JPP Lefties and Trump 2020

Thank you for validating the prediction that I made I the last sentence of what you quoted. It takes guys like you to get Trump elected, you are why we vote for him.


Illiterate shitweasels like you tend to have things go over your head. I'll type slowly, moron. The Illiterate Fucktards are those that can't differentiate between an adjective and a noun. You are now a member.

I can understand why Trump "speaks your language". He's also a cretin with a vocabulary of a 6th grader.
Saying that lefty comments will probably be "combative, and probably even disgusting replies" is not going to get you the kind of debate you're looking for.

This is why I titled the thread the way I did. JPP lefties are good indicators of what lefties really think, and they have a well established pattern here of replying this way. Even if I had kissed your ass in my opening post, you still would have dodged the way you did. You evaded like that because that's all lefties do. I did not expect you to be able to have an objective look at the op, I expected you to scan it for something that you could argue with, and then use that to avoid discussing what the op is really about. Your blindness to what the op is about is why Trump won in 16, and why he will win in 20.

Illiterate shitweasels like you tend to have things go over your head. I'll type slowly, moron. The Illiterate Fucktards are those that can't differentiate between an adjective and a noun. You are now a member.

I can understand why Trump "speaks your language". He's also a cretin with a vocabulary of a 6th grader.

I thought about banning you from this thread, but I knew that you would be an excellent example of what I was talking about at the end of my opening post. Thank you for validating my op.
Looking back as a Trump voter, Trump appears to be the result of a perfect storm. For me, it started right after midterms, when I cast a straight Republican vote as a protest to Obama. Yea, the Republicans won the midterms by a landslide, but the perfect storm began to brew when all those Republicans that won failed miserably to deliver on what they campaigned for. My dislike for Republicans began to manifest, but I sure wasn't going to vote Democrat, and then along comes Trump! He spoke my language about immigration, the wall, PC, the MSM, and everything that I was not hearing from the swamp. I did not give a shit anymore about political experience, all I cared about was wrestling the country back from an out of control government and media. Apparently, there were enough other people who saw things the same way, seeing as how he did in fact win the election.

Here is why I named the title of the thread the way I did. It turns out that the swamp is guarded by an overwhelming number of alligators, so it is still not the way I want it. The MSM is worse than ever, and PC is still out of control. The posts of our JPP lefties represent the manifestation of all that I want Trump for, so unless another candidate comes along who appears even more qualified to drain the swamp, more qualified to overcome the MSM, and more qualified to control immigration, Trump would get my vote right now. The perfect storm is still brewing, and if the others who voted for Trump are still thinking the way I am, the stage is already set for Trump 2020. The left fueled the flames of Trump's successful campaign with gasoline in attempt to extinguish them, and they are now attempting to overthrow his Presidency with the same shit times 10. Trump looked right for my political position for 2016, but now, Trump looks even better for 2020.

Lefties, I don't expect you guys to agree with my political position, and I am fully aware that you oppose it. My point here though, is that Democrats and lefties are losing elections, and seats, so the obstruction, corrupt MSM, and all the obstructionism does not appear to be helping the 2020 election in any way. I predict that it will lead to an even bigger upset in 2020, and that Trump will prevail if somebody even more Trump-like does not run.

Now, I predict that lefty replies will illustrate my point. Subjective, combative, and probably even disgusting replies are what I predict, and they will only illustrate why Democrats are not gaining any ground.

:0) How about what you've said being met with laughter. It's silly and a blatant case of blind partisanship.

You speak as if Trump and republicans aren't awash in their own serious issues .. not the least of which are, the possibility Trump being impeached .. or worse, his historically low poll numbers, and the Republican Party asking themselves how many seats will they lose in the midterms. You do know they will lose seats, right?

If you can't see nor address these GLARING ISSUES, then you aren't a serious political analyst .. you're just some guy on a website talking politics out of his ass.
I thought about banning you from this thread, but I knew that you would be an excellent example of what I was talking about at the end of my opening post. Thank you for validating my op.

You're the punk that came in and challenged the left to demonstrate Trump's racial discrimination. I realize you're still butthurt when I handed you your pathetic ass on that one.

Your post that still amuses me the most is when you tried to claim you were an alpha male like Trump. Goddam that stills draws a laugh from me!
Do you think that we don not see that the left is obstructing his fulfillment of those promises? Do you really think that I would not be pissed at whoever blocked those promises? C'mon... Do you think that Trump voters like me will really think that Trump was too lazy to do what he promised? This is the perfect storm that I have referred to. I will NEVER vote for a lefty Republican (establishment Repub), and I will NEVER vote for a Democrat. I damn sure won't vote for somebody who thought that blocking what I voted for would get my vote. Bill, I may very well be way off base, but I might also be spot on. If I am right, the left is going to need to figure out why they are losing elections and seats, and then do something DIFFERENT to fix the problem. Juvenile rhetoric, tantrums, and the MSM crap is not working.

Who cares what you see? Seriously?

Can you see this ..

Donald Trump's approval rating drops as support among diehard backers weakens

Following his nine-day*jaunt overseas, President Donald Trump is reportedly feeling a bit worse for wear*and frustrated with his time in office thus far. Adding insult*to injury: The latest polls—something the president clearly cares about—haven't brought him much good news.

The latest survey from The Economist/YouGov this week found just 38 percent of respondents approved of the job*Trump has done in office. That's a new low for the president in The Economist/YouGov weekly tracking poll, and down from 39 percent last week.

Perhaps even more importantly, Trump's "strong approval" rating has fallen. Surveys often ask respondents if they approve or disapprove of the president's job performance to varying degrees. The Economist/YouGov*poll, like many other surveys,*gives respondents*the option to choose strongly approve, somewhat approve, somewhat disapprove, strongly disapprove and not sure. Compared with last week, those who selected "strongly approve" fell 2 percentage points, to 17 percent,*according in The Economist/YouGov poll.

This is a phenomenon that the data-based website FiveThirtyEight wrote about last week, noting Trump's true*base—those who approved strongly—had shrunk from about 30 percent of the electorate in February to just about 20 percent in May. And those who strongly disapproved outweighed those who strongly approved by about a 2:1 ratio.*


What in the hell are you talking about?
Who cares what you see? Seriously?

Can you see this ..

This is what my thread is about. Lefties do not know or care why Trump won, and they do not know or care why he could win again. All the lefty talking points that you just spewed are just the same old shit, which is what Democrats will try to bring to the table in 2020, and it is apparently not working. The left is setting up to be blind sided AGAIN.
You called it. I don't think they'll ever get it.

Exactly. If they lose SC or GA, they will not do anything different next election. They may demand recounts, or even try to overturn the results, but they will not look at what they are doing wrong.
He's already got my vote for '20 and I can't stand him. You hit the nail on the head... they're pouring loads of gasoline on the fire trying to extinguish it. And it's because they (dims, establishment repubs, RINO's) are completely blind as to why he won.

And I hope they stay blind. We'll see a real Reagan landslide, next time. Doubt they'll even be able to keep Minnesota.
Looking back as a Trump voter, Trump appears to be the result of a perfect storm. For me, it started right after midterms, when I cast a straight Republican vote as a protest to Obama. Yea, the Republicans won the midterms by a landslide, but the perfect storm began to brew when all those Republicans that won failed miserably to deliver on what they campaigned for. My dislike for Republicans began to manifest, but I sure wasn't going to vote Democrat, and then along comes Trump! He spoke my language about immigration, the wall, PC, the MSM, and everything that I was not hearing from the swamp. I did not give a shit anymore about political experience, all I cared about was wrestling the country back from an out of control government and media. Apparently, there were enough other people who saw things the same way, seeing as how he did in fact win the election.

Here is why I named the title of the thread the way I did. It turns out that the swamp is guarded by an overwhelming number of alligators, so it is still not the way I want it. The MSM is worse than ever, and PC is still out of control. The posts of our JPP lefties represent the manifestation of all that I want Trump for, so unless another candidate comes along who appears even more qualified to drain the swamp, more qualified to overcome the MSM, and more qualified to control immigration, Trump would get my vote right now. The perfect storm is still brewing, and if the others who voted for Trump are still thinking the way I am, the stage is already set for Trump 2020. The left fueled the flames of Trump's successful campaign with gasoline in attempt to extinguish them, and they are now attempting to overthrow his Presidency with the same shit times 10. Trump looked right for my political position for 2016, but now, Trump looks even better for 2020.

Lefties, I don't expect you guys to agree with my political position, and I am fully aware that you oppose it. My point here though, is that Democrats and lefties are losing elections, and seats, so the obstruction, corrupt MSM, and all the obstructionism does not appear to be helping the 2020 election in any way. I predict that it will lead to an even bigger upset in 2020, and that Trump will prevail if somebody even more Trump-like does not run.

Now, I predict that lefty replies will illustrate my point. Subjective, combative, and probably even disgusting replies are what I predict, and they will only illustrate why Democrats are not gaining any ground.

Great post. Trump has forced the left to remove their veil of civility and pretense of superiority.

As they double down on their stupid efforts to reverse an election outcome; they will continue to enrage the majority until they are only able to cling to the coastal states for political power which also may end up being elusive for the Party of the Jackass.
rumpF made lots of promises to lots of ppl......... If he does not deliver he won't be reelected........ They gave him the benefit of the doubt in 16.... In 20 there will be no doubt....

Obama not only made a lot of promises to brain dead snowflake leftists, he lied to them.....yet they still swarmed to him and re-elected him.

I find it the pinnacle of hypocrisy and stupidity for Liberals and Democrats to start whining about keeping promises. It's almost as moronic as you snowflakes suddenly caring about Federal spending or private meetings to legislate a healthcare bill.

But alas, Liberals are too painfully stupid to comprehend the OBVIOUS.
Obama not only made a lot of promises to brain dead snowflake leftists, he lied to them.....yet they still swarmed to him and re-elected him.

I find it the pinnacle of hypocrisy and stupidity for Liberals and Democrats to start whining about keeping promises. It's almost as moronic as you snowflakes suddenly caring about Federal spending or private meetings to legislate a healthcare bill.

But alas, Liberals are too painfully stupid to comprehend the OBVIOUS.


Gotta give you credit - not even a lame, half-hearted attempt to pretend that Trump told the truth about anything.
Do you think that we don not see that the left is obstructing his fulfillment of those promises? Do you really think that I would not be pissed at whoever blocked those promises? C'mon... Do you think that Trump voters like me will really think that Trump was too lazy to do what he promised? This is the perfect storm that I have referred to. I will NEVER vote for a lefty Republican (establishment Repub), and I will NEVER vote for a Democrat. I damn sure won't vote for somebody who thought that blocking what I voted for would get my vote. Bill, I may very well be way off base, but I might also be spot on. If I am right, the left is going to need to figure out why they are losing elections and seats, and then do something DIFFERENT to fix the problem. Juvenile rhetoric, tantrums, and the MSM crap is not working.

Where are those 40% trade tariffs on China? Are the leftists holding those up? Douchebag Donald's trade war was the thing I was most curious about.
It's a great way to vote. Really. Stick it to the MSM - great way to elect a leader.

You still don't know why Trump won; proof you're a pathetic dumbfuck on steroids. :rofl2:

He doesn't have to "stick it" to the media....they are doing that all by themselves. The mainstream FAKE media is rapidly becoming a national embarrassment.....kind of like you on JPP.
I remember when Paul Ryan -- with his Atlas Shrugged ideology -- was the most mean-spirited, furthest to the right mofo on the planet. I miss those days.

Another painfully stupid and false narrative that only the most ignorant and gullible on the left can erupt with. Yay you!! Retard; and I am probably insulting them calling you one. c

Illiterate shitweasels like you tend to have things go over your head. I'll type slowly, moron. The Illiterate Fucktards are those that can't differentiate between an adjective and a noun. You are now a member.

I can understand why Trump "speaks your language". He's also a cretin with a vocabulary of a 6th grader.

DUMBER is really too painfully stupid and ignorant to comprehend the irony of his tireless third grade prattle. Yep, in dumbfuckland, where DUMBER resides, the above is a shining example of literacy.

I thought about banning you from this thread, but I knew that you would be an excellent example of what I was talking about at the end of my opening post. Thank you for validating my op.

He thinks his prose is a shining example of literacy. :rofl2: I ban this thread troll every time. You'll learn.

Gotta give you credit - not even a lame, half-hearted attempt to pretend that Trump told the truth about anything.

I find it fascinatingly stupid that you moronically believe everything he says is a lie. Of course, you were just fine with all the lies Obama fed you weren't you, you pathetic ignorant snowflake.
Where are those 40% trade tariffs on China? Are the leftists holding those up? Douchebag Donald's trade war was the thing I was most curious about.

YEAH! After all, he's been in office for all of SIX months with few distractions or efforts to obstruct him right shit-for-brains?

Good lord; nothing says pathetic more than idiots who think Presidents should pass their entire agenda in the first 100 days.