JPP Werewolf history

End of Day 1
Billy was the first one to wake up, just before the son reached it’s highest point in the daytime sky.
Billy used to be a pirate; but for some strange reason he developed such a severe case of seasickness, that he couldn’t even step into a rowboat without losing his lunch, that he became a land bound adventurer. His favorite weapon is still the cutlass; but he also is really good with the hook, where his left hand used to be.
Billy sat there bemoaning his fate, as his head pounded itself back to life.

Grind also began to stir and as he sat up, his moaning could be heard throughout the communal dining building. Grind had been a warrior for many years and he preferred to use a large sword and buckler, when fighting; but because of his size, the sword and buckler looked almost child like. Grind held his head and yelled at a fly, that was walking across a table, to stop stomping it’s feet.

Watermark was next to arise and as usual, he started the day by arguing with himself. Water had a multiple split personality and this caused those around him, to never know what name he was going to call himself on any given day; or even during different times of the same day. Watermark is suspected of being a paid assassin, sometime in his past; but this has never been proven. His weapons of choice are a multitude of throwing knives, that he somehow secrets about his person. How he is able to hide so many, is a mystery that no one has ever been able to discover.

Suddenly all three blurted out, “MOTT IS A WEREWOLF”.
Shocked they all looked at each other, with amazed faces, and began talking to each other.
During their discussion; they realized that all three of them had had the same strange dream, of fighting with a werewolf and then suddenly Mott’s face appeared in their dreams.
Grind suddenly started laughing and said that it must have been all the alcohol that had affected their sleep and that no way could Mott be a werewolf.
Still chuckling to himself, he lay back down, rolled over, and began to snore, very loudly.

Watermark looked at Grind sleeping and muttered, “Fuck you then, you must be the creature” and then he went back to arguing with himself.

3D yelled at the three of them and said “Will you all shut the fuck up” and he began looking around, through bloodshot eyes, for a bottle that hadn’t been drained.
While he was looking for a bottle, he noticed that Damo was missing and brought his absence to anyone that was awake and would listen. He also suggested that maybe the reason Damo was missing; was because he had been out hunting, ALL FUCKING NIGHT. With that, he uncovered a corked bottle, opened it, and fell over backwards, while drinking it.
3D was the youngest of the group and it was rumored, with great pleasure, by the group that he still had never experienced the pleasure of giving a woman pleasure. He of course, spent a great deal of time, trying to convince everyone, that they were wrong.
3D preferred to fight with mace and hammer. His two handed attacks had left many, who doubted his ability, to spend their time pondering this, in the next life.

Mott was sitting in the corner, with a look of abject terror on his face. He could not believe what he had just heard and began trying to figure out how he could bring reason back to everyone. Mott was of an ancient race, called the Hopples.
The Hopples had been known as musicians; but their music was so depressing, that the entire race was almost eliminated during a riot; following an event in the Stockwoods.
Mott preferred to use either a quarterstaff, or a spear, when he battled. His prowess was so well known, that it was decided to let him remain the last remaining Hopple; as long as he sired no offspring.
Mott asked everyone to stop panicking and that it was only the alcohol that was blurring their reason.

All the noise woke up Super and before he was even able to sit up, he yelled out that he had a dream that Mott was the creature that had killed their beloved commander and for that, he thanked him.
Super was of dwarven stature and had the fabled strength of one. It was rumored that his parents had kept him in a box, until he was a teenager, and this was why his body was the way it was. Super used size, lack thereof, to his advantage. Once the battle has begun; he will charge in, below everyone’s attention, and swinging his heavy hammer, and proceed to break knees, ankles, and feet. When the victim falls, he then uses the pointed end of his hammer and dispatches them with a strike to their head.

Damo seemed to appear from nowhere and said that he agreed that more information was needed, before such serious accusations were made.
Damo was tall, taller then most humans, and it was rumored that he had studied the dark magic’s. This has never been substantiated; but two pickpockets, that tried to steal his money pouch, died from spontaneous combustion.
Damo’s favored weapon was the bow and arrow. He once won a bet that he could pin a fly in flight, to a wall. Those betting against him did not try to double or nothing.

With all the noise; no one could sleep, except for Grind, and they all began discussing the mornings events, the creature that they had all seen, and the strange dreams that some of them had experienced. During the discussion; many accusations flew, some of them from past slights or imagined insults.
Water said he was just kidding and that he hadn’t meant anything by this. Of course; he then began arguing with himself, again.
The band accused and then defended other members, sometimes with great enthusiasm; while others attempted to have everyone reason through the problem. It seems that some of the members were still suffering from their liquid diet, from that morning.

As the afternoon wore on, the accusations grew more vocal and alliances rose and fell. Some of them brought up the failures and shortcomings of others, while some tried to get them to see that they all had checkered pasts and that those events could condemn anyone of them.

Lady Thorn wandered in and when everyone looked at her, she explained that she had gotten up early and had been working on cleaning out one of the cottages; because she had no plans to continue sleeping in a large open area, with 9 men.
Lady Thorn had been married to a very wealthy trader; but unfortunately, he also had a gambling problem.
One night he lost a bet and his life, in that very order. When those he owed the debt to showed up at Lady Thorn’s house, with the intent of selling her to make up for their loses, they discovered their mistake, albeit a little late.
Lady Thorn was a master wielder of the epee and dispatched both ruffians in short order. Unfortunately, this made her a wanted fugitive by the local constable; seeing as how it was his two sons that met their fate, that night.

Suddenly a pile of rags, in the corner, moved and everyone drew a weapon. As the pile fell apart; they could see that it was Yurt, the last member of their group.
Yurt wasn’t as young as 3D; but was closer to his age, then the rest. The two of them didn’t get along to good and this led to many arguments and insults, between them.
As Yurt stood up, he told 3D that he had heard what he had said about him and he then called 3D a douche.
This of course started yet another argument and once again the accusations flew, back and forth.
Yurt preferred to use a crossbow used this as a reason to pick at Yurt; by claiming that a real man would like to get up close and personal, with his enemy, before killing him.

Yurt and 3D started yet another of their epic disagreements and the rest of the group continued discussing the problem at hand. In the middle of everything, Damo wandered off, where no one could guess.

The day wore on and the arguing continued. Various party members began gathering in corners and casting accusing looks at other members. This continued for hour upon hour, until it became apparent that the day was ending.
Suddenly Billy, Grind, Super, Water, and Yurt, who had been talking in a corner, rushed over and pounced on Mott.
They tied him up and dragged him, from the building, to a large tree that was in the center of the outpost. Every time that Mott tried to say anything, one of the small mob would put their hand over his mouth and stop him from speaking.
Throwing a rope over one of the limbs, put a chair under the noose, and stood Mott on top of it.
They placed the noose around his neck, tightened the knot, and said that their dreams proved he was one of the creatures.
Mott was finally able to speak and he said:
“Tell the villagers "I am a SEER and it was I who you saw in your dreams; but I was looking for anyone that may be aligned with the creatures that have invaded this outpost. Because of the amount of alcohol that was consumed though, I was only able to make sense of one of your thoughts; I was able to see that this person was one of us and not a creature. Since it seems that I’m now being lynched out of malice and resentment, and not for the benefit of the rest of you, not even 30 pieces of gold will convince me to reveal who that person is; but that since 3 persons seem to be the ring leaders to lynch people to settle personal resentments, I will say that 3D, Watermark and SF are the not person I who I thoughts I revealed and they could be wolves."
Then someone kicked the chair out and Mott died with the cracking of his neck. As he died, his spirit could be seen rising above his body and everyone now realized that he had been gifted with the power of a SEER.

Day 1 Night
After realizing what they had done, the rest of the group returned to the communal building and sat apart from each other, almost ashamed to exchange sorrowful glances.
Suddenly Water stood up, began having a heated exchange with one of his other personalities and ran outside. The group followed him and watched as he scaled the wall and disappeared into the night.
Realizing that it would be suicide to follow him, they retired for the evening; hoping that he would return unharmed.
Slowly sleep consumed them all and their eyes closed. Their dreams were racked with nightmares and feelings of guilt.
Wakening, as the sun came up, they slowly filed out into the courtyard.
As each exited the building, that person stopped and starred in abject horror, for Water’s head was laying by Mott’s swinging corpse; but his body was no where to be found.
It would appear that the Werewolves had claimed a villager.
Wrapping Water’s head in a oil cloth, they then lowered Mott to the ground and wrapped him in a blanket.
The dug a grave, next to Taichi’s, and lowered Mott into it. They placed his weapons with him and piled rocks on top of the dirt, to keep animals from him.
They then dug a hole for Water’s head and laid him to rest also.
End of Day 2
After burying Mott’s body and Water’s head, the troop split up and began moving around the inside of the outpost, either alone or in small groups.

Super and Billy began arguing among themselves, about who they thought could be guilty.
Super accused Billy and said the thought that 3D and Yurt were in cahoots with him.

3D was heard to be complaining as to WHY-OH-WHY did he have to be the youngest member of this group, as he started to feel inadequate.

Billy replied to Super that he thought Super was looking might suspicious and that he could be just as guilty.

Grind was leaning against a doorjamb and was overheard to be asking himself “How could I have been so wrong”.

3D overheard Super’s accusation of him and pointed out that he hadn’t been one of those that had been on the bandwagon to LYNCH A SEER.
Super began defending his actions to Billy and Billy said he couldn’t shake the guilt he felt for joining in the hanging of Mott.
Super then pointed out that Billy’s accusation of Water, is probably what caused Water to run into the night and get himself killed.
Grind had wandered into the argument and tried to explain his part in hanging Mott, by saying that Mott was acting suspiciously. He then tried to get everyone to stop focusing on him and to begin finding who might be a werewolf; but he also warned everyone that they needed to careful and not to make any rash decisions.
Grind then accused Super of acting “spazzy”.
Super then joined Grind in trying to explain why he thought Mott was acting strange and that he had already said that the group needed to be careful of overreacting.
Grind the repeated that the group need to be careful and not make to many accusations; while Super gave him the “Are you stoopid” look.

All 4 of them then began saying who they thought were guilty and who wasn’t, which included every member of the entire party.
Yurt wandered into the conversation and said that it sure looked like Grind was acting awful suspicious.
Super pointed out that 3D and Billy’s picks were identical and wondered how that happened; to which Billy said that Super should stop trying to think so hard, because he wasn’t to good at it and the hell is Lady Thorn.
Grind then once again tried to explain his reasoning and used his fingers to count off his points of reasoning (luckily, he still had 5 to count on). He then declared Damo as the only one, beside himself, who he was sure was not a creature.
Billy responded to Super’s accusation of him, by telling him that he’s always accusing him of something and why wasn’t anyone paying attention to Grinds increasing attempts to make himself look innocent.
Grind puffed out his chest and said that he had reviewed the comments from yesterday and that he was correct to the nth degree.

The 5 of them continued this argument for hours, with the accusations and insults flying fast and furious.
Yurt then wandered over and told everyone that she had gone back to the hut she had cleaned up, because she needed to time to recover from yesterday’s events and the loss of two of her companions.
She said she had continued cleaning up, because it helped to keep her busy and it also helped to clear her mind.
She said that she had then went walking and had been standing around the corner of the building, listening to them arguing. She said that she was seriously thinking that 3D was a creature and wondered why Thorn had been protecting him.

Grind then climbed on top of a tree stump, puffed out his chest, and began reciting a litany of reasons why he COULDN’T be a creature. This went on for a very loooooooong time, while the rest of the party continued arguing; but suddenly Billy wondered out loud about Erotic asphyxiation and got a look on his face that the rest of the group found go be very disturbing.

The arguing, accusations, defensive comments, and complaints continued to fly back and forth, until suddenly Billy stood up, produced a rope, and yelled out “STRING UP YURT”.
Grind tackled Billy, took the rope away, and said, “Can’t we all just get along”. He then sat down and clutched his chest. He wasn’t looking so good and he was sweating like a teenager on his first date.

After he recovered, he wanted to know if anyone else thought it was odd that Thorn’s accusations seemed a little suspicious; to which Thorn drew her epee, looked at Grind, and said “WHAT!!”.

Billy intervened and asked Thorn to explain why she suspected him and why she didn’t find Grind’s behavior suspect.
Grind shrugged his shoulder and told Yurt to explain why he wasn’t a creature, which started a whole new round of arguing with everyone involved. Grind kept commenting about why he couldn’t be a creature and Yurt wanted to know why those same reasons couldn’t be shown for everyone else. Grind then acted insulted, said he wasn’t gong to talk to Yurt anymore, and turned his back on him.

Damo suddenly appeared, as if from nowhere, and said that he suspected Yurt, Billy, and 3D.

Every stood there, stock-still and mouths open, for a period of time and then they began arguing again. Grind forgot that he wasn’t talking to Yurt, started to argue with him, and then repeated that he wasn’t talking to him; but he then continued to talk ABOUT him.

3D pointed out that Grind was the first one out the door, that morning, and hadn’t seemed all that surprised about Water’s head being found.
Grind then stretched, yawned, and said it was about time for his daily nap. He also said that he suspected Yurt, Billy, 3D, and Thorn, in that order.
Damo then spoke up and said that he was leaning very strongly towards Yurt being a creature.
Billy said that Grind’s suggestion of a nap sounded really good and he left.
Grind yawned; went off to take his nap, as well, and Damo seemed to have disappeared, when and to where, no one could say.
Yurt, Billy, and 3D continued to argue and make accusations, through out the morning, and they were still arguing; when a few hours later Grind walked up, looking refreshed, and restarted the defense of his reasoning. He also said he thought he had offended Thorn; but he jumped when Thorn’s voice sounded from behind him and said that she hadn’t been offended. No one had seen her walk up behind Grind and everyone jumped when they heard her voice.
She then went on to voice her concerns, of who could be a creature, and explained why.

Suddenly Billy said “Fuck it, hang me”, put the rope that Grind had taken from him earlier, and started walking towards the tree, where they had hung Mott.
Grind yelled “Yeah”, to which Billy slowly shook his head and muttered “Yep, I’m a creature”.
Thorn suddenly wanted Billy lynched also.

Grind spoke out and asked for everyone to stay calm and asked Billy to take the rope from his neck; to which Thorn then apologized for her behavior.
She seemed shaken by her actions and Grind put a large arm around, very carefully, and tried to comfort her, by telling everyone that tensions were high; but that all of them needed to calm down and not let just their feelings guide their actions.
Billy stood there, with the rope still around his neck, and said, “That’s right, listen to Grind; because he’ll save you all”.
Grind told Billy that they could all ways hang him later and Billy sarcastically said “Yeah; but you still won’t be sure who else might be also be a creature like me”

Everyone began arguing again, with Billy jumping up and down screaming “HANG ME – HANG ME”.
Coalitions were made and then broken, fingers were pointed and then withdrawn; harsh words were said and then apologized for.

Grind and Super got into a very heated exchange and Grind told Super to shut the fuck up, Super responded by telling Grind to get fucked, and then both drew weapons and started to square off.
All the while; Billy continued jumping up and down, saying “HANG ME – HANG ME, WILL SOMEONE PLEASE FUCKING HANG ME”.

Damo commented that Grind’s continual proclamations were making him look really suspicious, which caused Grind to go off on yet another soap box (tree stump) moment; while Billy starting wildly waving his arms, while holding the end of the rope, and going “YOO HOO, WOLF OVER HERE”, in the hopes of getting someone’s attention.

Billy finally got everyone’s attention, by loudly accusing Grind of being a wolf.
Grind laughed and said with a sneer, “C’mon, does it look like Billy and I are in cahoots with each other”.
Damo and Super both replied with a “hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm” and Billy fell to the ground and began laughing.

Super and Grind got into another very heated discussion and since they weren’t listening to anyone else; the rest of the group, including Billy, wandered off to get something to eat.
When they returned, feeling fuller and not as thirsty, Super and Grind were still going back and forth. Damo stood watching for a while and then voiced his opinion that Grind seemed to very possibly a Wolf.
To which Super said they should hang Billy and nothing was going to change his mind; but that Grind’s arguments were beginning to appear very suspicious. With that; he left to go do his daily training, which he was behind on and Damo and Grind began arguing about Damo thinking that Grind could be a creature also. When Super returned, they were both still at odds.

Yurt, who had been sitting nearby, listening to all of this, spoke up and voiced what he had been pondering. He countered many of the accusations against him and said he was thinking they should hang Billy; but he wanted to consider it the other possibilities, just a little longer.

Billy was still prancing about, swinging the end of the rope that was still around his neck, singing in a very singsong voice “DANG ME, DANG ME, THEY OUGHT TO TAKE THIS ROPE AND HANG ME – HIGH FROM THE HIGHEST TREE – WILL ANYONE WEEP FOR ME”. Then he stopped, looked at them, and began licking his lips and pantomiming that he was eating a meal.

Grind stopped arguing with Damo, once again climbed onto the tree stump, puffed out his chest, and once again began his oratory of why he was not a creature. Everyone else slowly rolled their eyes, hung their heads in misery, and covered their ears.

Yurt looked over at Billy, acted like he was holding something over his own head, tilted his head to the side, pointed at Billy, and slowly began to move his body back and forth, like he was swinging from a rope.

When Grind climbed down from the tree stump, Damo began showing him, how his conclusions were in error, and to everyone’s surprise, Grind began to give ground on his reasoning; but then he began explaining why accusing him of being a wolf is wrong and as the day drew closer to coming to an end, increased his efforts to show how the accusations were incorrect.
Yurt then began pointing out how Grind’s reasoning was faulty, to which Grind replied “OH-YEAH” and flipped Yurt off.

Yurt suggested that they take up Billy’s offer and hang him; but then he started arguing with Grind; but Yurt said he was to tired to continue and went off to sleep, in an empty cabin and as twilight drew closer, Super also expressed concern that Grind might be one of the creatures.
Grind replied that such talk put the rest of the adventurers at risk of being overrun by the werewolves and that Super just couldn’t see the “Big Picture”. He then offered to clear up any questions that Super may have, that were causing him any confusion.
Grind then said that the Great and All Powerful Damo had even agreed with some of his reasoning and then commented, “Where the fuck is Damo, anyway”.
Super implied that Grind’s argument resembled those of the failed debater Herman of the PeeWee and was just being prissy; because he didn’t get his way.
Thorn came out of her cabin and said that the arguments had been so loud, that she had heard everything, and that while she was in agreement with the majority, she also failed to see Grinds reasoning.
Damo suddenly from nowhere, again (how does he do that), tried to explain his understanding of some of the comments that others had made, and said that he still didn’t agree with all of Grind’s logic.
Grind made a comment that some people seemed to have an ego that was getting in the way and Super held up a mirror for Grind to look into.

Suddenly they all noticed the creeping shadows, as the sun began to set. The looked over where Billy had was sleeping, on the ground, and 5 of them rushed Billy, dragged him to the tree, threw the rope over the limb, and before he was even fully awake, the hoisted him off the ground.
Unfortunately; since they strung him up, instead of dropping him, he began to kick his feet and claw at the rope. As the evening shadows covered him and his life drained from his body, it began to change. This limbs elongated, claws grew, his face pushed outward, and hair began to form on his body. Just as his claws would have cut the noose, a crossbow bolt hit him in the heart and his body truly died and began to revert back to his human form.
Billy had been a werewolf.
The group looked over their shoulders and there stood Yurt, holding an empty crossbow.
As the shadows began to grow even longer, the party separated, all seemed to make the same decision to sleep alone, and they wandered off to separate cabins.
If someone had been looking at the faces of everyone, they would have seen what appeared to be wolfish grins on the faces of some of them.
As the doors shut, the sound of shuttered windows and barricaded doors filled the evening.
Day 2 of the group’s time in the village was ended and the long lonely night had begun.
What terror it would bring, was in everyone’s heart.

Day 2 Night
As the group stirred restlessly, in their individual cabins, some of them tried to sleep; but it would not come.
As the night dragged on and became darker, the uneasiness was almost to much to bear.
Suddenly, screams and growls could be heard; but since the group had separated, none of them dared to leave the safety of their cabins.
The screams then came to an abrupt end; but the growls could be heard for what seemed like hours.
Sleeping fitfully and only for what seemed like minutes at a time, the group spent the night alone and scared. None of them even dared to light a lamp, or start a fire, for fear that it would draw the attention of the beasts.
As daylight began to filter through the smallest gaps in the doors and shutters, the party began to cautiously leave their cabins and gather in the village common.
Once they were all assembled, they noticed that Super was missing and they then noticed that the door to one of the cabins had been torn asunder.
Approaching the cabin with weapons drawn, afraid of what they would find, they stopped short of actually entering the door; but peering inside, they could seen that the interior appeared to have just been freshly painted.
Unfortunately they realized that the walls had been painted, but in blood, and nothing of Super remained to be found.

End of Day 3
It was easier to burn the hut that Super had been killed in, then it would be to attempt to clean it; so they doused the exterior with coal oil and threw a torch on it.
They all stood by, no on wanting to leave, until the walls and roof collapsed and the embers started to cool.
As they returned to the communal building, they suddenly noticed that the corpse of the werewolf Billy was gone.
Drawing their weapons, even though it was daytime, they slowly entered the building; but not without looking over their shoulders and peering into every shadow.
As they gloomily sat eating some dried food and drinking some of the mead that was left, they all silently contemplated their lives and the events of the last few days.

3D sat and slowly complained to himself that why-oh-why did it appear that his young life would end in this god-forsaken land.
Grind in his grief stood up and wailed that if anyone thought he was one of the creatures, then they were stoopid. He then began to berate Damo for disagreeing with him, yesterday, and said that if he would just pay more a-t-t-e-n-t-I-on, then what he was saying would make more s-e-n-s-e.
3D chimed in and said he agreed with Grind; which caused Grind to puff out his chest, even further, and to tilt his head back, in an aristocratic manner.
Grind then said, “Someone should fetch me a drink; because I am so magnificent”.
Damo ignored him and said to the other 4 survivors, “I know I’m not a creature and you know it also; but now we have to decide who is who” Someone has to die”.
It seemed that no one wanted to discuss this; because they all wandered off, by themselves.
This went on all day with none of them seeming to want to look at each other, let alone talk to one another.

As morning moved into the afternoon and then started drawing closer to nightfall; Damo and Grind could be seen talking to each other, in hushed tones, while Grind was carrying a new rope and casting glances at 3D.
They both drew near to Lady Thorn and after a short conversation, all three of them made a beeline towards 3D.

He saw them, at the last moment; but it was to late.
They set upon him, tied his hands behind his back, placed a gag in his mouth, and dragged him to the tree.
Someone fetched a chair, which they stood 3D on; then the rope was thrown over a stout branch and tied to the around the trunk.
The chair was then kicked out from under 3D and with a sickening crack, his head lolled to the side.
As his body was inspected, it was noticed that he had hair on the palms of both hands.
3D was a werewolf.

Day 3 Night
As the sun was setting, Yurt went to close the outpost’s gates; but the shadows began to grow and thicken to quickly and all 4 remaining adventurers retired to the cabins that they had claimed as their own.

Grind was the first to enter and as he closed his door, he looked back at his fellow survivors and said good luck to you all.
Yurt was next and he drew his weapon, before opening the door. A torch could be seen being lit and then his door closed.
Damo walked up to the building he had claimed and with an unseen motion of his hand, the door opened and a light came on. He entered and closed the door.
Thorn’s cabin was only slightly farther away, then the rest, and as she approached the door, she heard a noise. It seemed to be nothing more then what one would hear on the wind; but she still turned and looked back. She could see the lights flickering from the other three buildings and everything else seemed normal.
“Well as normal as could be expected”, she chuckled to herself.
Turning back towards her door, she pushed it open, and the last thing she saw was, in the buildings darkness was:

As Thorn was pulled into the cabin, she was unable to shout out a warning; because the creature’s teeth were holding her throat.
As her body was twisting, she kicked the door closed and anyone thinking they might have heard a noise and looked outside, would have seen nothing out of the ordinary, just the flicker of dim light in all 4 cabins.

Thorn was a villager.

End of Day 4
Damo and Yurt awoke early and discovered that Thorn had been killed, in the middle of the night. Yurt was nowhere to be found and his cabin was empty.

A short time later he wandered through the gate and was immediately pounced upon by the two remaining partners of the hearty band that had arrived here a short 4 days ago.
They trussed him up and prepared to end his reign of terror. As they prepared the instruments of his demise, he began to argue loudly; about how unfair this was and what would all the ladies do, without his Greek like stature and wholesome smile.
He began to recite a litany of women who would mourn his passing and would more then likely join a nunnery; because of the grief and loss they would feel.
Grind and Damo both told him to shut the fuck up and then they dragged him to the spot where they had been working.
Here he could see two young saplings that had been bent down and secured to the ground. Where the tops met the earth, two more ropes had been attached.
The put him between the bent boughs and tied the ropes to his arms and legs, His left side to one tree and his right to the other. As he slowly began to realize what was in store for him, he began to implore them to release him and said they were making a mistake.
After making sure he was secured, as tightly as could be humanly done, they stepped back to where a small release trigger had been fashioned.
Looking at him with a mixture of sadness and hatred, they both pulled on the trigger at the same time and as the trees were released.
As the tops of the trees were released, from their earthly bindings, they sprang back into the air, as if rejoicing to be free.
Unfortunately; this caused a severe strain on Yurts muscles, tendons, cartilage, and bones, tearing him in half.
As the trees swayed back and forth, at the apex of their arcs, Yurts remains dangled from the tops and there they remained, as a kind of grisly decoration.
Yurt was the third wolf.

With this deed done, Damo and Grind packed their gear and moved with the utmost urgency, as they wanted to put as much distance between themselves and the outpost as quickly as they could.
They still needed to figure out what they were going to tell Taichi’s Uncle; but they doubted that there would be to much of an inquiry, once the reported what they had discovered.

As they were leaving; they looked back over their shoulders and they could swear that at the edge of a ridge, as the moon rose early, that they both could saw:
(There was a picture of a wolf silhouetted against the moon; but it's gone)
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where is the round where I was last wolf with 7 to go and I got 3 mislynches in a row to win the game? :)
11-29-10 to 12-06-10 / Official WEREWOLF Round V!!!! ZOMG! (Results are in)

Mod - Billy
NigelTufnel - Lynched Day 1 - Villager
Damocles - Killed Day 1 - Villager

yurt - Lynched Day 2 - Wolf
USFREEDOM911 - Killed Day 2 - Seer
watermark - Lynched Day 3 - Wolf
Superfreak - Killed Day 3 - Villager
Mott the Hoople - Lynched Day 4 - Villager
bravo - Killed Day 4 - Villager
Rana - Lynched Day 5 - Villager
captbillythekid - Killed Day 5 - Villager
Threedee - Lynched Day 6 - Villager

Grind - Wolf

apple0154 - Villager
christiefan915 - Villager

11-29-10 / Official Werewolf Round V relaxation chamber/lounge/breakfast nook
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01-09-11 to 01-14-11 / New Dawn (wolves win)(Game VI)

Mod - Grind
Superfreak - Lynched Day 1 - Villager
Threedee - Killed Day 1 - Villager
Mott - Lynched Day 2 - Villager
Damocles - Killed Day 2 - Villager

Captainbilly - Lynched Day 3 - Angel
Watermark - Killed Day 3 - Villager
Beefy - Lynched Day 4 - Wolf
Yurt - Killed Day 4 - Seer
Nigel - Lynched Day 5 - Wolf
Usfreedom - Killed Day 6 - Villager
cawacko - Lynched Day 7 - Villager

Ladyt - Wolf

Rana - Villager
christie - Villager

01-09-11 / Werewolf VI Afterhours thread
Last edited:
Game 2:
02-02-10 to 02-10-10 / Round II: Werewolf Game (Mott lies and says he's the Seer :palm: )

Mod - 3D
usaloyal2theend - Lynched Day 1 - Villager
grind - Killed Day 1 - Villager
captnbilly - Lynched Day 2 - Villager
usfreedom - Killed Day 2 - Villager
mott - Lynched Day 3 - Villager
solitary/winterborn - Killed Day 3 - Villager

Modkilled for inactivity

yurt - Lynched Day 4 - Wolf
superfreak - Killed Day 4 - Villager
southern man - Lynched Day 5 - Wolf
damocles - Killed Day 5 - Villager
christie - Lynched Day 6 - Wolf
nigeltufnel - Killed Day 6 - Seer
thorn - Lynched Day 7 - Wolf

watermark - Villager
tompender - Villager
dixie - Villager
good luck - Villager
apple - Villager

02-03-10 / The werewolf debriefing lounge where we drink hot cocoa after a hard days lynching

Hah! Watermark actually made it to the end of one game! Congrats!
This was the first game I had moderated, so I tried to add some color commentary to it.
My story below and it's kind of long and I had to post in several threads; but if you read it, let me know what you think.

Opening Story
No word had been heard from the farthest outpost that was by the edge of the unmapped forest, for many months and the rulers of the Kingdom feared the worst. They gathered together a new band to investigate what may have happened and secure the outpost.
This stalwart band of 10 adventurers were warriors each and everyone, even the Lady Thorn.
Unfortunately the foppish son of one of the elite class was sent along with the 10, as a commander.
He was known as Taichi the Librarian and his lack of leadership became quite evident, as his condescending attitude and his constant stream of insults were becoming tiresome to the adventurers. The only thing that stopped him becoming a causality of war was that there was no war.

As they drew closer to the where the outpost was to be situated, the adventurers decided to press on through the night and thereby arrive at their destination, that much sooner. Plus it would mean one less night of sleeping on the ground and having to listen to their “leader” attempt to impress them with yet another of his stories, about himself.
Taichi objected, at first; but once it became apparent that they were going to continue on, with or without him, he realized that it was either continue with the party, or spend the night alone in the wilderness.

As they approached the outpost and the upright walls could be seen in the coming dawn and they could just make out the gates that were open and leaning to the side. Their commander puffed out his chest, ordered them to wait, and said that he would investigate the compound for any survivors. The adventurers looked at each other in amusement, drew their swords, and formed a defensive position.

Taichi marched through the broken gates and as he disappeared from view, they could hear him calling out for any one that was still there, to present themselves to him and to show homage. While stifling their laughter, they suddenly heard a girlish scream, something growled, and then they heard what sounded like a large chunk of wood being pulled from a very muddy swamp. The girlish screams stopped and suddenly they could see the body of their commander come sailing over the top of the walls of the outpost.
Looking at each other, in amazement, they then saw a large creature bolt through the gates and run towards the forest. The creature was about 7 foot tall, had long arms and legs, was covered in fur, had a large snout like head, and while running, it sometimes went on two legs and sometimes on four.

Exchanging curious glances with each other, they finally laid the body of Taichi on a shield and carried him inside the walls. They could see 5 huts, and one long building.
Putting the shield and the commander’s body on the ground; they investigated the buildings, one at a time.
The huts were empty and the long building was obviously a community kitchen and eating area. They all appeared to have been abandoned for some time; but they still had some supplies and other items left in them.
The also discovered some carpentry tools and repaired the gates, so they could be closed and secured.
Once the essentials were taken care of, they buried the commander’s body, and decided to celebrate, with some wine and mead that they found.

As the day continued to grow brighter, one of the party discovered that one of the tables had words carved into it and after brushing the dust away, they could see that it said BEWARE THE LYCANTHROPE. The table also appeared to have a large quantity of dried blood on it.

To Grind:

I actually posted that thing to your wall about that funny time USF wrote a damn Werewolf novel when he modded before I read this. Funny coincidence.
05-17-10 to 05-21-10 / Official Werewolf Thread: Round IV

Mod - Damo
SF - Lynched Day 1 - Villager
Gind - Killed Day 1 - Villager
CaptBilly - Lynched Day 2 - Villager

USF - Killed Day 2 - Seer

3D - Lynched Day 3 - Wolf
Mott - Killed Day 3 - Villager
Thorn - Lynched Day 4 - Villager

Watermark - Wolf

Thorn - Villager

05-17-10 / Official Werewolf Lounge for Chillaxin' after a hard day's hunt...

Hah, Watermark! You actually made it to the end for once! Congrats!

I remember this game, throwing 3D under the bus was a good gambit that paid off. Betraying Thorn was depressing.
11-29-10 to 12-06-10 / Official WEREWOLF Round V!!!! ZOMG! (Results are in)

Mod - Billy
NigelTufnel - Lynched Day 1 - Villager
Damocles - Killed Day 1 - Villager

yurt - Lynched Day 2 - Wolf
USFREEDOM911 - Killed Day 2 - Seer
watermark - Lynched Day 3 - Wolf
Superfreak - Killed Day 3 - Villager
Mott the Hoople - Lynched Day 4 - Villager
bravo - Killed Day 4 - Villager
Rana - Lynched Day 5 - Villager
captbillythekid - Killed Day 5 - Villager
Threedee - Lynched Day 6 - Villager

Grind - Wolf

apple0154 - Villager
christiefan915 - Villager

11-29-10 / Official Werewolf Round V relaxation chamber/lounge/breakfast nook

Hah, Grind pulls us through.
i will play werewolf pretty much whenever we get enough people. but I think we usually need 11+. truthfully we need to sweettalk rana and darla back into playing. superfreak needs to turn on his charm for darla