JPP Progressives

Who is "IHA", Zappacrite? :rofl2:

I asked Anonymous if I Love America had in fact challenged Midcan5 to a debate in Above Plain Politics and then threadbanned him.

In response Anonymous ignored the question and posted links that show that I Love America had threadbanned Midcan5 in Above Plain Politics, which does not answer the question.

I suspect that neither Anonymous or Y O U can prove that I Love America had in fact challenged Midcan5 to a debate in Above Plain Politics and then threadbanned him.

Now, will you admit that you have no evidence that Russell Walker is a "Trumpkin", as you claimed on August 24th?

Or will you run away from your own statement again?

Ah yes, cornered once again, out comes the "clueless rube" persona so many JPP Righties hide behind.
Ah yes, cornered once again, out comes the "clueless rube" persona so many JPP Righties hide behind.


Can Y O U prove that I Love America challenged Midcan5 to a debate in Above Plain Politics and then threadbanned him?

Will you admit that you have no evidence that Russell Walker is a "Trumpkin", as you claimed on August 24th?

Or will you run away from your own statement again - to avoid being cornered, Zappacrite? :rofl2:

Can Y O U prove that I Love America challenged Midcan5 to a debate in Above Plain Politics and then threadbanned him?

As I've already answered several times now...

Anonymous never claimed IHA banned midcan after challenging him.

Neither myself nor anonymous ever made such a claim.

You simply refuse to acknowledge as much because it destroys the narrative you are pushing.
As I've already answered several times now...Neither myself nor anonymous ever made such a claim.

I never said you did, Zappacrite.

It is a fact that when asked if I Love America challenged Midcan5 to a debate in Above Plain Politics and then threadbanned him, Anonymous ignored the part of the question "after challenging him" and posted a laundry list of links.

Therefore, I Love America is not a hypocrite since he never challenged Midcan5 to a debate in Above Plain Politics and then threadbanned him.

Y O U, on the other hand, have yet to respond to his challenges to debate in Above Plain Politics.

Are you a coward, Zappacrite?

Are you "chickenshit", Zappacrite?

Now, where's your proof that Russell Walker is a "Trumpkin", which is what you claimed on August 24th, Zappacrite?
It's a straw-man argument.
GbA is famous for them.

Then explain this, Bucky.

Naturally you're about to show me that I Love America banned Midcan5 in APP after challenging him to a debate, aren't you?

BTW, is that your mom in your profile picture? She must be as ugly as sin if she has to wear that all the time.

So since none of those links prove that I Love America challenged Midcan5 to a debate in Above Plain Politics and then threadbanned him - which is what I asked him to prove, what was the point of posting them?

I won't be surprised if you can't explain.

Sux 2 b Buck. :rofl2:
Then explain this, Bucky.

So since none of those links prove that I Love America challenged Midcan5 to a debate in Above Plain Politics and then threadbanned him -which is what I asked him to prove, what was the point of posting them?

I won't be surprised if you can't explain.

Sux 2 b Buck. :rofl2:

The question you asked was a straw-man to begin with...
You win no points here.
Wow, two threads in two days whining about the same people and a feature he voted for and voted to keep.

Zappas needs some major butt salve.
Tough shit, Zappacrite. I understand the people of this forum voted for the right to threadban.

I guess elections have consequences.


When will you make a thread calling out "progressives' who threadban, Zappacrite?

What will you do if u/Peridot retitles/closes/moves this thread Y O U made in the wrong forum, Zappacrite?

Where is your evidence that Russell Walker is a Trumpkin, as you claimed on August 24th, Zappacrite? Is a threadban preventing you from posting it?
You are a coward, you uppity little piece of shit, plain and simple