Judgement: Zimmerman is guilty!!!!

I personally feel that killing TM was a disproporant response to whatever happened that night, and that it was not necessary to kill TM for GZ to defend himself that night.

Legally however, Florida law is deficient and cannot provide proper justice in this case and thus GZ should, as a matter of law, be found Not Guilty. Remember that Not Guilty as a matter of law is NOT innocent.

I did not see this part of the trial, but did GZ show remorse at the scene? Did he make any efforts to help TM? Did he call an ambulance after killing him? Was he distraught?
I personally feel that killing TM was a disproporant response to whatever happened that night, and that it was not necessary to kill TM for GZ to defend himself that night.

Legally however, Florida law is deficient and cannot provide proper justice in this case and thus GZ should, as a matter of law, be found Not Guilty. Remember that Not Guilty as a matter of law is NOT innocent.

I did not see this part of the trial, but did GZ show remorse at the scene? Did he make any efforts to help TM? Did he call an ambulance after killing him? Was he distraught?

The Hannity interview he said he would do nothing different, I didn't see any remorse. He didn't try to give Trayvon frost aid, the police who arrived on the scene did.
Why are you on Desh's ass the minute you sign on?

I saw you sent your boy Beefy out here to beg and plead with me to show you mercy. You know what I told him? No! Nice try though.

Because she has stated 1000 stupid things since I got here...

Beefy was here? when?
the same idiot who was right so many times when you were wrong?

LMAO... no... the same idiot that continues to claim such nonsense when she continually gets debunked every time she tries to elaborate.

The same idiot who lies her ass off while pretending others are.
that he was a racist?

Yes, it was a racist remark, but creepy assed is the part he got right and Zimmerman was a cracker because he was racially profiling Trayvon and being judge and jury and took his life. Zimmerman was the racist that killed.
I think he waved the gun around to scare the kid.

he had his equalizer.

Trayvon looked down the barrel of a gun and being a teenager with teenaged brain thought he could disharm the guy by punching him in the face.

a fight took place and the creepy assed cracker shot the kid because Trayvon was winning the fight.

if the gun were where the creepy assed cracker had said it was he could not have pulled it to shoot the boy

You truly are a psychopath and the only reason you're allowed to be in public, is that they've cut the funding that kept those like you locked up.
One other thing that bugs me....Zimmerman's testimony in which he stated that TM was circling his vehicle.... if true...then right then and there was a situation that Zimmerman had the chance to drive away from....but he got out of the car instead....one more bit of evidence that seems as though Zimmerman was welcoming a confrontation...

I don't think GZ testified at all.
What do you think about my version of that night? Is it possible?

Doesn't matter if it is possible . . . To convict the burden is beyond a reasonable doubt.

You have erected a castle in the sky for which no evidence exists and totally relies on the stretching and filling in the blanks of witness testimony with speculation.

It isn't enough that you don't believe Zimmerman's account of the incident and his claim of a gun grab attempt accompanied with a death threat are what made him fear for his life . . . All Zimmerman needs to do is offer his account and purport that it might be true. If the jury then has reasonable doubt that his account is true they must acquit.

To gain a conviction, the state must make its burden which would prove, QED, that Zimmerman's fear was NOT reasonable and his actions using deadly force were unjustifiable.

You are focused on things that have no bearing upon the trial and the legal determination of guilt or innocence.