Judgement: Zimmerman is guilty!!!!

The defense witness, Root, said if you have not won the fight in 30-40 seconds change tactics. Well, what I think happened is Trayvon won the fight and decided he had enough, was getting up to leave and Zimmerman pulled his gun and fired.

The defense has provided no reason for why Martin would want to kill Zimmerman. Why he would want to fight is clear but not kill. The race baiters have implied Martin was a thug but there is no proof of it.
Who said anything about Martin being struck? GZ grappled his way to the top. There is proof. We have 3 witnesses(that I know of) maybe more that say GZ was on top. Only John Good stated he seen TM on top, throwing MMA style punches and then acknowledges he never actually seen punches thrown. There goes his credibility.

You did. You said GZ was on top throwing mma style punches.

I am not sure you are right about testimony of who was on top.
The defense witness, Root, said if you have not won the fight in 30-40 seconds change tactics. Well, what I think happened is Trayvon won the fight and decided he had enough, was getting up to leave and Zimmerman pulled his gun and fired.

The defense has provided no reason for why Martin would want to kill Zimmerman. Why he would want to fight is clear but not kill. The race baiters have implied Martin was a thug but there is no proof of it.

It's possible though I think my scenario is more likely. I've probably seen more of the evidence then you have. There was no stop in the fighting until the gun went off.

I've said the same thing. If your kicking the crap out of your opponent, why would you feel the need to kill him or say you were going to kill him. Doesn't make sense....

Lets look at the facts. I can supply links to any of them.

1) GZ has a history of racial profiling. 2) There were neighborhood complaints of GZ's aggressive tactics. 3) GZ has a history of aggression 4) GZ racially profiled TM that night calling him a criminal and asshole for no reason other then being black. 5) GZ stalked TM. 6) TM tried to avoid confrontation and sprinted away. 7) GZ was NOT looking for a street name, to a neighborhood he lives in(who would believe that?). He was pursuing TM. According to TM's girlfriend's testimony. GZ found TM.

Now who threw the first punch? GZ who had a hard on to not let TM "get away?" Or TM holding his cell phone? I say it was GZ that most likely tried to restrain TM(so he doesn't get away). Regardless of who started it? TM had a right to defend himself against an aggressive stalker.Bottom line? GZ did not sustain enough damage to use lethal force.
One other thing that bugs me....Zimmerman's testimony in which he stated that TM was circling his vehicle.... if true...then right then and there was a situation that Zimmerman had the chance to drive away from....but he got out of the car instead....one more bit of evidence that seems as though Zimmerman was welcoming a confrontation...
I would use the white knight theory. He was helping the single mother with a child protecting his neighborhood, the wanna be cop, the punks that always get away but not this time guy, George was going to be the hero,this one wasn't getting away. Go ahead make my day, that was the only movie line missing.

Side note, I like to watch the relatives during the trial, I think George's dad looks mean, I wonder if he practiced spare the rod spoil the child?
Fuck that. It should be Murder One. (pre-meditated)

Naaaah...that's impossible to be even begin to prove. He'd have to have a life insurance policy on the kid or something.

I think it will be voluntary manslaughter. Just for the fact that Zimmerman could have simply drove away. Zimmerman helped to create the situation and the confrontation.
Naaaah...that's impossible to be even begin to prove. He'd have to have a life insurance policy on the kid or something.

I think it will be voluntary manslaughter. Just for the fact that Zimmerman could have simply drove away. Zimmerman helped to create the situation and the confrontation.

I didn't say it could be proven. I just said what it should be.
I think he waved the gun around to scare the kid.

he had his equalizer.

Trayvon looked down the barrel of a gun and being a teenager with teenaged brain thought he could disharm the guy by punching him in the face.

a fight took place and the creepy assed cracker shot the kid because Trayvon was winning the fight.

if the gun were where the creepy assed cracker had said it was he could not have pulled it to shoot the boy
I am honoring Trayvon.

Your creepy assed cracker party has created this new reality for yourselves
LMAO... sure you are Desh. You just think you are being clever. When in reality, you are still the same idiot you have always been.

Why are you on Desh's ass the minute you sign on?

I saw you sent your boy Beefy out here to beg and plead with me to show you mercy. You know what I told him? No! Nice try though.