Just for fun, who is the most famous (infamous) person you ever met

Infamous? Ralph " bottles" Capone. Older brother of Al , and oversaw the operation for a time when Al was away in Prison. Friend of my Dads. One of the few made guys that was basically allowed to " retire" from the business when he got older because of who he was. I was pretty young when I met him,....about 8. Seems like I remember him giving me a 5 dollar bill. Big money for a kid in 1972! :laugh: Nice guy. Was told later in life he was nothing like his brother. More of a good time party time kinda guy.
Good famous guy? Not going to say his name but he is a current NFL GM. Was also voted GM of the year when he was with his old team the year they went to the Super Bowl. BIGTIME nice guy. Met Him several times.
Does bedding the weather girl at the little local NBC affiliate count? Naw, I imagine not. :laugh:
Oh wait. I met Chum Lee, Rick, and Big Hoss from Pawn stars once. Chum Lee was actually pretty much just like his persona on tv. Just a big ole dufus but a nice guy. Like a big kid. Rick seemed like a jack Ass.
Wait.....back in about 96 me and the rest of the guys on my softball team were extras in THE STUPIDEST MOVIE EVER MADE . Soooo dumb. So bad Im pretty sure it was only released on VHS. :laugh: The bad DOJO guy from the karate kid was in it along with some woman from one of the better soap operas and an actor from the show " Dallas" named Steve Kanaly. He was actually a pretty nice guy. Thats where I learned how long it can take to film a movie. We were there for hours and hours and hours to film our one and only little 5 minute part in the movie. We were the opposing team that the "good guys" were playing in one of their games. The movie was originally released as " The Marksmen",...but then re released as SLIDING HOME. Lemme tell ya,....if anybody ever paid the 3 bucks to rent that thing...THEY GOT HOSED!
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I've met a lot of Dallas Cowboys- Troy Aikman, Moose, Harvey Martin, just to name a few. I DJ'ed their weddings!

I've met lots of Rock Stars, too many to mention. That was mostly during my Audio/Video/Music career! But some I just met in bars and clubs, back stage album signing parties, and etc.

I met Ann Margret, Tom Ewell, Jose Ferrer, and the entire cast of the movie State Fair. My family were extras in the film.

My family was also extras in other TV episodes like Dallas, Route 66, the Fugitive so I had the opportunities to meet stars on those sets.

Edie Brickell is my step-niece- and her father was Eddie Brickell world famous Bowler! Yes, I have met Paul Simon, Edie's husband, and know him well! I taught Edie to play the guitar!

I once met Hopalong Cassidy (William Boyd) in the check-out line at Safeway in Palm Springs on vacation when I was a kid. Nice man!

I met some other actors like Debbie Reynolds, Bob Hope, Sonny Bono, over the years that my uncle was friends and neighbors with who lived in Cathedral City or Palm Springs!

I also met Rudi Jiuliani- thought he was a Prick! :laugh:I worked his microphones and prompter at a money-raising event at a Dallas Hotel when he was running for president. We got into it after the event because he tried to sneak out without paying for his bill!

You meet a lot of famous people in the Audio/Video/Music business!
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I'm too introverted to meet people much. My Mom however met many Red Wings hockey players while running concessions at their training camp. She also ran into Tim Allen at Church quite a while back.
LBJ ad RFK during their campaigns in 62 and 67

MLK in a midtown luncheonette in 66'

Johnny Carson, Merv Griffin Dick Clark. Nipsey Russel Betsy Palmer, all in midtown restaurants/bars in the mid 60's

Gov Madeline Kunin of Vermont , she visited the company I worked for and we all went out to lunch -1986

Gov Carol Campbell of SC -1993 work related
Good God, you must be old as fuck.
I'm too introverted to meet people much. My Mom however met many Red Wings hockey players while running concessions at their training camp. She also ran into Tim Allen at Church quite a while back.

My missus was a huge hockey fan and won a promotion at the local AAA hockey franchise. It was a Flyers farm team and around the same time as they were doig well With Bobby Clark and the Broad Street Bullies. She got to know a bunch of them, even babysat for a number of them.