Where are those 40% trade tariffs on China? Are the leftists holding those up? Douchebag Donald's trade war was the thing I was most curious about.

Where are those 40% trade tariffs on China? Are the leftists holding those up? Douchebag Donald's trade war was the thing I was most curious about.
YEAH! After all, he's been in office for all of SIX months with few distractions or efforts to obstruct him right shit-for-brains?
Good lord; nothing says pathetic more than idiots who think Presidents should pass their entire agenda in the first 100 days.
Looking back as a Trump voter, Trump appears to be the result of a perfect storm. For me, it started right after midterms, when I cast a straight Republican vote as a protest to Obama. Yea, the Republicans won the midterms by a landslide, but the perfect storm began to brew when all those Republicans that won failed miserably to deliver on what they campaigned for. My dislike for Republicans began to manifest, but I sure wasn't going to vote Democrat, and then along comes Trump! He spoke my language about immigration, the wall, PC, the MSM, and everything that I was not hearing from the swamp. I did not give a shit anymore about political experience, all I cared about was wrestling the country back from an out of control government and media. Apparently, there were enough other people who saw things the same way, seeing as how he did in fact win the election.
Here is why I named the title of the thread the way I did. It turns out that the swamp is guarded by an overwhelming number of alligators, so it is still not the way I want it. The MSM is worse than ever, and PC is still out of control. The posts of our JPP lefties represent the manifestation of all that I want Trump for, so unless another candidate comes along who appears even more qualified to drain the swamp, more qualified to overcome the MSM, and more qualified to control immigration, Trump would get my vote right now. The perfect storm is still brewing, and if the others who voted for Trump are still thinking the way I am, the stage is already set for Trump 2020. The left fueled the flames of Trump's successful campaign with gasoline in attempt to extinguish them, and they are now attempting to overthrow his Presidency with the same shit times 10. Trump looked right for my political position for 2016, but now, Trump looks even better for 2020.
Lefties, I don't expect you guys to agree with my political position, and I am fully aware that you oppose it. My point here though, is that Democrats and lefties are losing elections, and seats, so the obstruction, corrupt MSM, and all the obstructionism does not appear to be helping the 2020 election in any way. I predict that it will lead to an even bigger upset in 2020, and that Trump will prevail if somebody even more Trump-like does not run.
Now, I predict that lefty replies will illustrate my point. Subjective, combative, and probably even disgusting replies are what I predict, and they will only illustrate why Democrats are not gaining any ground.
What is baffling to the rest of the world is what Americans, after generations of McCarthyism, can mean by 'lefties'. Average members of the British Conservative Party should about hit it, I'd guess.
What is baffling to the rest of the world is what Americans, after generations of McCarthyism, can mean by 'lefties'. Average members of the British Conservative Party should about hit it, I'd guess. In the same way, most of us find it pretty well impossible to attach a real political label to the trumpers' extraordinary mixture of resentment, ignorance, sheer spite, class-hatred and support of capitalism. Interesting, but not of our human world!
Funny we don't seem to care as much about you cunts as you seem to care about us. It would never even cross my mind to infiltrate a British message board to talk prevention politics. Y'all aren't that interesting or important
Well, for most presidents, the magic number is 100 days. Then there's that rare breed who promises everything on Day 1.
While a president should be taken literally on most everything he says, I get that Day 1 is hyperbole (although Lyin' Ted did promise to undo many Obama executive orders, literally on Day 1). That being said, when you symbolically promise to have large swaths of your agenda implemented on Day 1, it should literally be taking form by Day 100.
What is baffling to the rest of the world is what Americans, after generations of McCarthyism, can mean by 'lefties'. Average members of the British Conservative Party should about hit it, I'd guess. In the same way, most of us find it pretty well impossible to attach a real political label to the trumpers' extraordinary mixture of resentment, ignorance, sheer spite, class-hatred and support of capitalism. Interesting, but not of our human world!
That's because your storm-troopers keep swaggering about our countries. Fuck off back to Yobsville and your fascist masters and no-one will ever bother you again. You can't fix your racist rules on here, Arsehole - we have free speech still out here.
Barely. That's why Britain is a terrorist hotbed. You coddle head chopping Muzzies.That's because your storm-troopers keep swaggering about our countries. Fuck off back to Yobsville and your fascist masters and no-one will ever bother you again. You can't fix your racist rules on here, Arsehole - we have free speech still out here.
Barely. That's why Britain is a terrorist hotbed. You coddle head chopping Muzzies.
Link please.
That's because your storm-troopers keep swaggering about our countries. Fuck off back to Yobsville and your fascist masters and no-one will ever bother you again. You can't fix your racist rules on here, Arsehole - we have free speech still out here.
Looks like the Russia story is fading as I predicted it woukd
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