Just for fun, who is the most famous (infamous) person you ever met


New member
OR top five if you're not feeling in the mood to constrain yourself

George Bush (the elder)
Desmond Tutu (Anti Apartheid Activist and Anglican priest)
Liz Taylor (actress)
Harry Byrd (former long term senator from VA)
The most famous person I ever met was Neil Armstrong.

The most infamous person I have met is Hilary Clinton.

I met Mr. Armstrong at Lebanon Racetrack, Lebanon, OH where he was sitting in the stands with virtually no one noticing who they were sitting next too. I introduced myself by way of noticing that it was a cold spring night. So I went to the concession stands and bought two cups of coffee and went back and gave them to Mr. Armstrong and the lady he was with. I spoke with him briefly and then let him be.

I met Mrs. Clinton at a small book store in a small town in Arkansas. This was around 1990 or 91. The topic was Southern Literature. Mrs. Clinton gave a short lecture on literature and her fondness for it. Then everyone grabbed a beer from the keg in the back office the book store and just mingled and talked about books. I spoke briefly with her about the novel “The Sound and The Fury”. She struck me as a bit incongruous at that time cause she looked like a grad school TA until she started speaking an sounded like a college professor.

We did a little round table thing where we introduced ourselves and stated the name of our favorite Southern Author when I said “Winston Groome” and a number of people said “Oh, I love him.” and Mrs. Clinton was one of them. This was like 3 or 4 years before the movie Forest Gump came out.
LBJ ad RFK during their campaigns in 62 and 67

MLK in a midtown luncheonette in 66'

Johnny Carson, Merv Griffin Dick Clark. Nipsey Russel Betsy Palmer, all in midtown restaurants/bars in the mid 60's

Gov Madeline Kunin of Vermont , she visited the company I worked for and we all went out to lunch -1986

Gov Carol Campbell of SC -1993 work related
LBJ ad RFK during their campaigns in 62 and 67

MLK in a midtown luncheonette in 66'

Johnny Carson, Merv Griffin Dick Clark. Nipsey Russel Betsy Palmer, all in midtown restaurants/bars in the mid 60's

Gov Madeline Kunin of Vermont , she visited the company I worked for and we all went out to lunch -1986

Gov Carol Campbell of SC -1993 work related

Wow. So much history.
OR top five if you're not feeling in the mood to constrain yourself

George Bush (the elder)
Desmond Tutu (Anti Apartheid Activist and Anglican priest)
Liz Taylor (actress)
Harry Byrd (former long term senator from VA)
The Great McNut. A local kids tv show host . I was on his show for my 7th birthday.
I don't have a social circle that would be in a position to introduce me to anyone famous, and the few times I have seen someone famous in public I never approached them, I figured they would want their privacy and personal space respected.
John McCain (senator)
Sonny Barger (head of the Hell's Angels. He lives in Cave Creek AZ now)
Michael Nesmith (member of the Monkeys he was into pro rally at a time when I did it too)
Admiral Rickover (came aboard the Enterprise for a tour when I was on that ship)
I met cindy crawford before she became famous
I met robert urich on set when i tried my hand at acting
I met shirley maclaine at her new mexico home during a spiritual retreat
John McCain (senator)
Sonny Barger (head of the Hell's Angels. He lives in Cave Creek AZ now)
Michael Nesmith (member of the Monkeys he was into pro rally at a time when I did it too)
Admiral Rickover (came aboard the Enterprise for a tour when I was on that ship)
musician friend of mine in the music biz knew Nesmith.