with light gravitino dark matter, with striking implications for early-Universe cosmology.
Finally, we investigate the related matter of radiative corrections to the decay rate of charged fermions caused by the presence of a thermal bath of photons. The cancellation of finite-temperature infrared divergences in the decay rate is described in detail. Temperature-dependent radiative corrections to the two-body decay of a hypothetical charged fermion and to electroweak decays of a muon are given. We touch upon possible implications of these results for charged particles in the early Universe.
Yea. Once the orange moron admitted that Covid was here.They said it was highly contagious and lethal enough to kill several million people. That was right on the money.
Well...40%-50% of the nation did. The other half killed hundreds of thousands of people for no reasonI did. Fauci was telling us up-to-date information as it came out. Covid is a new virus and we learned about it through the process of dealing with it We handled it like would any other virus until it showed it was much more dangerous.
You know as much geology as Cypress. You guys can have a confab and talk geology! Tell him favorite sorosilicate and he can tell you his favorite well log tool. Do it in public so people can see...sounds hilarious!
It is with a 99.99% probability.
E.g. what are the chances someone has a diploma, urgent dental license and a current DEA license they can produce readily with their handle to cover the their name? (And license # of course. Too easy to do a license search.)
For a while I thought Perry Phimosis might have had some science background that would lend itself to a rational discussion. I don't usually misread so egregiously. I must be getting slow.Well, that's a hell of a lot more than you! You are no geologist.
The only thing that matters is the way someone writes, the depths of their insights, and the scope of their interests. (Unless one is just frantically googling for tidbits of information, and sprinting back here to pass it off as their own original thoughts)
No. Even if they produced such 'documents', how do you know they were not 'forged', or just fakes?
Besides, science is not a license or credential. It is not a degree or certification or any other sanctification.
People that try pose degrees as 'important' are religious types.